Some of Biden's Lies


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
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I am not concerned that Biden lies. Every politician ever lied. No, goes beyond lies. Let me frame this: I used to be a card caring liberal Democrat back in the day. I left them when it became apparent what cheap bargain basement crap hustlers ideologues they became. At the last Dem caucus, illegal aliens where verboten topics. Why? Americans, people are losing jobs and...STOP! This was back in 1988. I lost all respect for democrats and their race hustling dictatorship.
If you believe the Washington Pest, you are beyond hope.

Only 12% of respondents regarded the WAPOST as trustworthy.
They are the ones who broke the Watergate story and they hate Republicans.
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It doesn't matter who printed it. It's on record anywhere you want to look.
I know you Don't like it but it's fact.
Don't shoot the messenger son. Shoot the lying pig who conned everyone.
| PolitiFact

Biden’s big, unprecedented lies

Wrong, wrong, wrong | National Review

He is also senile

More of Biden's Lies

"Joe Biden lied to America in the first debate with a straight face. By at least one count, Biden told 33 outright lies. He exaggerated, misled the audience and was simply wrong more than a dozen times."


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Surely people know politicians lie by now.
It doesn't matter who printed it. It's on record anywhere you want to look.
I know you Don't like it but it's fact.
Don't shoot the messenger son. Shoot the lying pig who conned everyone.
Most Americans don't trust the Liberal media and neither do I. Trump is right when he calls WaPost and NY Slime Fake news. Your messenger is not reliable and I will not accept his message.
Trump does not always tell the truth but that does not excuse the moron Joe Biden from being a chronic liar. Trump is gone from the White House now and we have a senile lying jackass as President. Trump at least could face situations and make good decisions. Biden can't tie his fucking shoes.
It doesn't matter who printed it. It's on record anywhere you want to look.
I know you Don't like it but it's fact.
Don't shoot the messenger son. Shoot the lying pig who conned everyone.
Most Americans don't trust the Liberal media and neither do I. Trump is right when he calls WaPost and NY Slime Fake news. Your messenger is not reliable and I will not accept his message.
Trump does not always tell the truth but that does not excuse the moron Joe Biden from being a chronic liar. Trump is gone from the White House now and we have a senile lying jackass as President. Trump at least could face situations and make good decisions. Biden can't tie his fucking shoes.
Sure he did, good for Trump.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse. Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Drop sanctions get a $1 billion check.
If you believe the Washington Pest, you are beyond hope.

Only 12% of respondents regarded the WAPOST as trustworthy.
They are the ones who broke the Watergate story and they hate Republicans.
So you are saying breaking Watergate makes them untrustworthy...

Just as a matter interest, Was their reporting in Watergate the truth?

When historians look back at this time they will see people who wanted to hear information that re-enforced their belief system and other that want the truth... The watchers of bias sources just can't handle the truth and wrap themselves in cotton wool if that source then tries to be objective (give some truth) they are jettisoned for an even more partisan less truthful view. Fox are walking this tightrope at the moment...
Fox News & MSNBC have fairly honest reporting.. Fox a little to the right and the MSNBC a bit to the Left...
It is a punditry that Fox goes off the deep end... Tucker Carlson is now spouting the same points as Alex Jones.. Rachel Matters does take a left stance but at least beds her stuff in investigative reporting, evidence and facts... Tucker don't go near the whole evidence thing...

But when Fox tries to steer the ship back to reality they get a huge backlash... They created a tribe and that tribe's mission is to destroy the other tribe... Trump was then made head of the tribe, he made no bones of not being there for the others who are not in his tribe.. He made sure that the first rule of the tribe, is not to listen to anyone outside the tribe, cults do the same...
Biden can't say no to anyone. he wants everyone to like him. he's just a washed-up hack.

he wants Putin to like him, he wants Xi to like him, he wants THE WHOLE WORLD to like him
Biden can't say no to anyone. he wants everyone to like him. he's just a washed-up hack.

he wants Putin to like him, he wants Xi to like him, he wants THE WHOLE WORLD to like him
Well he put Putin in his place in the G8.... Putin was told the new rules...
But anyone's opinion that thought Trump was anything but a disaster is not connected to reality...
| PolitiFact

Biden’s big, unprecedented lies

Wrong, wrong, wrong | National Review

He is also senile

More of Biden's Lies

"Joe Biden lied to America in the first debate with a straight face. By at least one count, Biden told 33 outright lies. He exaggerated, misled the audience and was simply wrong more than a dozen times."


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The pissy malcontents alienated from America, a cult of personality, have chosen a mindless allegiance to a singularly dysfunctional personality.

The President Americans chose to lead the nation:

Screen Shot 2021-07-05 at 8.29.54 AM.png

“Today, we celebrate America. Our freedom, our liberty, our independence.
The Fourth of July is a sacred day in our country. A day of history, of hope,
remembrance and resolve, of promise and possibilities.”
Meanwhile, on our national holiday, in Loserland, the self-obsessed sack of victimhood oozes his self-pity

Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 8.17.07 AM.png

“Every abuse and attack they throw my way is ... !”
The lying, whining, cry baby, thrown out on his tapioca tushie by the American electorate, is far too feeble to honorably accept his democratic fate, so he attracts the dredges like flies to a steaming pile of stuff that attracts flies.

Screen Shot 2021-06-08 at 12.38.42 PM.png

"I ain't been so aroused since I sat in the balcony through
all them May West double features!"

Do you want us to go to war with China and Russia so you can flex your ego?
Little wonder trump got chucked out with idiots like supporting him.
In fact you idiot, he was turfed because republicans changed their mi da and voted for Biden. These statistics are in the figures when compared with 2016 elevtion figures.
The votes could not have come from anywhere else. It's that simple. But your still blaming something else when it was your very own disciples who chucked him out. How sad. My heart bleeds for you.
I am not concerned that Biden lies. Every politician ever lied. No, goes beyond lies. Let me frame this: I used to be a card caring liberal Democrat back in the day. I left them when it became apparent what cheap bargain basement crap hustlers ideologues they became. At the last Dem caucus, illegal aliens where verboten topics. Why? Americans, people are losing jobs and...STOP! This was back in 1988. I lost all respect for democrats and their race hustling dictatorship.
I doubt that Biden's butt has actually been wiped.

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