Societal Collapse, Is It Happening At Current?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
The Author of this link has a pretty good grasp on former nations/Empires that have went down in total ruin. Most folks would think that invasion by foreign militaries would be the top choice for the collapsing great societies/empires of the past. If you find yourself in the before mentioned camp of thought you might just want to view the link below, shocking as it may be for many folks!

No country has ever remained on top forever.

Think of England and France and Spain, just for starters.

So why should we think that the United States of America with its economic troubles and especially its
"cultural" problems (no need to be specific) will be an exception?
No country has ever remained on top forever.

Think of England and France and Spain, just for starters.

So why should we think that the United States of America with its economic troubles and especially its
"cultural" problems (no need to be specific) will be an exception?
The nature of human beings is they can't stand prosperity. They get fat, lazy, and forget God. They fall into a moral abyss. Some people can maintain their steadfastness despite prosperity. They can go against their inclination. Those are the people who continue to do well. If we could get the majority of people to think that way, America could go on for millennia.

There is also the fact that a few greedy people will always try to subvert and collapse a prosperous society for their own gains. That is what is happening with the leftist Democrat Party. Defund the police, legalization of prostitution and pot, elimination of fossil fuels, open borders, shut down of economies, war on Christianity, pitting groups against one another, denigration of motherhood and the traditional families -- ALL those things are designed to unravel America.
There is also the fact that a few greedy people will always try to subvert and collapse a prosperous society for their own gains.
that is what is happening on wall st and throughout the nation. why do you hate capitalism?
The Author of this link has a pretty good grasp on former nations/Empires that have went down in total ruin. Most folks would think that invasion by foreign militaries would be the top choice for the collapsing great societies/empires of the past. If you find yourself in the before mentioned camp of thought you might just want to view the link below, shocking as it may be for many folks!

libturdism is the cause

that is what is happening on wall st and throughout the nation. why do you hate capitalism?
He did not .
He said that historically people have remained the same and they abuse the system themselves .
Anyhow , why would anybody not at the top choose to defend a position based on deliberate oppression and control ?
BRICS Plus, will simply change the system make up with the possibility of one or two key improvements .

After US terrorism and a Never Ending Wars philosophy almost anything else deserves a chance .
Did biz in '08, did biz thru the lockdowns, lived through a number of economic downturns .

Most resulted in unintelligible fed speak , or banksters before Congress blame shifting

Those economic cycles and their remedies (mostly ignoring the truth) were fairly predictable

What the OP is referring to is a massive collapse where past rx won't apply when the creature from Jekyll island rears it's ugly head


Only in history is it seen as a collapse.
A nation that "collapses" does so over decades. Even surpassing a century.
The United States began it's decline in the late 1970s when modern corporatism was born, by the 80s it was flourishing. As investors realized they could make more money by investing in super cheap labor off shore. And then investing in companies that moved their whole operation overseas.
America will be the first nation that knowingly commits suicide. No one invades it, they don't have to.
And now, we are into our 2nd generation that has no respect for this nation. Many of them thinking it needs to end.
And that - will be the final blow.
He did not .
He said that historically people have remained the same and they abuse the system themselves .
Anyhow , why would anybody not at the top choose to defend a position based on deliberate oppression and control ?
BRICS Plus, will simply change the system make up with the possibility of one or two key improvements .

After US terrorism and a Never Ending Wars philosophy almost anything else deserves a chance .
would you have the usa join brics? i like inteernational alliances, usually conservatives want to play with themselves?

i have no problem with free markets. but does that describe modern global capitalism which trends inexorably towards monopoly?
would you have the usa join brics? i like inteernational alliances, usually conservatives want to play with themselves?

i have no problem with free markets. but does that describe modern global capitalism which trends inexorably towards monopoly?
We have not had a free market system in America for well over 50 years. It doesn't really even resemble one.
Instead we have a tightly controlled, manipulated market with the major players setting all the rules via their proxy servants in Washington.
America began that way, and will end that way.
A sign of things coming from the 90s.
In community parks across the nation, statues and monuments that stood, untouched, for decades suddenly were vandalized. Some survived by only getting spray painted, others literally pounded into rubble.
In my community - there was a WWI monument with a soldier standing in attention saluting. It was erected in 1928. 10 years after the war ended.
I played in that same park as a child in the 1970s. At that time it had stood for 50 years. Just like the two eagle statues about 100 yards away from it that is a WW II monument.
Today - the soldier is gone. Only the platform remains, with most of the carved words vandalized to now be unreadable. The WW II monument. First kids knocked the beaks off of the twin eagles. Then their whole heads. The city replaced then a few times and installed lights. Only to be knocked down again.
Finally about 10 years ago, the city removed the eagles altogether.

Statues and monuments that teenagers left alone for decades... all beginning in the 1990s have been vandalized because modern teens have no respect for them at all. No care as to what those monuments represent. No care about the country they live in. And today - those kids are in charge.
The Author of this link has a pretty good grasp on former nations/Empires that have went down in total ruin. Most folks would think that invasion by foreign militaries would be the top choice for the collapsing great societies/empires of the past. If you find yourself in the before mentioned camp of thought you might just want to view the link below, shocking as it may be for many folks!

The US is falling because politics has nothing to do with running the country any more.
that is what is happening on wall st and throughout the nation. why do you hate capitalism?
When you allow capitalists total control of your nation’s government, the nation’s demise will occur in time.
Capitalism is the best form of societal organization the world has ever seen thus far.
Never before in the history of the entire world has so many done so well. A system that has improved the lives of well over 90% of the people.
But does that mean it is impervious to corruption? Greed has no effect on it?
But it is still best system.
And until we find perfect angelic beings to organize everything for us in a better way - you need to thank God you were fortunate enough to be born into a nation that still benefits from it.
You could have been born in China, n Korea, the Middle East, Africa, Central America, Russia and on and on.
You wasn't.
And here you are complaining about the very system that provided you everything you have.
Capitalism is the best form of societal organization the world has ever seen thus far.
Never before in the history of the entire world has so many done so well. A system that has improved the lives of well over 90% of the people.
But does that mean it is impervious to corruption? Greed has no effect on it?
But it is still best system.
And until we find perfect angelic beings to organize everything for us in a better way - you need to thank God you were fortunate enough to be born into a nation that still benefits from it.
You could have been born in China, n Korea, the Middle East, Africa, Central America, Russia and on and on.
You wasn't.
And here you are complaining about the very system that provided you everything you have.

It's not capitalism that's the problem it's consumerism.
It's manufactured markets and fake consensuses

It's the idea being sold that a simple ordinary life is not enough even though that is all most of us will ever have.

Just buy more stuff and you'll be happy.

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