Reuters has published a picture announcing that President Bush urinates, and of course raises the question, "Does Hillary pee?" My friends, I say that with as much shock value as I care to muster. Have you seen the picture? I mean, some cameraman for Reuters snuck in over the president's left shoulder, and he's writing a note to Condoleezza Rice, says, "Hey, think I may need a bathroom break." We have to understand where he is. He's at the United Nations. It's totally understandable you get sick in there or look for any excuse to want out. But seriously, look at how far the left is willing to go. It's not the bottom of the barrel even though you might hope that it is. But can I ask you a question? We see the left descending here in a cesspool. I mean, you've got this Supreme Court nominee whose running rings around the best and the brightest the left has the offer. We're going to start the program today with some review of some of the brilliant answers that Judge Roberts has given these people. This is the best the left has to offer: Chuck Schumer and Dick Turban and Patrick "Leaky" Leahy, and of course the swimmer, Ted Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein. This is the crême de la crême, and Judge Roberts has literally run rings around them. I mean, who is the liberal hope to unite that movement should they ever get another shot? Who is there in that movement that's going to lead them? I mean, they've taught us all a new standard of behavior, a new level, if you will. You have to look down to see it, to spot it. You know, I have been maintaining that the Democratic Party is in the process of destroying itself, and is under the illusion it's not happening because their buddies in the mainstream press still prop them up, as in the aftermath of the hurricane.
I know we're a two-party system. We're always going to have a second party, but I'm wondering what is that second party going to be? Is somebody going to form a third party which will then destroy the current Democrat Party and it will become some new entity? I don't know, but I do know this. A party that stands for nothing cannot survive no matter how much bathroom humor they use, and if that's the depths they have to plunder in order to continue their assault on President Bush, then by all means, let them continue. Make no mistake, folks. This stuff is not lost on a lot of people, and another thing about these poll numbers (story | story). You cannot turn on television, you cannot read a newspaper without the gloating and the happiness with which the mainstream press is reporting the president's approval numbers. They're at 40. They're under 40. They're lower than they've ever been, and the president's never had to deal with this before. You know, we've had presidents -- there's a president that comes to mind, in fact (a-hem) in the mid- to late nineties who defied logic and perplexed all of us, had approval ratings in the sixties, even in the midst of being impeached, and yet we have a president today whose numbers are in the forties -- and what's the difference? Well, what is a difference? A difference is that the previous president, Bill Clinton, didn't do anything. It's easy to get high approval numbers when you don't do anything, when you don't take on any hard issues, and they didn't in the Clinton administration. Why do you think the Clinton team still seeks a legacy? Because nothing that they did during their eight years speaks for itself, nothing that they did in their eight years creates a legacy.
So now Clinton is putting together -- what is the name of this organization that he's putting together? He's got this plan, a Clinton plan. He's recruiting all these people. I can't think of the name of it. It doesn't matter what it is, but the point is it's all being done to create the legacy because there is no legacy. By the way, Hillary is going to be part of this organization. It's some worldwide organization, conference on (interruption). Yeah, Clinton's global initiative. Of course, the Bushes have included Clinton in things like tsunami relief and hurricane relief. Has Clinton gone back and asked Jimmy Carter to be part of anything? No. He's a media hog. He's an attention hog, and he doesn't want to share anything. But the point is he has no legacy because he didn't do anything. Bush is tackling some tough things, and he is as a result paying a price. You're not always going to get the approval of the American people. This is not an excuse, by the way. I'm not saying hey, the media is making all this up. I'm just trying to tell you there are a whole bunch of ways of getting good numbers and one of the ways is to not do anything so people don't think there's anything wrong -- and, of course, when people think there's nothing wrong and things are hunky-dory and happy-go-lucky, then you go ahead and you give your president high marks. People have forgotten. We mentioned this two days ago on this program. People have forgotten. Remember the 792 deaths during the heat wave in Chicago? There was not one media story that I recall on it (story).
We are a nation of pictures. There wasn't a series of special reports on the media. We didn't see the bodies being dragged out of the buildings where they had died. We didn't see criticism of Clinton at all. Clinton is out playing golf, guzzling water out on the golf course when this heat wave in Chicago is taking all these lives, Chicago, a Democrat-run city. We didn't have the news networks suing the federal government or the City of Chicago demanding to see the pictures of the corpses. We didn't have any special interest groups demanding that these people were somehow left to die because they were old or infirm or invaluable to anybody. We have a death toll in Chicago that rivals what we have in Katrina, but no news about it. There wasn't any criticism of Clinton. So it's understandable. You know, whoever thinks that the media is dead is overestimating the loss of power that they have had. They can sure gin up. You know, they've been trying to accomplish what they think they've accomplished here in the Katrina aftermath since 2000. In the old days the media would have only taken one attempt, would have only required one attempt to destroy a president. In this case, it's taken them five years to get as close as they think they are. But you can go back and you can compare presidents with high approval numbers and ask yourself, did they do anything? And you look at Bush, obviously he's doing things, and things are happening that are out of his control. Oh, speaking of things happening out of his control, did you see the Hurricane Ophelia vanden Heuvel? That thing has taken, it looks to me like almost a due-east turn here at the last minute, a right turn, which is instructive. It takes a due-right turn and it looks like the northern half of the coast of North Carolina will be spared the worst. Now, I wonder if Bush had anything to do with this, because he values the North Carolina coast more than he does the Gulf coast. Because that hurricane, you ought to look at it. I mean, it's pounded people, don't misunderstand. It still has 85-mile-an-hour winds but it's taken a little turn off the forecast track, supposed to go northeast. It's moving east-northeast or east, sparing a lot of acreage and coastline on the northern half of the eastern coast of North Carolina.
RUSH: Did you hear what Bush asked Kofi Annan yesterday at the UN? (Laughing.) You know, if you think Bush is stressing out over anything, think again. Bush walks up to Kofi Annan, says, "How's Bolton doing? Has the place blown up yet?" (Laughing.) I gotta note from a friend here. "Hey, Rush, it's true. The Democrats in the media have made the remarkable newsworthy discovery, thanks to Reuters photographers, that the president does indeed urinate. Presumably he's in favor of urination. The real question, though, is where Hillary stands on the subject. Are we really to think that she would deal with such an important topic sitting down?" Hey, hey, hey, they started it, folks. They started it. What do we do here? We defend. So let's keep that in mind. One more thing about these poll numbers before we go to the audio sound bites with Judge Roberts. The media is gloating, let's admit it, everybody on the left gloating at how wounded George W. Bush is. Yeah, okay. We'll admit that he may be wounded, but his nominee to be chief justice is running circles around this circus called the Senate judiciary committee, and he has made literal mincemeat and fools of the best and brightest the left has to offer and there's another nomination to go in a month or so. So the entire judiciary, one-third of the three branches of government being reshaped by President Bush, and this is the branch that's the most valuable to the left, most valuable to the media. So let 'em gloat, folks. Let 'em sit there and gloat over the president's failing approval numbers and polling numbers and let them absorb themselves in the meaningfulness to them of low approval numbers while the judiciary gets reshaped. This is how they've taken their eye off the ball here. They're so focused on destroying Bush, that they can be juked, as it were. You can fake 'em out because they have tunnel vision. They're all just focused on one thing.
You know the media. One of the problems here with pundits and commentators alike, is that they all live in the moment. They live for this moment, not just this day, but this news cycle, whether the news cycle is 24 hours or 12 hours or three hours. They live in that cycle. They live for the moment. They cannot lift their sights to the deeper current of events. They see the president's poll numbers, and it means what they want it to mean. He's finished. He's through. He's not finished. He's not through. By the way, I'm not defending the president. I don't want to be misunderstood here. This is media analysis. They are so convinced that they have destroyed Bush, and yet he is reshaping the judiciary right in front of their eyes. They're covering it, they see it, but they don't see it. They see the poll numbers. They see the president in a circumstance in which they think he is floundering -- and you have to admit this, folks, and sometimes when you're alive during extraordinary events it's tough to miss just how extraordinary they are. But we are living in an extraordinary period of big events. There are events that are helping to bend and shape history, and some would say in a more conservative direction than we've had in a while, and what do the liberals have to offer? Nothing but rage and hatred, and gloating when they think that they have disabled a president, and again, let 'em think it. If they want to think they've disabled the president and rendered him dead, politically dead -- and if you read the right things, you will see the term framed, "His presidency is destroyed, presidency is finished."
Well, you know, he's got three years to go, and I don't know how you can say his presidency is finished when the reshaping the one branch of government the left has left to grasp onto, and if they lose this, it doesn't matter about approval numbers. This is, for some reason, not being seen. Because they live in the moment, there's no vision. There's no context. For example, the coverage of Hurricane Katrina is an excellent example. There was no historical context whatsoever. How hard would it be for all these now self-proclaimed great reporters to have given us a little context? "No, no, no, can't do that! We want this to be the absolute worst disaster in the history of the world because it happens on Bush's watch. So we're not going to tell the audience about how bad the Johnstown flood was and we're not going to tell people how bad the Galveston hurricane was, and we're not going to tell people that the death toll here is actually going to be far lower than what we've projected it to be." Mayor Nagin today said 182,000 are people moving back to New Orleans next week. Anybody think this was going to happen after listening to the mainstream media all last week? The French Quarter is opening Friday, just earlier this week it was opening in 60 to 90 days. The French Quarter is opening Friday. Already commercial air traffic is going in there.
"Rush, you're in denial. You are denying what you're seeing."
No, I'm not the one in denial. I'm seeing efforts to rebuild the place moving along much faster than anybody thought possible. This is why you never listen to the doom-and-gloomers. The doom-and-gloomers had New Orleans dead and buried and we weren't going to rebuild there. It was not possible. It wouldn't make any sense. All of these things because the media pundits and commentators and reporters live in the moment -- and they live, interestingly enough, in the moment as guided and influenced by their desires, by the conclusions they hope to see; and there's an overriding conclusion that they hope to see, and that is a politically deceased president who's ineffective and can't do anything and has been rendered helpless by virtue of an onslaught of criticism, and where do they go to find that conclusion? Their poll numbers. I think we can safely say this is a president that really hasn't cared much about poll numbers. He's cared more about doing what he thinks needs to be done and what he thinks is right. We can argue whether or not he has the ability on a day-to-day basis to explain and articulate as well as could be done what he's doing. But the fact that he may not be able to articulate it to the satisfaction of a lot of people doesn't mean that it's not happening. Doesn't mean that progress isn't taking place. Now, I know that conservatives, they're full of doom and gloom, they're fretting over who the next nominee will be, is Bush going to sell us out, oh, no. Well, we won't know 'til it happens, but one thing we do know. Those living in the moment are missing extraordinary events that are reshaping the future, and they ought to be the ones telling us about it, but they don't see it.