Solid Majority Of Americans Say Senate Acquittal Did Not Clear Trump Of Wrongdoing


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.
Well.........if the morons over at the DailyKooks sez so.....................


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Interestingly enough, there are a lot of Republican senators who said that while Trump DID do something wrong, it wasn't enough to warrant removal.

GOP senators label Trump's behavior 'shameful' but not impeachable

As Republicans senators explain how they will vote on whether to convict President Trump and remove him from office, a familiar refrain is emerging: The president's behavior was wrong, but not impeachable.

Republican senators have labeled Trump's request for Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to "look into" the Bidens and his delay of aid as "shameful," "inappropriate" and "improper."

But no GOP senator of the 53-member caucus has, so far, said they will vote to convict him on the two House-passed articles of impeachment: Abuse of power and obstructing Congress.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) became the latest Republican to criticize Trump's behavior, but say that she will ultimately vote to acquit him.

"It is clear from the July 25, 2019, phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky that the investigation into the Bidens’ activities requested by President Trump was improper and demonstrated very poor judgment," Collins said from the Senate floor Tuesday.
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.

When the Republicans take back the House, there will be a motion to expunge the impeachment and the Senate will vote to approve. That's how filthy the liberal commies were.
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.

Solid majority.
How many think he was acquitted?
Of course, the Senate only acquitted Trump. Acquittal is not a finding of innocence. Only world class morons think Trump was somehow exonerated.
From the actual poll:


American voters are evenly split, 49 - 49 percent, on the Senate's decision to acquit President Trump of both articles of impeachment.
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From the actual poll:


Less than a week after President Trump was acquitted in the Senate impeachment trial and delivered his State of the Union address, the president's job approval continues to match his highest approval number
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Well.........if the morons over at the DailyKooks sez so.....................


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These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Overall, we rate the Daily Kos strongly Left Biased based on story selection that almost exclusively favors the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to non-vetted content as well as a few failed fact check and misleading claims.

Actually, the Monmouth polling, and Qunnipiac poll, as stated in the article said so.

Apparently you say giddy up to your mouth before you hitch your brain up to it.

Explains a lot.
From the actual poll:


President Trump continues to score high marks on his handling of the economy. Voters approve 54 - 42 percent of his handling of the economy

When asked about their personal financial situations, voters say 59 - 20 percent that they are better off financially than they were in 2016

Overall, 70 percent of voters describe the nation's economy as excellent or good and 29 percent describe it as not so good or poor.
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By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.
Yeah right. This won't end until the DOJ investigates every single ringleader of this Democratic led putsch and removes them from office or puts them in jail. Nobody wants this, or likes where this is going.
Well.........if the morons over at the DailyKooks sez so.....................


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These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Overall, we rate the Daily Kos strongly Left Biased based on story selection that almost exclusively favors the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to non-vetted content as well as a few failed fact check and misleading claims.

Actually, the Monmouth polling, and Qunnipiac poll, as stated in the article said so.

Apparently you say giddy up to your mouth before you hitch your brain up to it.

Explains a lot.

Cool link, Bro.
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By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.
Daily Kooks....

Maybe Crazy Bag Lady Nan will impeach Trump again?

If Trump does something else that is against the law, then yeah, he should be brought up on charges. Sorry, but impeachment isn't a one and done kind of thing. If Trump breaks the law again, he should be impeached again.

Except having a foreign government investigate crimes done by US citizens in that country can not be illegal.
What law could that breach, since it is required that the executive investigate possible crimes by US citizens in other countries.
There would only have been a crime if there was indication the US was coercing the Ukraine to falsify charges or manufacture evidence, which was NOT the case.
There was no crime.
So that means the House was the one abusing its authority.
Which means there pretty much can no longer be any justification for an impeachment.
The House has impugned itself.

I don't like Trump, but the impeachment attempt was really, really stupid.
With the elections only 8 months away, there was no need.
And all this did was make the House look bad, which inadvertently makes Trump look better.
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.

Well I think everyone here is going to get behind the dem nominee now
I mean after this post we really have no choice

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