Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

Oh gee, your bigotry is showing again. Must be nice thinking you're superior to everyone else. Great going Khan........
Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?
[ame=]The Alan Parsons Project - I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You - YouTube[/ame]
How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

Oh gee, your bigotry is showing again. Must be nice thinking you're superior to everyone else. Great going Khan........

You just need to dismiss whatever grump posts. The only posters who take him seriously is TM, rdean, and jillian.

I know. He's the worst kind of intellectual out there, an intellectual snob. Essentially anyone that does not fit his model is worthy of derision and scorn, you know, nothing more than a common bigot.
WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

Oh gee, your bigotry is showing again. Must be nice thinking you're superior to everyone else. Great going Khan........

So I was answering a post by a guy who called another guy a Moron, yet you seem to be following me around with your snide asides without addressing his boorish post? Talk about intellectually dishonest...

And yes, I do feel superior to some Cons on this board, but I get no satisfaction out of it....
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You just need to dismiss whatever grump posts. The only posters who take him seriously is TM, rdean, and jillian.

Um, I have no interaction with TM or rdean. And a lot more posters of worth take me seriously than take you seriously. And you are absolutely one of the dumb arse conservatives I was talking about...
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I know. He's the worst kind of intellectual out there, an intellectual snob. Essentially anyone that does not fit his model is worthy of derision and scorn, you know, nothing more than a common bigot.

There are plenty on this board (or should I say there were plenty) who were absolute conservatives and who did not fit my model and we've had many great debates over the years on varying subjects. It's not my fault that this place is attracting conservatives and right-wing nuts who seem to bent on getting to the lowest common denominator, and not much else.

I'm not the one who 'generally' starts shooting off smarmy asides, or starts insults. And since you've started being around over the past couple of days, almost every post to me has reeked of intellectual snobbery on your part. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black..
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How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

Oh gee, your bigotry is showing again. Must be nice thinking you're superior to everyone else. Great going Khan........

So I was answering a post by a guy who called another guy a Moron, yet you seem to be following me around with your snide asides.

And yes, I do feel superior to some Cons on this board, but I get no satisfaction out of it....
Posting in the same threads, even though some are aimed at your obvious bigotry is following you around? Sure thing there Skippy........ Oh, by the way, your nose hairs need trimming....... :eusa_whistle:
Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.

There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.

Why wait until the facts come out? We know the facts - a gun was used to murder 28 people.

320 MILLION people and you want us to take away rights because 28 people were killed? Are you INSANE?
Oh gee, your bigotry is showing again. Must be nice thinking you're superior to everyone else. Great going Khan........

So I was answering a post by a guy who called another guy a Moron, yet you seem to be following me around with your snide asides.

And yes, I do feel superior to some Cons on this board, but I get no satisfaction out of it....
Posting in the same threads, even though some are aimed at your obvious bigotry is following you around? Sure thing there Skippy........ Oh, by the way, your nose hairs need trimming....... :eusa_whistle:

But zinging off smarmy one liners is sooo conducive to a good debate, right?
I know. He's the worst kind of intellectual out there, an intellectual snob. Essentially anyone that does not fit his model is worthy of derision and scorn, you know, nothing more than a common bigot.

There are plenty on this board (or should I say there were plenty) who were absolute conservatives and who did not fit my model and we've had many great debates over the years on varying subjects. It's not my fault that this place is attracting conservatives and right-wing nuts who seem to bent on getting to the lowest common denominator, and not much else.

I'm not the one who 'generally' starts shooting off smarmy asides, or starts insults. And since you've started being around over the past couple of days, almost every post to me has reeked of intellectual snobbery on your part. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black..
I call it as I see it and you've given me no reason to see it any other way. Life's a bitch.
I know. He's the worst kind of intellectual out there, an intellectual snob. Essentially anyone that does not fit his model is worthy of derision and scorn, you know, nothing more than a common bigot.

There are plenty on this board (or should I say there were plenty) who were absolute conservatives and who did not fit my model and we've had many great debates over the years on varying subjects. It's not my fault that this place is attracting conservatives and right-wing nuts who seem to bent on getting to the lowest common denominator, and not much else.

I'm not the one who 'generally' starts shooting off smarmy asides, or starts insults. And since you've started being around over the past couple of days, almost every post to me has reeked of intellectual snobbery on your part. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black..
I call it as I see it and you've given me no reason to see it any other way. Life's a bitch.

At least I've added something to one of these gun debates, you can't say the same.

Looks like you aren't seeing much.....
So I was answering a post by a guy who called another guy a Moron, yet you seem to be following me around with your snide asides.

And yes, I do feel superior to some Cons on this board, but I get no satisfaction out of it....
Posting in the same threads, even though some are aimed at your obvious bigotry is following you around? Sure thing there Skippy........ Oh, by the way, your nose hairs need trimming....... :eusa_whistle:

But zinging off smarmy one liners is sooo conducive to a good debate, right?
You've already shown me that debating you is a waste of intellectual effort. Tell ya what why don't we just agree that we really don't like or respect one another and leave it at that. I'll let you be the smug jerk you are and I'll be the smarmy asshole that I am and ne'er the twain shall meet. Deal?
Posting in the same threads, even though some are aimed at your obvious bigotry is following you around? Sure thing there Skippy........ Oh, by the way, your nose hairs need trimming....... :eusa_whistle:

But zinging off smarmy one liners is sooo conducive to a good debate, right?
You've already shown me that debating you is a waste of intellectual effort. Tell ya what why don't we just agree that we really don't like or respect one another and leave it at that. I'll let you be the smug jerk you are and I'll be the smarmy asshole that I am and ne'er the twain shall meet. Deal?

Deal. Although you've been far too kind in calling yourself a smug jerk. That's the least of your problems.

And lack of respect towards you doesn't even cover half of it, Sparky ...
lol. I was born and raised on the lower east side of Manhattan scrote and have traveled around the world twice, visiting, I'm sure, the capitals of more nations than you could even name, and the only slack jawed morons I see here are the head up their ass liberals like you.

Whaddya want a Kewpie doll?

BTW, if you wanna take a bet on visiting capitals and naming them, name the stakes. I'll kick your arse from Manhattan to Monrovia (yeah, that's right, toddle off and look up that last one)....
But zinging off smarmy one liners is sooo conducive to a good debate, right?
You've already shown me that debating you is a waste of intellectual effort. Tell ya what why don't we just agree that we really don't like or respect one another and leave it at that. I'll let you be the smug jerk you are and I'll be the smarmy asshole that I am and ne'er the twain shall meet. Deal?

Deal. Although you've been far too kind in calling yourself a smug jerk. That's the least of your problems.

And lack of respect towards you doesn't even cover half of it, Sparky ...
One last parting shot eh..... I should have expected it. On second thought pestering you with your narcissistic failings might be a calling. I'll consider it for a while.
You just need to dismiss whatever grump posts. The only posters who take him seriously is TM, rdean, and jillian.

Um, I have no interaction with TM or rdean. And a lot more posters of worth take me seriously than take you seriously. And you are absolutely one of the dumb arse conservatives I was talking about...

You are on the exact same level as those two, grump, make no mistake about that.
You get what you give, dude, embrace it. :D
You just need to dismiss whatever grump posts. The only posters who take him seriously is TM, rdean, and jillian.

Um, I have no interaction with TM or rdean. And a lot more posters of worth take me seriously than take you seriously. And you are absolutely one of the dumb arse conservatives I was talking about...

You are on the exact same level as those two, grump, make no mistake about that.
You get what you give, dude, embrace it. :D

I don't even know what level that is...but from the feedback I've been getting, even they are a few rungs above you. Not hard though...:cool:
There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.

Why wait until the facts come out? We know the facts - a gun was used to murder 28 people.

320 MILLION people and you want us to take away rights because 28 people were killed? Are you INSANE?

lol. I was born and raised on the lower east side of Manhattan scrote and have traveled around the world twice, visiting, I'm sure, the capitals of more nations than you could even name, and the only slack jawed morons I see here are the head up their ass liberals like you.

Whaddya want a Kewpie doll?

BTW, if you wanna take a bet on visiting capitals and naming them, name the stakes. I'll kick your arse from Manhattan to Monrovia (yeah, that's right, toddle off and look up that last one)....

You are aware that Manhattan isn't the capital of anything right slick? As for Monrovia, thankfully I've never had the misfortune of visiting Liberia, though I have been in numerous other African nations.
It was Joe B that made the straw man argument about dinosaurs not fitting into the ark.

Maybe when libtards can respond to arguments their opponents actually make instead of simply making things up that they can knock down with unbounded glee and monkey happy dances you people wouldnt look so ignorant.

BTW, I am a theistic evolutionist and only subscribe to Creationism as a philosophical/theological perspective on nature.

But these militant secularists cant make decent arguments because they dont understand their own positions, much less that of their opponents and so they can only resort to straw man arguments and other agit-prop techniques since thats all they have left when the dust settles, most of the time, anyway.

It wasn't a "Straw Man" argument. I've had a creationist argue EXACTLY that to explain dinosaurs.

You might not get this Joe, so I will type really slow for you; jtpr did not make that argument, which means for you to respond to him as thouogh he did makes it a straw man argument.

'Someone told me this once' does not justify presenting an argument your opponent did not make and responding to it as though he did.

It does when he thinks Creationism should be taught in schools, and that is exactly the kind of shit they will try to walk in the door.

Because once you put "Bronze Age Fairy Tales" on the menu, really, anything goes.

Frankly, this was one of the first, "Wait a minutes" I noticed as a grade schooler, that what the nuns were teaching in religion class about Adam and Eve contradicted what they were teaching in science class about evolution. You should have seen the nun try to tap dance her way out of that one... it was hilarious.

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