*Sorry You Can't Polish A Turd: Obama*

This Narcissus, our president, thinks that the Ayatollahs will soon peer into the pool, and see his reflection, as he has, and fall in love with it....as he has.

And thus enamored, they will give up their quest for a nuclear weapon which they have pursued with single-minded tenacity and fanatical dedication for 2 decades.

This clown, this Liar, this farce of a president is not ever gong to do a thing about Lunatic Iran developing a nuclear weapon...and everybody knows it...and I think the folks in Tel Aviv best build some bomb shelters....and the folks in New York and Washington best be figuring out how they are going to clean up after some Lunatic Muslim gets off an Iran made dirty bomb in their city.
Sorry bout that,

1. I hate to disappoint you liberals, but Obama turded out on you, he will go down in history as the worst American President of all time, Jimmy Carter will be happy.
2. Its a crime that the libnut media is covering for him, but when the time runs out on Obama, the libnut media will have to explain things, when all the damages are in full view, and there is no way hiding it.
3. Obama is a fake, he isn't what you people think he is.
4. Obama will knife all America in the back, and smile doing it.
5. Its just amazing how gullible human beings are.
6. People are so easily duped, they follow this man like they followed Jim Jones of Jones Town.
7. They are now drinking the poison that will end up their demise.
8. The GOP will clean up this mess when it all comes to light.
9. As usual.
10. I am seldom wrong, my predictions and words of wisdom always ring true in the end.

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"Sorry You Can't Polish A Turd: Obama*

"Fast ripe, fast rotten."
Sorry bout that,

1. Few see the *BIG PICTURE*.


I see it.

Iran is going to take advantage of O's weaknesses, or deliberateness, and begin an escalation of the production of nuclear warheads and the tools required to make them.

Or did they, already??? Hmm

The question is whether the weapon North Korea tested this month was its own, Iran's, or a joint project.

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How come Republicans are SOOOOO worried about Iran but care nothing about the millions of unemployed in this country? How come Republicans care so much about Iran, but care nothing about the millions of Americans without health?
Iran hasn't attacked anyone in 2300 years and isn't now, hater dupes...Very young, educated, and about to to go straight...

That's not true. The terrorist organisation Hezbollah is a proxy of Iran.
How come Republicans are SOOOOO worried about Iran but care nothing about the millions of unemployed in this country? How come Republicans care so much about Iran, but care nothing about the millions of Americans without health?

Thanks for admitting Democrats don't care about Iran.
How come Republicans are SOOOOO worried about Iran but care nothing about the millions of unemployed in this country? How come Republicans care so much about Iran, but care nothing about the millions of Americans without health?

Everyone has health. Unless their dead. Even you...except for maybe brain death?
How come Republicans are SOOOOO worried about Iran but care nothing about the millions of unemployed in this country? How come Republicans care so much about Iran, but care nothing about the millions of Americans without health?

whooptyshit so the dems care about health insurance, wait till they find out they don't gt the care
Iran hasn't attacked anyone in 2300 years and isn't now, hater dupes...Very young, educated, and about to to go straight...

That's not true. The terrorist organisation Hezbollah is a proxy of Iran.

I agree, but still believe the issue over Iran acquiring nukes is overblown. People try to paint the rulers in Iran as religious zealots, but in reality they are pragmatic rulers. They understand the consequences of using nukes. It's the same reason countries like Pakistan and India have been staring each other down with nukes for 30+ years without a single incident.
How come Republicans are SOOOOO worried about Iran but care nothing about the millions of unemployed in this country? How come Republicans care so much about Iran, but care nothing about the millions of Americans without health?

Everyone has health. Unless their dead. Even you...except for maybe brain death?

What are you even talking... oooo a penny!
Sorry bout that,

1. Arabs of the middle east don't like Obama the Manchurian Candidate.
2. That should speak volumes to sane people.

Sorry bout that,

1. What will happen will make the *Black Plaque* look good.
2. The death tolls will be staggering.


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