Southern Strategy


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
My man Dom on Twitter, posted a great thread about this topic. As I have said before, the Southern Strategy was a real as Russian Collusion, pushed by all the same people.....

My man Dom on Twitter, posted a great thread about this topic. As I have said before, the Southern Strategy was a real as Russian Collusion, pushed by all the same people.....

After the slavocracy was destroyed, we should have cut those states loose. Why can`t a week go by, without someone telling us what the Democratic party was like 10 decades ago?
After the slavocracy was destroyed, we should have cut those states loose. Why can`t a week go by, without someone telling us what the Democratic party was like 10 decades ago?
It still is like that....where have you been? They still divide on race, scapegoat a race as the evils for all societal ills and they still support segregation......And that thread shows you the party switch was utter never happened. The old guard died off, but their kids are guilty and now use the exact same playbook just on themselves and their friends, it's pretty sick.0
Southerners are just like anyone else.
They will not elect people hate them.
It's very clear that Left Wingers loath Southerners.
Hollywood Supremist Liberals always portray Southerns as inferior people and as racist monsters.
Of course southern racists continued to support the racist politicians in the south who voted against the Civil Right legislation that was shoved down their throats by Northern Republicans and Northern Democrats. It took a full generation before the GOP learned how to talk to the Southerners about "traditions" and "keeping the status quo" during campaigns and then they made significant inroads .
Of course southern racists continued to support the racist politicians in the south who voted against the Civil Right legislation that was shoved down their throats by Northern Republicans and Northern Democrats. It took a full generation before the GOP learned how to talk to the Southerners about "traditions" and "keeping the status quo" during campaigns and then they made significant inroads .
Ok so even if true, that means the switch was false, it didn't happen then. And it never did. I am one of the Republicans that moved south in the 90s, 20 years after the switch, it was another 15 years before TN had a majority GOP in the legislature........

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