Sony Spyware in Music CDs!


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2004
Very few know that Sony had created a self-installing spyware program that they placed on Music CDs that had a horrible habit of crashing people's computers.

Well there was a lawsuit and there is a uninstall available for this hidden program.

The program was created to reduce the sound application of copies. If you copied the CDs you would hand it right off to a friend and they would get an inferior product as well.

To see a list of CDs that Sony added this virus-like spyware to go here:

To get their "explanation" visit here:

If you need the uninstaller go here:

They recommend that even if you have used a previous version of the uninstaller you should download and use this one as this program is almost impossible to remove from your system.
I'm bumping this one up. I think it is important to know. You could have unwittingly loaded spyware that can crash your computer just by playing or copying a CD on your computer!
I remember reading about this, but didn't realize the lawsuit resulted in an uninstall program. Good post!

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