Society taken hostage . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
"Give us what we want, now, or we'll burn down more buildings . . . "

So says the mob mind out there at the head of a small army of looters—barbarians they are, to the last. So speak up, America . . . what say you? Give the mob what they want? Capitulate, submit, surrender the rule of law—the foundation of civilization—to a bunch of tantrum throwing human dogs?

Turn on your TV and witness the enemy of all the thousands of years of blood men and women have bled to raise civilization itself out of the primordial dust of savagery and barbarism. We as a species might indeed be ten thousand years out of the cave, out of the time before the light of the first human made fire, but make no fucking mistake, friends—we're never more than about five hours from total chaos and sinking back into those draconian pits of human hell on Earth. It's time to stand the line; that infinitesimal demarcation between order and chaos . . . between you and your wife and children being allowed to live in piece or live at all, and watching them raped to death at the hands of roving marauders.

The democrats sure do love their martyrs now don't they? Suddenly this violent felon Floyd is elevated to Christ-like status and the world must burn for the life of a fucking convicted home invader. Who out there actually stands for destroying the homes and businesses of your fellow Americans? For burning down your own vital infrastructure? Please, raise your hands and be counted. Oh and in case you were jonesing for a spicy chicken sandwich and a frosty . . . you razed the local Wendy's . . . chumps.
"Give us what we want, now, or we'll burn down more buildings . . . "

So says the mob mind out there at the head of a small army of looters—barbarians they are, to the last. So speak up, America . . . what say you? Give the mob what they want? Capitulate, submit, surrender the rule of law—the foundation of civilization—to a bunch of tantrum throwing human dogs?

Turn on your TV and witness the enemy of all the thousands of years of blood men and women have bled to raise civilization itself out of the primordial dust of savagery and barbarism. We as a species might indeed be ten thousand years out of the cave, out of the time before the light of the first human made fire, but make no fucking mistake, friends—we're never more than about five hours from total chaos and sinking back into those draconian pits of human hell on Earth. It's time to stand the line; that infinitesimal demarcation between order and chaos . . . between you and your wife and children being allowed to live in piece or live at all, and watching them raped to death at the hands of roving marauders.

The democrats sure do love their martyrs now don't they? Suddenly this violent felon Floyd is elevated to Christ-like status and the world must burn for the life of a fucking convicted home invader. Who out there actually stands for destroying the homes and businesses of your fellow Americans? For burning down your own vital infrastructure? Please, raise your hands and be counted. Oh and in case you were jonesing for a spicy chicken sandwich and a frosty . . . you razed the local Wendy's . . . chumps.
Fantastic post, thanks.
"Give us what we want, now, or we'll burn down more buildings . . . "

So says the mob mind out there at the head of a small army of looters—barbarians they are, to the last. So speak up, America . . . what say you? Give the mob what they want? Capitulate, submit, surrender the rule of law—the foundation of civilization—to a bunch of tantrum throwing human dogs?

Turn on your TV and witness the enemy of all the thousands of years of blood men and women have bled to raise civilization itself out of the primordial dust of savagery and barbarism. We as a species might indeed be ten thousand years out of the cave, out of the time before the light of the first human made fire, but make no fucking mistake, friends—we're never more than about five hours from total chaos and sinking back into those draconian pits of human hell on Earth. It's time to stand the line; that infinitesimal demarcation between order and chaos . . . between you and your wife and children being allowed to live in piece or live at all, and watching them raped to death at the hands of roving marauders.

The democrats sure do love their martyrs now don't they? Suddenly this violent felon Floyd is elevated to Christ-like status and the world must burn for the life of a fucking convicted home invader. Who out there actually stands for destroying the homes and businesses of your fellow Americans? For burning down your own vital infrastructure? Please, raise your hands and be counted. Oh and in case you were jonesing for a spicy chicken sandwich and a frosty . . . you razed the local Wendy's . . . chumps.
Decades of Marxist identity politics are coming to fruition. Just look at all the brain dead millennials at these riots with their cell phones out streaming.

The radical left want to see our nation burn to the ground, and they are literally trying to do that now.

Thankfully they are also showing America the true colors of the left. It’s hateful, anti-American, zero respect for people’s businesses and livelihood, and inciting violence to push a political agenda.
I have a question for the liberals that post on these threads. In which cities run by Republicans have full scale riots, lootings, and destruction of businesses occurred? I'll wait............
A republican is the president of this country. Under his watch people are dying left and right from a pandemic. Rising numbers of people are getting infected. Citizens are being killed by the police. Under his watch we are living in pure unadulterated chaos. Meanwhile you republicans are playing identity politics while implementing group think. Republican is a political identity. Republicans are a group. Anyone that strays from right wing groupthink is ostracized or purged. Yet we have to read this psychosis you stupid VULGARITY REMOVED post up in here about how you are individuals.


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A republican is the president of this country. Under his watch people are dying left and right from a pandemic. Rising numbers of people are getting infected. Citizens are being killed by the police. Under his watch we are living in pure unadulterated chaos. Meanwhile you republicans are playing identity politics while implementing group think. Republican is a political identity. Republicans are a group. Anyone that strays from right wing groupthink is ostracized or purged. Yet we have to read this psychosis you stupid motherfuckers post up in here about how you are individuals.
Hey, IQ2, which cities run by Republicans have been looted and had businesses destroyed? These would be cities with Republican mayors and with a majority of conservatives that reside there. I'll wait...........
It isn't the nation. It is democrat cities. Let them burn. There was a drive by in Detroit. A protester was shot and killed. No one will care. It's black on black crime.

Cities like Detroit and Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York are the democrats' modern equivalent of the ancient Circus Maximus; they're city-size fight clubs farmed for votes, treasure and for blood, for entertainment and last but not least, for endless political victims. I'd call that slavery on a scale never before witnessed in human history. To democrat politicians the urban African American is a cattle animal harvested for political power. The democrats keep the drugs, guns and hatred flowing right into the hands and hearts and minds of the poor inner city black folk. This pathetic status, this level of unmitigated abuse and genocide in plain sight will never end until radical leftism is snuffed out in America.
"Give us what we want, now, or we'll burn down more buildings . . . "

So says the mob mind out there at the head of a small army of looters—barbarians they are, to the last. So speak up, America . . . what say you? Give the mob what they want? Capitulate, submit, surrender the rule of law—the foundation of civilization—to a bunch of tantrum throwing human dogs?

Turn on your TV and witness the enemy of all the thousands of years of blood men and women have bled to raise civilization itself out of the primordial dust of savagery and barbarism. We as a species might indeed be ten thousand years out of the cave, out of the time before the light of the first human made fire, but make no fucking mistake, friends—we're never more than about five hours from total chaos and sinking back into those draconian pits of human hell on Earth. It's time to stand the line; that infinitesimal demarcation between order and chaos . . . between you and your wife and children being allowed to live in piece or live at all, and watching them raped to death at the hands of roving marauders.

The democrats sure do love their martyrs now don't they? Suddenly this violent felon Floyd is elevated to Christ-like status and the world must burn for the life of a fucking convicted home invader. Who out there actually stands for destroying the homes and businesses of your fellow Americans? For burning down your own vital infrastructure? Please, raise your hands and be counted. Oh and in case you were jonesing for a spicy chicken sandwich and a frosty . . . you razed the local Wendy's . . . chumps.
Decades of Marxist identity politics are coming to fruition. Just look at all the brain dead millennials at these riots with their cell phones out streaming.

The radical left want to see our nation burn to the ground, and they are literally trying to do that now.

Thankfully they are also showing America the true colors of the left. It’s hateful, anti-American, zero respect for people’s businesses and livelihood, and inciting violence to push a political agenda.

Yeah, it's Marxist style class warfare, which traditionally pitted the middle and upper classes against the filthy masses, in an endless political and cultural struggle. Only this time, in our Age, class warfare has been rebranded and repackaged as race warfare, which pits African Americans against everyone else, "white" folk in particular. The ultimate goal of Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist class warfare was to bring about a dictatorship of the proletariat, or rule by the filthy impoverished masses. What always happened in communist governments, however, was a dictatorship supposedly of and by and for the people turning out to be a dictatorship of a few commie party leaders who consolidate all power and made themselves infinitely wealthy in the process. So viva la fucking revolution to the bruthas, and have fun looting your hearts out in hopes of bringing about a new order that will kill you faster even than old Floyd tapped out.
A republican is the president of this country. Under his watch people are dying left and right from a pandemic. Rising numbers of people are getting infected. Citizens are being killed by the police. Under his watch we are living in pure unadulterated chaos. Meanwhile you republicans are playing identity politics while implementing group think. Republican is a political identity. Republicans are a group. Anyone that strays from right wing groupthink is ostracized or purged. Yet we have to read this psychosis you stupid motherfuckers post up in here about how you are individuals.
Hey, IQ2, which cities run by Republicans have been looted and had businesses destroyed? These would be cities with Republican mayors and with a majority of conservatives that reside there. I'll wait...........
The country is run by a republican. That republicans rhetoric has emboldened sissies like you to do things they would not due because of race. That policeman was probably a conservative because most of law enforcement is. This country is in chaos under the leadership of a republican. That republican ran to be president over every city and state.

Mass protests and even riots and looting are the voices of the unheard. The Trumpbots who talk of violent revolution while there is a democratic president at least seem like they would understand this. Turns out they are not interested in identifying with the people they most want to wipe out in their fantasy revolts.
Sadly....a fantasy revolt , under the fantasy flag of a fantasy country, with a fantasy constitution starts to make sense occupied.... ~S~
Oh isn't that what the militias are for, but I forget, you have the government you want.

Edit: I don't agree with the looting or the burning.
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Sadly....a fantasy revolt , under the fantasy flag of a fantasy country, with a fantasy constitution starts to make sense occupied.... ~S~
Right wingers don't have revolts, they have military coups.
A republican is the president of this country. Under his watch people are dying left and right from a pandemic. Rising numbers of people are getting infected. Citizens are being killed by the police. Under his watch we are living in pure unadulterated chaos. Meanwhile you republicans are playing identity politics while implementing group think. Republican is a political identity. Republicans are a group. Anyone that strays from right wing groupthink is ostracized or purged. Yet we have to read this psychosis you stupid VULGARITY REMOVED post up in here about how you are individuals.

Citizens are being killed by the police. Under his watch we are living in pure unadulterated chaos.

Like in Ferguson, and Baltimore under Obama?
surrender the rule of law—
Speak to the lock down artists in the Districts of Criminals who operate under the color of law vs the rule of law.

I don't approve nor condone the looting, anytime- but, in a monkey see monkey do world the lead monkeys set the example which follower monkeys follow-

The lead monkeys use threats, coercion and force under the color of law. What recourse do we the stinky tourist have?

The lead monkeys demand capitulation and subservience or you'll have your property confiscated- under the color of law.

The rule of law is a jucking foke in this country- if one is to condemn citizens for unlawful action then one must condemn public servants for tyranny (unlawful btw) or one is excercising double standards- which is what the lead monkeys have perfected- congratulations. You are a part of the problem. It's said, that pointing out a problem without offering a solution is adding to the problem. Guess what condemning wronged citizens and giving a free pass to the empty suited public servants is? Exacerbating a growing problem.
A republican is the president of this country. Under his watch people are dying left and right from a pandemic. Rising numbers of people are getting infected. Citizens are being killed by the police. Under his watch we are living in pure unadulterated chaos. Meanwhile you republicans are playing identity politics while implementing group think. Republican is a political identity. Republicans are a group. Anyone that strays from right wing groupthink is ostracized or purged. Yet we have to read this psychosis you stupid VULGARITY REMOVED post up in here about how you are individuals.
LOL, yea, all you leftwing maggots rioting really care about the pandemic, crowding together and spitting on cops.

Fuck off.
A republican is the president of this country. Under his watch people are dying left and right from a pandemic. Rising numbers of people are getting infected. Citizens are being killed by the police. Under his watch we are living in pure unadulterated chaos. Meanwhile you republicans are playing identity politics while implementing group think. Republican is a political identity. Republicans are a group. Anyone that strays from right wing groupthink is ostracized or purged. Yet we have to read this psychosis you stupid VULGARITY REMOVED post up in here about how you are individuals.
LOL, yea, all you leftwing maggots rioting really care about the pandemic, crowding together and spitting on cops.

Fuck off.
Well at least you will have something besides Trump to blame the second wave of infection on. We've all seen the memorial day clips of people seeming not to care about crowding. It's all fucking stupid.

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