Solution for the rights' disaster handout to the worst or the worst in their party.

Constitutionally speaking education has always been a State issue and Federal intervention not much of anything significant. Until the Carter Administration created the Department of Education. That's when the cost of education exploded and the quality went to shit. Nothing is made better or cheaper when the Fed gets involved.
What a clown, the government has always been involved with the education in this country.. You haven't said one thing in this whole thread that is even close to true. You are the ultimate blowhard.Your bullshit line was that education came undone the day the government got involved. . You are just brain-dead stupid. Nothing but cut and paste answer for you from now on. if you continue not to contribute or if you continue to try to hijack this thread, your ass is out of her.
Hitting a nerve, are you going to throw a tantrum.
What a clown, the government has always been involved with the education in this country.. You haven't said one thing in this whole thread that is even close to true. You are the ultimate blowhard.

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