Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans


WHich is why they keep bringing in a guy named Pradip to do them.

Now, yeah, there are a lot of problems in the Public schools... It's a place where the unions have gone too far in some ways.

But the very fact that you have the state of Texas out there telling textbook publishers to not talk about Darwin does put our kids behind. Darwin's theories in the Origins of Species have never been proven, so teachng them as facts is deceptive to say the least.
That kid in INdia or Japan or Europe is learning hard science and our kids are learning fairy tales from the Bronze Age. Learning evolution vs intelligent design will in no way effect a person's abiltiy to get a technical job. Last I checked the ONLY techinical jobs needing a good knowledge of evoltion would be jobs associated with evolutution, and those are few and far between. besides to learn higher mathamatecs, computer skills, electronics, information technology, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nasuem, you do not need evolution as a prerequiste because it is irelevent to EVERY one of those subjects, making your arguments on learing evolution vs intelligent design nonsensical and irelevent. Thanks for playing, but your agenda doesn't fit here. Carry on though, by your words you will be condemned.

Guy, if you think that preventing kids from learning critical thinking is going to help them get jobs, you are a little dense.

Honestly, guy, I've never met a young earth creationist in an engineering job, or a technical job of any sort. They just aren't all that bright.

Now, I do think that we should teach creationism in the schools, for the purpose of debunking it.

WHich is why they keep bringing in a guy named Pradip to do them.

Now, yeah, there are a lot of problems in the Public schools... It's a place where the unions have gone too far in some ways.

But the very fact that you have the state of Texas out there telling textbook publishers to not talk about Darwin does put our kids behind. Darwin's theories in the Origins of Species have never been proven, so teachng them as facts is deceptive to say the least.
That kid in INdia or Japan or Europe is learning hard science and our kids are learning fairy tales from the Bronze Age. Learning evolution vs intelligent design will in no way effect a person's abiltiy to get a technical job. Last I checked the ONLY techinical jobs needing a good knowledge of evoltion would be jobs associated with evolutution, and those are few and far between. besides to learn higher mathamatecs, computer skills, electronics, information technology, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nasuem, you do not need evolution as a prerequiste because it is irelevent to EVERY one of those subjects, making your arguments on learing evolution vs intelligent design nonsensical and irelevent. Thanks for playing, but your agenda doesn't fit here. Carry on though, by your words you will be condemned.

Guy, if you think that preventing kids from learning critical thinking is going to help them get jobs, you are a little dense.

Honestly, guy, I've never met a young earth creationist in an engineering job, or a technical job of any sort. They just aren't all that bright.

Now, I do think that we should teach creationism in the schools, for the purpose of debunking it.[/QUOTE]

Lol. So because you never met one they don't exist. Tell me somethiing son, how many engineers do you personally know and how many people with technical jobs do you know. I would venture to guess...................hmm, none. By the way, nobody has ever debunkied creationism successfully or credibly, nor has anyone ever been able to prove life came from nothing successfully. Like I said slick, Christian school students ou tperfrom their PS peers on EVERY standardized test given, in EVERY subject given, including science and math, so they must be brighter than them huh.
Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Disarming Americans? No such thing. Americans are brash, full of themselves and dangerous. Americans are not subtle or charming especially if they think you live in land containing something they want.

Project...much? Is this because you're brash, full of yourself and dangerous? And, not subtle or charming?

Yes. I possess none of the humility I have witnessed in peoples of all of the countries I have spent time in.

Lol. So because you never met one they don't exist. Tell me somethiing son, how many engineers do you personally know and how many people with technical jobs do you know. I would venture to guess...................hmm, none. .

Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.
So if the ATF busts into your house, catches you by surprise when you are sleeping, take all your guns (do they let you have guns? that's scary), and gives you $1.00 for that AR-15 you paid $1000.00 for, you'd be totally cool with that, right?

If that's the price I agreed to? Yeah, I guess I'd have no other choice than to be totally cool with that. What part of that's the price they agreed to is it you're having an extremely difficult time comprehending?

The part that involved Coercion. A treaty agreed to at gunpoint isn't valid.

Point was, we bullied a weaker and smaller country and stole it's land. That makes us no better than the Axis powers in WWII, really. Except we did it in a time when that sort of thing was more accepted.

If you've got proof we coerced them into agreeing to that price, by all means, there's your challenge and you can cite that proof. Otherwise, you're just likely making crap up. Further, who did Mexico bully and steal land from? Oh...wait, that's right. Modern-day Mexico is a result of Spain's conquest of the Aztecs and the like...huh? I doubt Mexico has any standing to be giving any sermons about bullying a weaker and smaller country, or people, and stealing anyone's land.

WHich is why they keep bringing in a guy named Pradip to do them.

Now, yeah, there are a lot of problems in the Public schools... It's a place where the unions have gone too far in some ways.

But the very fact that you have the state of Texas out there telling textbook publishers to not talk about Darwin does put our kids behind. Darwin's theories in the Origins of Species have never been proven, so teachng them as facts is deceptive to say the least.
That kid in INdia or Japan or Europe is learning hard science and our kids are learning fairy tales from the Bronze Age. Learning evolution vs intelligent design will in no way effect a person's abiltiy to get a technical job. Last I checked the ONLY techinical jobs needing a good knowledge of evoltion would be jobs associated with evolutution, and those are few and far between. besides to learn higher mathamatecs, computer skills, electronics, information technology, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nasuem, you do not need evolution as a prerequiste because it is irelevent to EVERY one of those subjects, making your arguments on learing evolution vs intelligent design nonsensical and irelevent. Thanks for playing, but your agenda doesn't fit here. Carry on though, by your words you will be condemned.

Guy, if you think that preventing kids from learning critical thinking is going to help them get jobs, you are a little dense.

Honestly, guy, I've never met a young earth creationist in an engineering job, or a technical job of any sort. They just aren't all that bright.[/quote]

As if who you have or haven't met is supposed to mean anything? Who cares who you've never met? And, clearly, you simply have no standing to be giving sermons about who is and who isn't "that bright" as you're obviously about as bright as a burned out light bulb.
Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Disarming Americans? No such thing. Americans are brash, full of themselves and dangerous. Americans are not subtle or charming especially if they think you live in land containing something they want.

Project...much? Is this because you're brash, full of yourself and dangerous? And, not subtle or charming?

Yes. I possess none of the humility I have witnessed in peoples of all of the countries I have spent time in.

That's your problem. And, simply because you possess none of the humility you've supposedly witnessed in peoples of all the countries you have allegedly spent time in, this doesn't mean everyone else possesses none as well. Speak for yourself...chucklehead.

Lol. So because you never met one they don't exist. Tell me somethiing son, how many engineers do you personally know and how many people with technical jobs do you know. I would venture to guess...................hmm, none. .

Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.
Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

-- said the comic superhero who doesn't hesitate to bloviate about Voodoo being "devil worship"....


Lol. So because you never met one they don't exist. Tell me somethiing son, how many engineers do you personally know and how many people with technical jobs do you know. I would venture to guess...................hmm, none. .

Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

Lol. So because you never met one they don't exist. Tell me somethiing son, how many engineers do you personally know and how many people with technical jobs do you know. I would venture to guess...................hmm, none. .

Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you?

We've had a lot of interesting lunchtime discussions about religion, politics, the news, and so on... so, yeah. A couple of them are my buddies, a couple others, not so much.

Sorry, man, the only people who believe in creationism are retards and religious fanatics...

Because it's just so damned absurd it shouldn't be taken seriously.

Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

Some creationists claim EXACTLY that.

Now, the one creationist I did meet at work tried to tell me that the world is only 6000 years old, and that Carbon14 dating was misleading about the age of dinosaur bones. (Not that they use C14 to date dinosaur fossils... C14 can only tell the age of something within the last half million years or so.
Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you?

We've had a lot of interesting lunchtime discussions about religion, politics, the news, and so on... so, yeah. A couple of them are my buddies, a couple others, not so much.

Sorry, man, the only people who believe in creationism are retards and religious fanatics...

Because it's just so damned absurd it shouldn't be taken seriously.

You can't be taken seriously...chump. That everything came into being and the mechanics by which everything works came into existence by chance of some colossal accident? THAT'S damn absurd and shouldn't be taken seriously. That's like suggesting you accidentally blew up your car and out popped life and the mechanics for which mountains were formed and babies were born. LOL! Idiot!

Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

Some creationists claim EXACTLY that.

Now, the one creationist I did meet at work tried to tell me that the world is only 6000 years old, and that Carbon14 dating was misleading about the age of dinosaur bones. (Not that they use C14 to date dinosaur fossils... C14 can only tell the age of something within the last half million years or so.

Wow, that you adopt your world view based on who you meet and know at work? LOL! And, you don't know any alleged creationist who claimed the world is only 6,000 years old...liar.
Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

That you think you look like Einstein? You need to lay off sniffing those gas tanks.
Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

lol. I was born and raised on the lower east side of Manhattan scrote and have traveled around the world twice, visiting, I'm sure, the capitals of more nations than you could even name, and the only slack jawed morons I see here are the head up their ass liberals like you.
Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

The same reason it attracts so many dumb ass liberals.
Well, you'd be wrong, as usual. Plant I work in employs 8 engineers. All of whom would look at you like you were some kind of retard if you starting saying shit like the Dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

WOW! You have 8 engineers that work at your plant, I notice you said nothing about them being your friends by the way..............and there's how many engineers in the world?..............and you're close enough to the ones that work at your plant that they discussed their religious beliefs with you? Yeah right. By the way moron, nothing about Christian cretionism says anything about dinosaurs becoming extint because they wouldn't fit on the Ark. Seems you know as much about Christian beliefs as you do about so much you bloviate on...........not a damn thing.

How come this site seems to attract so many dumb arse conservatives that post like hicks and make Cletus the Slack Jawed yokel look like Einstein?

It was Joe B that made the straw man argument about dinosaurs not fitting into the ark.

Maybe when libtards can respond to arguments their opponents actually make instead of simply making things up that they can knock down with unbounded glee and monkey happy dances you people wouldnt look so ignorant.

BTW, I am a theistic evolutionist and only subscribe to Creationism as a philosophical/theological perspective on nature.

But these militant secularists cant make decent arguments because they dont understand their own positions, much less that of their opponents and so they can only resort to straw man arguments and other agit-prop techniques since thats all they have left when the dust settles, most of the time, anyway.
It was Joe B that made the straw man argument about dinosaurs not fitting into the ark.

Maybe when libtards can respond to arguments their opponents actually make instead of simply making things up that they can knock down with unbounded glee and monkey happy dances you people wouldnt look so ignorant.

BTW, I am a theistic evolutionist and only subscribe to Creationism as a philosophical/theological perspective on nature.

But these militant secularists cant make decent arguments because they dont understand their own positions, much less that of their opponents and so they can only resort to straw man arguments and other agit-prop techniques since thats all they have left when the dust settles, most of the time, anyway.

It wasn't a "Straw Man" argument. I've had a creationist argue EXACTLY that to explain dinosaurs. They aren't as old as we think they are, Noah couldn't fit them on the Ark, and Carbon 14 testing doesn't work the way we think it does. (BTW, C-14 testing is not used on Dinosaur bones.) There were two scientists at this conference, and after a couple of minutes of trying to reason with this fool, they just gave each other a look and piped down.

I've had other creationists claim Dinosaur Bones were put there by Satan to fool us into believing in Evolution.
It was Joe B that made the straw man argument about dinosaurs not fitting into the ark.

Maybe when libtards can respond to arguments their opponents actually make instead of simply making things up that they can knock down with unbounded glee and monkey happy dances you people wouldnt look so ignorant.

BTW, I am a theistic evolutionist and only subscribe to Creationism as a philosophical/theological perspective on nature.

But these militant secularists cant make decent arguments because they dont understand their own positions, much less that of their opponents and so they can only resort to straw man arguments and other agit-prop techniques since thats all they have left when the dust settles, most of the time, anyway.

It wasn't a "Straw Man" argument. I've had a creationist argue EXACTLY that to explain dinosaurs.

You might not get this Joe, so I will type really slow for you; jtpr did not make that argument, which means for you to respond to him as thouogh he did makes it a straw man argument.

'Someone told me this once' does not justify presenting an argument your opponent did not make and responding to it as though he did.
This thread has meandered off a little bit .. :eusa_angel:

The World is a dangerous place - you would be well advised to keep your weapons.

60 years ago, a good number of UK citizens including my father, held firearms - the government soon put a stop to that. :rolleyes: There were amnestys and threats of prosecution for possession - and soon only criminals had weapons.

The politicians said it was all in our 'best interests' of course. I don't believe that.

If someone else carries a big stick - you need to carry one also.

It hasn't happened yet, but I have this horrible feeling, that it would take only one vehicle of armed state officers or insurgents, to suppress and terrorise a whole town of thousands of people. There would be no way to resist.

And here's another rapidly evolving problem ..'Islam+will+dominate+the+world'+protest+at+the+visit+of+Mr+Wilders+to+the+UK.jpg

So I would be in favour of at least an armed Civil Defence organisation of citizens, and a controlled availability of arms.

There will always be a possibility of some fruitcake incident - we've had one or two of those in the UK, even though nobody is supposed to possess weapons. And always people have commented, that the situations could have been rapidly terminated if other citizens had been armed and able to stop such attacks.

On balance, I envy your right to carry arms. Hang on to that right.:eusa_angel:

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