Some truths about Charlotteville riot that the fake news media won't talk about


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The lib media is trying hard to make it appear that this group is nothing but a bunch of typical Trump supporters. Trump condemned them and angered leaders of the group.

Funny how they are careful to separate radical Muslims from the 'peaceful' Muslims but don't apply the same rule to other radicals when it doesn't fit their agenda.

The violence at Charlottesville was wrong but no where near as devastating as the regular violence we see from BLM or Black Panther groups. The rioters at Baltimore, Ferguson and other places were tolerated by the left. The senseless murders of cops all over the country were tolerated by the left. None of the groups were condemned for promoting and carrying out violence and murder.

Suddenly, the left is acting outraged at something that doesn't begin to compare to the violence over a single weekend in Chicago. The difference is that they believe they can somehow use the Charlotteville riots to paint the right in a bad light.

We've had Muslims driving cars into crowds of people and killing them but the lib media yawns and warns not to paint everyone with the same broad brush. Notice how that rule ceases to exist when they taste blood in the water and want to go after anyone on the right.

The supremacists behind this are a small group and represent no one but themselves. The media knows this but aren't going to pass up an opportunity to use propaganda to rile their ignorant supporters. They are on a mission to destroy Trump and are creating their usual fake news to do that.

"In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

1. The Alt-Right Is Not Conservative. One of the hottest takes from the Left is that the alt-right represents the entire right — that what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia represented conservatives broadly. That’s factually incorrect, and intellectually dishonest. The alt-right is not just conservatives who like memes or who dislike Paul Ryan. The alt-right is a philosophy of white supremacy and white nationalism espoused by the likes of Vox Day, Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor.

In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

2. The Alt-Right Has Successfully Created The Impression There Are Lots Of Them. There Aren’t. Thanks to the hard work of alt-right apologists like Milo Yiannopoulos, the widespread perception has been created that the alt-right is a movement on the rise, with a fast-increasing number of devotees. The media have glommed onto the alt-right in order to smear the entire conservative movement with it. The alt-right is quite active online — according to the Anti-Defamation League, I was their top journalistic target in 2016, and I received nearly 8,000 anti-Semitic tweets during the election cycle — but they aren’t particularly large. They fill up comments sections at sites like Breitbart, and they email spam, and they prank call people, and they live on 4chan boards, but the vast majority of alt-right anti-Semitic tweets came from just 1,600 accounts."

7 Things You Need To Know About The Charlottesville Violence And White Supremacist Terror Attack
The moment I saw "cop killings were tolerated by the left", I immediately stopped reading, because that's simply not true.
The lib media is trying hard to make it appear that this group is nothing but a bunch of typical Trump supporters. Trump condemned them and angered leaders of the group.

Funny how they are careful to separate radical Muslims from the 'peaceful' Muslims but don't apply the same rule to other radicals when it doesn't fit their agenda.

The violence at Charlottesville was wrong but no where near as devastating as the regular violence we see from BLM or Black Panther groups. The rioters at Baltimore, Ferguson and other places were tolerated by the left. The senseless murders of cops all over the country were tolerated by the left. None of the groups were condemned for promoting and carrying out violence and murder.

Suddenly, the left is acting outraged at something that doesn't begin to compare to the violence over a single weekend in Chicago. The difference is that they believe they can somehow use the Charlotteville riots to paint the right in a bad light.

We've had Muslims driving cars into crowds of people and killing them but the lib media yawns and warns not to paint everyone with the same broad brush. Notice how that rule ceases to exist when they taste blood in the water and want to go after anyone on the right.

The supremacists behind this are a small group and represent no one but themselves. The media knows this but aren't going to pass up an opportunity to use propaganda to rile their ignorant supporters. They are on a mission to destroy Trump and are creating their usual fake news to do that.

"In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

1. The Alt-Right Is Not Conservative. One of the hottest takes from the Left is that the alt-right represents the entire right — that what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia represented conservatives broadly. That’s factually incorrect, and intellectually dishonest. The alt-right is not just conservatives who like memes or who dislike Paul Ryan. The alt-right is a philosophy of white supremacy and white nationalism espoused by the likes of Vox Day, Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor.

In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

2. The Alt-Right Has Successfully Created The Impression There Are Lots Of Them. There Aren’t. Thanks to the hard work of alt-right apologists like Milo Yiannopoulos, the widespread perception has been created that the alt-right is a movement on the rise, with a fast-increasing number of devotees. The media have glommed onto the alt-right in order to smear the entire conservative movement with it. The alt-right is quite active online — according to the Anti-Defamation League, I was their top journalistic target in 2016, and I received nearly 8,000 anti-Semitic tweets during the election cycle — but they aren’t particularly large. They fill up comments sections at sites like Breitbart, and they email spam, and they prank call people, and they live on 4chan boards, but the vast majority of alt-right anti-Semitic tweets came from just 1,600 accounts."

7 Things You Need To Know About The Charlottesville Violence And White Supremacist Terror Attack
Neo-Nazi website praises Trump’s Charlottesville speech - The Boston Globe

President Trump might have drawn widespread criticism for not immediately denouncing white supremacists after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Va., but at least one group seemed pleased by his comments: A neo-Nazi website.

Trump, while on a working vacation at his New Jersey golf club, addressed the nation Saturday soon after a car plowed into a group of anti-racist counter-protesters in Charlottesville, a college town where neo-Nazis and white nationalists had assembled for march. The president did not single out any group, instead blaming ‘‘many sides’’ for the violence.
The moment I saw "cop killings were tolerated by the left", I immediately stopped reading, because that's simply not true.

They weren't condemned the way they condemn lesser things they try to pin on the right.

Obama's most memorable response was saying that we have a cop problem. And he praised BLM without criticizing them for calling for the murder of whites and cops.
The lib media is trying hard to make it appear that this group is nothing but a bunch of typical Trump supporters. Trump condemned them and angered leaders of the group.

Funny how they are careful to separate radical Muslims from the 'peaceful' Muslims but don't apply the same rule to other radicals when it doesn't fit their agenda.

The violence at Charlottesville was wrong but no where near as devastating as the regular violence we see from BLM or Black Panther groups. The rioters at Baltimore, Ferguson and other places were tolerated by the left. The senseless murders of cops all over the country were tolerated by the left. None of the groups were condemned for promoting and carrying out violence and murder.

Suddenly, the left is acting outraged at something that doesn't begin to compare to the violence over a single weekend in Chicago. The difference is that they believe they can somehow use the Charlotteville riots to paint the right in a bad light.

We've had Muslims driving cars into crowds of people and killing them but the lib media yawns and warns not to paint everyone with the same broad brush. Notice how that rule ceases to exist when they taste blood in the water and want to go after anyone on the right.

The supremacists behind this are a small group and represent no one but themselves. The media knows this but aren't going to pass up an opportunity to use propaganda to rile their ignorant supporters. They are on a mission to destroy Trump and are creating their usual fake news to do that.

"In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

1. The Alt-Right Is Not Conservative. One of the hottest takes from the Left is that the alt-right represents the entire right — that what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia represented conservatives broadly. That’s factually incorrect, and intellectually dishonest. The alt-right is not just conservatives who like memes or who dislike Paul Ryan. The alt-right is a philosophy of white supremacy and white nationalism espoused by the likes of Vox Day, Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor.

In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

2. The Alt-Right Has Successfully Created The Impression There Are Lots Of Them. There Aren’t. Thanks to the hard work of alt-right apologists like Milo Yiannopoulos, the widespread perception has been created that the alt-right is a movement on the rise, with a fast-increasing number of devotees. The media have glommed onto the alt-right in order to smear the entire conservative movement with it. The alt-right is quite active online — according to the Anti-Defamation League, I was their top journalistic target in 2016, and I received nearly 8,000 anti-Semitic tweets during the election cycle — but they aren’t particularly large. They fill up comments sections at sites like Breitbart, and they email spam, and they prank call people, and they live on 4chan boards, but the vast majority of alt-right anti-Semitic tweets came from just 1,600 accounts."

7 Things You Need To Know About The Charlottesville Violence And White Supremacist Terror Attack
Neo-Nazi website praises Trump’s Charlottesville speech - The Boston Globe

President Trump might have drawn widespread criticism for not immediately denouncing white supremacists after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Va., but at least one group seemed pleased by his comments: A neo-Nazi website.

Trump, while on a working vacation at his New Jersey golf club, addressed the nation Saturday soon after a car plowed into a group of anti-racist counter-protesters in Charlottesville, a college town where neo-Nazis and white nationalists had assembled for march. The president did not single out any group, instead blaming ‘‘many sides’’ for the violence.

There are several groups to blame for the violence. All are guilty. Trump did condemn the violence and he did not praise the group. That is more than can be said for Obama and the way he chose to deal with BLM.
One of the hottest takes from the Left is that the alt-right represents the entire right — that what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia represented conservatives broadly.

Really. First I've heard of that.

Strawman much?

Or do you just ass-ume that just because you can't think your own way out of the paper bag of a Composition Fallacy -------- no one else can either?
The lib media is trying hard to make it appear that this group is nothing but a bunch of typical Trump supporters. Trump condemned them and angered leaders of the group.

Funny how they are careful to separate radical Muslims from the 'peaceful' Muslims but don't apply the same rule to other radicals when it doesn't fit their agenda.

The violence at Charlottesville was wrong but no where near as devastating as the regular violence we see from BLM or Black Panther groups. The rioters at Baltimore, Ferguson and other places were tolerated by the left. The senseless murders of cops all over the country were tolerated by the left. None of the groups were condemned for promoting and carrying out violence and murder.

Suddenly, the left is acting outraged at something that doesn't begin to compare to the violence over a single weekend in Chicago. The difference is that they believe they can somehow use the Charlotteville riots to paint the right in a bad light.

We've had Muslims driving cars into crowds of people and killing them but the lib media yawns and warns not to paint everyone with the same broad brush. Notice how that rule ceases to exist when they taste blood in the water and want to go after anyone on the right.

The supremacists behind this are a small group and represent no one but themselves. The media knows this but aren't going to pass up an opportunity to use propaganda to rile their ignorant supporters. They are on a mission to destroy Trump and are creating their usual fake news to do that.

"In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

1. The Alt-Right Is Not Conservative. One of the hottest takes from the Left is that the alt-right represents the entire right — that what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia represented conservatives broadly. That’s factually incorrect, and intellectually dishonest. The alt-right is not just conservatives who like memes or who dislike Paul Ryan. The alt-right is a philosophy of white supremacy and white nationalism espoused by the likes of Vox Day, Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor.

In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

2. The Alt-Right Has Successfully Created The Impression There Are Lots Of Them. There Aren’t. Thanks to the hard work of alt-right apologists like Milo Yiannopoulos, the widespread perception has been created that the alt-right is a movement on the rise, with a fast-increasing number of devotees. The media have glommed onto the alt-right in order to smear the entire conservative movement with it. The alt-right is quite active online — according to the Anti-Defamation League, I was their top journalistic target in 2016, and I received nearly 8,000 anti-Semitic tweets during the election cycle — but they aren’t particularly large. They fill up comments sections at sites like Breitbart, and they email spam, and they prank call people, and they live on 4chan boards, but the vast majority of alt-right anti-Semitic tweets came from just 1,600 accounts."

7 Things You Need To Know About The Charlottesville Violence And White Supremacist Terror Attack
Neo-Nazi website praises Trump’s Charlottesville speech - The Boston Globe

President Trump might have drawn widespread criticism for not immediately denouncing white supremacists after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Va., but at least one group seemed pleased by his comments: A neo-Nazi website.

Trump, while on a working vacation at his New Jersey golf club, addressed the nation Saturday soon after a car plowed into a group of anti-racist counter-protesters in Charlottesville, a college town where neo-Nazis and white nationalists had assembled for march. The president did not single out any group, instead blaming ‘‘many sides’’ for the violence.

And your point would be, what? It took two groups to do the fighting and at the time the President made his statement they didn't know who was driving the car, so he condemned the whole bunch. Of course facts have no bearing on regressive propaganda.

The moment I saw "cop killings were tolerated by the left", I immediately stopped reading, because that's simply not true.
Yes it is. You even saw Hollywood come out in support. See Quintin Tarantino.
Senator Ted Cruz is a very conservative Senator from Texas. Here was his take on the events at Charlottesville.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called on the Department of Justice to investigate a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., that turned violent and left one dead and dozens injured.

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.

Now that was what we had the right to expect from the President of the United States. Thank you, Ted, well said.
Senator Ted Cruz is a very conservative Senator from Texas. Here was his take on the events at Charlottesville.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called on the Department of Justice to investigate a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., that turned violent and left one dead and dozens injured.

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.

Now that was what we had the right to expect from the President of the United States. Thank you, Ted, well said.
You're not entitled to what you want. Grow up.
The moment I saw "cop killings were tolerated by the left", I immediately stopped reading, because that's simply not true.

They weren't condemned the way they condemn lesser things they try to pin on the right.

Obama's most memorable response was saying that we have a cop problem. And he praised BLM without criticizing them for calling for the murder of whites and cops.

We do have a cop problem. They kill people that don't need killing. That's a problem.
The lib media is trying hard to make it appear that this group is nothing but a bunch of typical Trump supporters. Trump condemned them and angered leaders of the group.

Funny how they are careful to separate radical Muslims from the 'peaceful' Muslims but don't apply the same rule to other radicals when it doesn't fit their agenda.

The violence at Charlottesville was wrong but no where near as devastating as the regular violence we see from BLM or Black Panther groups. The rioters at Baltimore, Ferguson and other places were tolerated by the left. The senseless murders of cops all over the country were tolerated by the left. None of the groups were condemned for promoting and carrying out violence and murder.

Suddenly, the left is acting outraged at something that doesn't begin to compare to the violence over a single weekend in Chicago. The difference is that they believe they can somehow use the Charlotteville riots to paint the right in a bad light.

We've had Muslims driving cars into crowds of people and killing them but the lib media yawns and warns not to paint everyone with the same broad brush. Notice how that rule ceases to exist when they taste blood in the water and want to go after anyone on the right.

The supremacists behind this are a small group and represent no one but themselves. The media knows this but aren't going to pass up an opportunity to use propaganda to rile their ignorant supporters. They are on a mission to destroy Trump and are creating their usual fake news to do that.

"In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

1. The Alt-Right Is Not Conservative. One of the hottest takes from the Left is that the alt-right represents the entire right — that what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia represented conservatives broadly. That’s factually incorrect, and intellectually dishonest. The alt-right is not just conservatives who like memes or who dislike Paul Ryan. The alt-right is a philosophy of white supremacy and white nationalism espoused by the likes of Vox Day, Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor.

In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

2. The Alt-Right Has Successfully Created The Impression There Are Lots Of Them. There Aren’t. Thanks to the hard work of alt-right apologists like Milo Yiannopoulos, the widespread perception has been created that the alt-right is a movement on the rise, with a fast-increasing number of devotees. The media have glommed onto the alt-right in order to smear the entire conservative movement with it. The alt-right is quite active online — according to the Anti-Defamation League, I was their top journalistic target in 2016, and I received nearly 8,000 anti-Semitic tweets during the election cycle — but they aren’t particularly large. They fill up comments sections at sites like Breitbart, and they email spam, and they prank call people, and they live on 4chan boards, but the vast majority of alt-right anti-Semitic tweets came from just 1,600 accounts."

7 Things You Need To Know About The Charlottesville Violence And White Supremacist Terror Attack
Neo-Nazi website praises Trump’s Charlottesville speech - The Boston Globe

President Trump might have drawn widespread criticism for not immediately denouncing white supremacists after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Va., but at least one group seemed pleased by his comments: A neo-Nazi website.

Trump, while on a working vacation at his New Jersey golf club, addressed the nation Saturday soon after a car plowed into a group of anti-racist counter-protesters in Charlottesville, a college town where neo-Nazis and white nationalists had assembled for march. The president did not single out any group, instead blaming ‘‘many sides’’ for the violence.

And your point would be, what? It took two groups to do the fighting and at the time the President made his statement they didn't know who was driving the car, so he condemned the whole bunch. Of course facts have no bearing on regressive propaganda.


It's been known who did it for a while. What's he waiting on?
The lib media is trying hard to make it appear that this group is nothing but a bunch of typical Trump supporters. Trump condemned them and angered leaders of the group.

Funny how they are careful to separate radical Muslims from the 'peaceful' Muslims but don't apply the same rule to other radicals when it doesn't fit their agenda.

The violence at Charlottesville was wrong but no where near as devastating as the regular violence we see from BLM or Black Panther groups. The rioters at Baltimore, Ferguson and other places were tolerated by the left. The senseless murders of cops all over the country were tolerated by the left. None of the groups were condemned for promoting and carrying out violence and murder.

Suddenly, the left is acting outraged at something that doesn't begin to compare to the violence over a single weekend in Chicago. The difference is that they believe they can somehow use the Charlotteville riots to paint the right in a bad light.

We've had Muslims driving cars into crowds of people and killing them but the lib media yawns and warns not to paint everyone with the same broad brush. Notice how that rule ceases to exist when they taste blood in the water and want to go after anyone on the right.

The supremacists behind this are a small group and represent no one but themselves. The media knows this but aren't going to pass up an opportunity to use propaganda to rile their ignorant supporters. They are on a mission to destroy Trump and are creating their usual fake news to do that.

"In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

1. The Alt-Right Is Not Conservative. One of the hottest takes from the Left is that the alt-right represents the entire right — that what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia represented conservatives broadly. That’s factually incorrect, and intellectually dishonest. The alt-right is not just conservatives who like memes or who dislike Paul Ryan. The alt-right is a philosophy of white supremacy and white nationalism espoused by the likes of Vox Day, Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor.

In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious.
Here are some of the things you need to know about the awful events of yesterday.

2. The Alt-Right Has Successfully Created The Impression There Are Lots Of Them. There Aren’t. Thanks to the hard work of alt-right apologists like Milo Yiannopoulos, the widespread perception has been created that the alt-right is a movement on the rise, with a fast-increasing number of devotees. The media have glommed onto the alt-right in order to smear the entire conservative movement with it. The alt-right is quite active online — according to the Anti-Defamation League, I was their top journalistic target in 2016, and I received nearly 8,000 anti-Semitic tweets during the election cycle — but they aren’t particularly large. They fill up comments sections at sites like Breitbart, and they email spam, and they prank call people, and they live on 4chan boards, but the vast majority of alt-right anti-Semitic tweets came from just 1,600 accounts."

7 Things You Need To Know About The Charlottesville Violence And White Supremacist Terror Attack

For the record, most incidences of violence were committed by counter protesters (i.e., the left). Is anyone surprised? .

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