Soros, Ford shovel $196 million to 'net neutrality' groups, staff to White House


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Liberal philanthropist George Soros and the Ford Foundation have lavished groups supporting the administration’s “net neutrality” agenda, donating $196 million and landing proponents on the White House staff, according to a new report.

And now, as the Federal Communications Commission nears approving a type of government control over the Internet, the groups are poised to declare victory in the years-long fight, according to the report from MRC Business, an arm of the conservative media watchdog, the Media Research Center.

The Ford Foundation, which claims to be the second-largest private foundation in the U.S., and Open Society Foundations, founded by far-left billionaire George Soros, have given more than $196 million to pro-net neutrality groups between 2000 and 2013,” said the report, authored by Media Research Center’s Joseph Rossell, and provided to Secrets.

“These left-wing groups not only impacted the public debate and funded top liberal think tanks from the Center for American Progress to Free Press. They also have direct ties to the White House and regulatory agencies. At least five individuals from these groups have ascended to key positions at the White House and FCC,” said the report which included funding details to pro-net neutrality advocates.

Soros Ford shovel 196 million to net neutrality groups staff to White House

I don't know exactly what the Obama Klown Kar has in mind, but I would bet it will mean a few things:

1 - Internet access will cost paying users (i.e., folks with jobs) more, probably much more
2 - Conservative voices will be muffled, the lunatic left will be given a bullhorn
3. Internet sevices will cost more ($)
4. Website licensing ($)
5. Government approved equipment will be required ($)
6. Quality of service will deteriorate costing websites business ($)

Once again, the farmer (i.e., big government) has frightened the sheep with tales of the Big Bad Wolves, and herded them right into his slaughterhouse.

If this plan to give the federal government control over the internet is so good, why are they refusing to release the details?
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.

I have no idea what he was even saying. Wait, he is a fucking hack who would gladly suck a dick if a fucking socialist told him he has to.

Fucking liberals are such wastes of time for anyone to have any rational debate with.
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.
Tell me how making cable companies treat every website as equal is government control? Also tell me how letting the cable company pick and choose what their customers can access and at what speed is supposed to be better than what we have now?
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.

I have no idea what he was even saying. Wait, he is a fucking hack who would gladly suck a dick if a fucking socialist told him he has to.

Fucking liberals are such wastes of time for anyone to have any rational debate with.
You are only against net neutrality because liberal free-speech advocates have come forward to protect it. Remember, we have net neutrality right now, it's the internet you think liberals are trying to change when in fact we are striving to keep it the same. Comcast wants to do all the changing here not liberals. Do you not even wonder what they want to change it to in order to squeeze more profit out of it?
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.
Tell me how making cable companies treat every website as equal is government control? Also tell me how letting the cable company pick and choose what their customers can access and at what speed is supposed to be better than what we have now?
Wow, really?

When you make someone or some business do something, YOU ARE CONTROLLING THEM!

This is NOT about treating every website equally. It is about power. Government power over an entity that they are not getting any money from. The funny thing is, the Internet is global, yet the progressives are arrogant enough to think they have the right to control all of it.
Tell me how making cable companies treat every website as equal is government control? Also tell me how letting the cable company pick and choose what their customers can access and at what speed is supposed to be better than what we have now?
You seriously did not just fucking post that shit. How is the government making cable companies treat all websites the same not government control? You are actually confused by this?

As for the second part yes, cable companies get to pick and choose what they have available and at what speeds. The consumer in turn gets to choose another carrier that does more for their needs. That's how capitalism works. Once you have net neutrality the government will decide your speed and content and you will have no other choices.
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.

I have no idea what he was even saying. Wait, he is a fucking hack who would gladly suck a dick if a fucking socialist told him he has to.

Fucking liberals are such wastes of time for anyone to have any rational debate with.
You are only against net neutrality because liberal free-speech advocates have come forward to protect it. Remember, we have net neutrality right now, it's the internet you think liberals are trying to change when in fact we are striving to keep it the same. Comcast wants to do all the changing here not liberals. Do you not even wonder what they want to change it to in order to squeeze more profit out of it?
You fool. If youwant the internet to stay as it is with massive improvements and plenty of choices you leave it AS IS. You don't give the government control over it. They will only fuck it up.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.
Tell me how making cable companies treat every website as equal is government control? Also tell me how letting the cable company pick and choose what their customers can access and at what speed is supposed to be better than what we have now?
You seriously did not just fucking post that shit. How is the government making cable companies treat all websites the same not government control? You are actually confused by this?

As for the second part yes, cable companies get to pick and choose what they have available and at what speeds. The consumer in turn gets to choose another carrier that does more for their needs. That's how capitalism works. Once you have net neutrality the government will decide your speed and content and you will have no other choices.[/QUOTE]
Bullshit most of the country has no real choice in carriers and must take what monopoly happens to control their area. As to enforcing neutrality, compare it to the web version of equal rights, I know conservatives generally hate equal rights so I guess it comes naturally to want to create an internet caste system where the small fry cannot possibly become an Amazon or Ebay.
Yo, its about Government control, period! You have these Clowns on here and a few dummies following them straight to HELL! Like I said before, these idiots with Clown Faces are getting 8.00 dollars an hour to spew hate by Socialist George Soros, its so obvious! But they will get whats coming, take that to the bank!!! Just look at the past Socialist Obama, and the now Socialist Obama, nothing has changed in his Agenda, its conquer everything he can get his grubby hands on before he`s gone, and hoping his Socalist Hillary Clinton will pickup where he left off, but I doubt the idiot has a chance!!!


wake up democrats.jpg
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.

11 billion in new taxes, according to one FCC commissioner, who do you think is going to pay that?
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.

I have no idea what he was even saying. Wait, he is a fucking hack who would gladly suck a dick if a fucking socialist told him he has to.

Fucking liberals are such wastes of time for anyone to have any rational debate with.
You are only against net neutrality because liberal free-speech advocates have come forward to protect it. Remember, we have net neutrality right now, it's the internet you think liberals are trying to change when in fact we are striving to keep it the same. Comcast wants to do all the changing here not liberals. Do you not even wonder what they want to change it to in order to squeeze more profit out of it?
You fool. If youwant the internet to stay as it is with massive improvements and plenty of choices you leave it AS IS. You don't give the government control over it. They will only fuck it up.
The government is only moving to assert control as a protective measure in the face of increasing monopoly and lack of choice. Maybe they should do nothing to the regulations and instead break up the cable monopolies?
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.
Tell me how making cable companies treat every website as equal is government control? Also tell me how letting the cable company pick and choose what their customers can access and at what speed is supposed to be better than what we have now?
You seriously did not just fucking post that shit. How is the government making cable companies treat all websites the same not government control? You are actually confused by this?

As for the second part yes, cable companies get to pick and choose what they have available and at what speeds. The consumer in turn gets to choose another carrier that does more for their needs. That's how capitalism works. Once you have net neutrality the government will decide your speed and content and you will have no other choices.
Bullshit most of the country has no real choice in carriers and must take what monopoly happens to control their area. As to enforcing neutrality, compare it to the web version of equal rights, I know conservatives generally hate equal rights so I guess it comes naturally to want to create an internet caste system where the small fry cannot possibly become an Amazon or Ebay.
You want to do away with the monopolies, then get government OUT of the broadband and cable industries. THAT will foster more choices alone.
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.

11 billion in new taxes, according to one FCC commissioner, who do you think is going to pay that?
So, that 11 billion will, in reality, morph into 100 billion. Anyone with any brain cells at all knows that kind of money IS the REAL reason for net neutrality.
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.

I have no idea what he was even saying. Wait, he is a fucking hack who would gladly suck a dick if a fucking socialist told him he has to.

Fucking liberals are such wastes of time for anyone to have any rational debate with.
You are only against net neutrality because liberal free-speech advocates have come forward to protect it. Remember, we have net neutrality right now, it's the internet you think liberals are trying to change when in fact we are striving to keep it the same. Comcast wants to do all the changing here not liberals. Do you not even wonder what they want to change it to in order to squeeze more profit out of it?
You fool. If youwant the internet to stay as it is with massive improvements and plenty of choices you leave it AS IS. You don't give the government control over it. They will only fuck it up.
The government is only moving to assert control as a protective measure in the face of increasing monopoly and lack of choice. Maybe they should do nothing to the regulations and instead break up the cable monopolies?
Much as I hate to admit it, I think the Obumble administration is right about this Net Neutrality business...

The more the big ISP's squawk, the more I liken them to Standard Oil, just before Teddy Roosevelt gave 'em a judicial enema....
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.
Tell me how making cable companies treat every website as equal is government control? Also tell me how letting the cable company pick and choose what their customers can access and at what speed is supposed to be better than what we have now?
You seriously did not just fucking post that shit. How is the government making cable companies treat all websites the same not government control? You are actually confused by this?

As for the second part yes, cable companies get to pick and choose what they have available and at what speeds. The consumer in turn gets to choose another carrier that does more for their needs. That's how capitalism works. Once you have net neutrality the government will decide your speed and content and you will have no other choices.
Bullshit most of the country has no real choice in carriers and must take what monopoly happens to control their area. As to enforcing neutrality, compare it to the web version of equal rights, I know conservatives generally hate equal rights so I guess it comes naturally to want to create an internet caste system where the small fry cannot possibly become an Amazon or Ebay.[/QUOTE]
No matter how wrongly evil you imagine net neutrality to be, what Comcast and the other providers are wanting to do is worse. Please educate yourself on this issue from a more neutral source than some cable company bought and paid for bullshit. It's they that want to turn the internet into something other than it already is, it is they who are seeking to make it more expensive and it is they who want to treat different websites differently.
Because government control isn't for sale to the highest bidder right? You fucking moron.

I have no idea what he was even saying. Wait, he is a fucking hack who would gladly suck a dick if a fucking socialist told him he has to.

Fucking liberals are such wastes of time for anyone to have any rational debate with.
You are only against net neutrality because liberal free-speech advocates have come forward to protect it. Remember, we have net neutrality right now, it's the internet you think liberals are trying to change when in fact we are striving to keep it the same. Comcast wants to do all the changing here not liberals. Do you not even wonder what they want to change it to in order to squeeze more profit out of it?
You fool. If youwant the internet to stay as it is with massive improvements and plenty of choices you leave it AS IS. You don't give the government control over it. They will only fuck it up.
The government is only moving to assert control as a protective measure in the face of increasing monopoly and lack of choice. Maybe they should do nothing to the regulations and instead break up the cable monopolies?
The government never moves in to just protect people. It will come with regulations 300 some odd pages worth to be exact and a tax. Which will increase over time.

You people keep complaining that our roads and bridges are failing. You remember what was supposed to keep those in good condition right? Oh yeah, the gas tax, car registrations and all the other bullshit piled on. And where are we now? You dickheads are saying we need to borrow more money for infrastructure! The internet will become the same damn thing in a couple short years. As it is now we don't need taxes for internet infrastructure because it's profitable for companies to pay for it and charge a pretty low fee to the customer. As soon as the government gets a hold on it. Good by cheap internet.

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