Someone deleted my Trump-Russia thread

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No, that's the fake story. Manafort admitted it.

There was no collusion. Mueller spent 30 million dollars confirming it.
Because I've been told numerous times by moderators, including you, that "there are already threads about that" when I start a new one. So if it's the same subject matter, I keep it all in one thread. It's called 'curating'. Look it up.
What does that have to do with the tea in China?
We look at the last post's date on it. Then if some fool pulls one out of years
of slumber and posts..."bump" on it :rolleyes-41: to bring it up, that won't fly, slugger.
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You should just man up and admit that you don't want evidence that implicates Republicans sitting on USMB.
Cry me a river darling, you don't have a clue of what you're talking about. :auiqs.jpg:
Start a new thread on the topic and quit being so damn lazy you emotional butterfly.

Also, you might want to consider the new rules in place for postings, most of those old ones won't pass the
litmus test and they would be closed or moved and you would be whining and crying about that too.
You liberals are a pathetic lot when it comes to your emotions getting away from you.
Cry me a river darling, you don't have a clue of what you're talking about. :auiqs.jpg:
Start a new thread on the topic and quit being so damn lazy you emotional butterfly.

Also, you might want to consider the new rules in place for postings, most of those old ones won't pass the
litmus test and they would be closed or moved and you would be whining and crying about that too.
You liberals are a pathetic lot when it comes to your emotions getting away from you.
I think you just made Syndi cry.
Who was it, and why? You already hid it away in one of the dungeons.
We've been hearing nothing but Trump & Russia since 2016. It's now 2023. What's more, we just learned that the entire thing was a made up, DumboCrat Hoax. Get over it. If I were a mod ... I'd put YOU in a dungeon.
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