Somebody Explain To Me Why Obama Invited The Wolf Of Wallstreet To The WH


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Why would the president invite Leo and Martin Scorsese to the WhiteHouse for a private screening of their new film "The Wolf Of Wallstreet"?

I'm gonna have to say, this really looks bad. Obama is loosing support because of the fraud he perpetrated on Americans over Obamacare and now he invites the makers of a film that is based on a story of fraudulent Wallstreet practices. One fraud inviting another to dinner is what it looks like.

The film is hard R rated comedy that features explicit sex scenes, cursing, orgies, naked women, Jonah Hill’s prosthetic penis, and a naked Leo DiCaprio with a lit red candle inserted into his rear end.

There’s also a lot of drugs. I mean, more drugs than anyone’s ever seen in a movie.

“Wolf of Wall Street” is also one of the best movies of 2013. It’s wildly funny and absurd, and not to be taken seriously. It’s also not really about Wall Street, but about the bottom feeders who try to break into the business of finance by committing illegal acts. No one in that movie went to the Wharton School of Business or Harvard, Princeton, or Yale. And none of them work at the respected, venerable Wall Street firms.
(Exclusive) Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio Make White House Visit Today, Bring President Obama a DVD | Showbiz411
The President has two daughters. You don't think he's seen naked women before? Or that he doesn't use profanity when not on camera? He's sent Navy SEALs to murder people in cold blood. And you're worrying about him watching a 'dirty movie?'
The President has two daughters. You don't think he's seen naked women before? Or that he doesn't use profanity when not on camera? He's sent Navy SEALs to murder people in cold blood. And you're worrying about him watching a 'dirty movie?'

No, I'm wondering why he chose that specific movie.

He can watch all of the porn he wants, but when it comes to inviting celebrities to the WH to screen what is essentially porn, I'm wondering what else is he going to do. Is he going to hold orgies in the WhiteHouse like a modern day Caligula next?
a naked Leo DiCaprio with a lit red candle inserted into his rear end.

He Invited leo because he wants to stick his candle in leo's butt while Martin catches it all on
3d film.

Why would the president invite Leo and Martin Scorsese to the WhiteHouse ...

just guessing but there are fundraisers in California ... and of course Republicans are against public funding for Presidential elections ... 1+1 = campaign finance reform - or just watch a comedy.


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