Socialists: French vs. American


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I've always believed that an honest Leftist would be along any day......any day.

Well....this is the day: Manuel Valls, Prime Minister of the almost-Muslim nation, France.

The socialist we have in the presidency certainly could learn a lot about honesty from his political cousin.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, my new BFF socialist. He speaks the truth on the issues raised in the following interview and, therefore, would be labeled a bigot, an economic throw-back, and an Islamophobe, by American Liberals/socialsts.

He might even be called...........a 'conservative'!!

1. "France has been struck very much at its heart by terrorism—jihadist terrorism and radical Islamism, because let us call things like they are.”

2. When Mr. Valls says “let us call things as they are”—this is his first interview with an American publication since the terrorist atrocities in Paris last month—the contrast with the U.S. president is hard to miss.... other world leaders seem reluctant to acknowledge the Islamist nature of the terror threat.

3. .... the 52-year-old Socialist embodies energy in the executive, a quality his compatriots have come to admire in an age that calls on leaders to “always start with the real situation, not an imaginary world,” as Mr. Valls puts it.
[Memo to Barack Hussein Obama!]

4. ...Valls views the Islamist threat as twofold.

First “there are the terror organizations, like Islamic State and al Qaeda in all its forms,” .... “This is what I would call an outside enemy.”
The second threat is the jihadist network spread across Europe, or the “internal enemy.”

... the two produced the Charlie Hebdo attack in January. The perpetrators were homegrown Islamists radicalized by al Qaeda’s Yemeni franchise. The terrorist who massacred four Jews at a kosher supermarket, meanwhile, claimed in a video released after his death to have been inspired by Islamic State."

[Notice, he didn't say 'some random folks in a deli.'
Following said massacre, Barack Hussein Obama refused to allow any high-ups in his administration to attend the world-rally against the savages. Why is that?]

5. In response to the attacks, Messrs. Hollande and Valls have set out to strengthen France’s counterterror capabilities... authorities on Monday confiscated the passports of six suspected jihadists before they could travel to the Mideast. .... developing France’s first comprehensive legal framework for intelligence, boosting funding and staffing at agencies and granting them broader authority to identify and monitor terror suspects online.
[What? He didn't decry 'profiling'???]

“We want to act very fiercely and with a lot of determination and coherence,” but without “challenging the rule of law.”
[Barack Hussein Obama forbid the mere mention of the perpetrator's motivating doctrine.]

6. Prison authorities are isolating jihadists to prevent them from radicalizing other inmates." Sohrab Ahmari France s Anti-Terror Free-Market Socialist - WSJ
[Barack Hussein Obama releases jihadists in exchange for army deserters, e.g., Bergdahl, whose search cost the lives of at least six patriotic American soldiers.] seems that American Liberals/socialists have given the others a bad name.....
9.6% of the population and the nation of France is almost Muslim inhabited.......hmmm...seems conservative right wingers are math retarded....
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)

She went to one of the most liberal colleges in the Northeast, which makes one wonder why she doesn't use herself as a shining example of the failure of liberal education that she's always on rants about.
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)

1. Once again I must complement you on avoiding any reference to the actual substance of the post to which you are ostensibly responding.

2. You are wrong.....if I were a Liberal, I'd accuse you of lying: I used quotes when I quoted.
I gave annotation in brackets.

3. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you'd like to compare my education to yours....but I'm certain that comparing your posts to mine would answer any questions that might arise.
If I might offer an analogy....
To compare your work with mine is compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

As usual, glad I could correct you before you made a further ass of yourself.
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)

She went to one of the most liberal colleges in the Northeast, which makes one wonder why she doesn't use herself as a shining example of the failure of liberal education that she's always on rants about.

Because, you simpleton, I am not an example of "the failure of liberal education."

I am a success as a result of recognizing its failures, and found ways to release myself from said 'quicksand.'

You might try it:
a. Never lie, to yourself or to others
b. Read and study...copiously.
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)

She went to one of the most liberal colleges in the Northeast, which makes one wonder why she doesn't use herself as a shining example of the failure of liberal education that she's always on rants about.

Because, you simpleton, I am not an example of "the failure of liberal education."

I am a success as a result of recognizing its failures, and found ways to release myself from said 'quicksand.'

You might try it:
a. Never lie, to yourself or to others
b. Read and study...copiously.
I'm just saying that if you ever want to attend college or university, (its obvious that you haven't) don't plagiarize like that :)
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)

She went to one of the most liberal colleges in the Northeast, which makes one wonder why she doesn't use herself as a shining example of the failure of liberal education that she's always on rants about.
they must have "pushed her through" like they do athletic scholarships no doubt
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)

She went to one of the most liberal colleges in the Northeast, which makes one wonder why she doesn't use herself as a shining example of the failure of liberal education that she's always on rants about.

Because, you simpleton, I am not an example of "the failure of liberal education."

I am a success as a result of recognizing its failures, and found ways to release myself from said 'quicksand.'

You might try it:
a. Never lie, to yourself or to others
b. Read and study...copiously.
I'm just saying that if you ever want to attend college or university, (its obvious that you haven't) don't plagiarize like that :)

Ohhh....when I saw the alert, I thought you were about to apologize.

But that would be the course for one with more class than you have.

Instead, you lie.

You must be a Liberal, huh?
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)

She went to one of the most liberal colleges in the Northeast, which makes one wonder why she doesn't use herself as a shining example of the failure of liberal education that she's always on rants about.

Because, you simpleton, I am not an example of "the failure of liberal education."

I am a success as a result of recognizing its failures, and found ways to release myself from said 'quicksand.'

You might try it:
a. Never lie, to yourself or to others
b. Read and study...copiously.

I'm so much smarter than you are if I cared I'd feel bad for you.
OP might consider higher education. She would have to do a lot of remedial classes though judging from her clumsily constructed OP.
ummm..... you didn't use the quote feature. :eusa_eh:

IF you ever intend on going to college, don't omit those, because they'll kick you out for plagiarism. Glad to help :)

She went to one of the most liberal colleges in the Northeast, which makes one wonder why she doesn't use herself as a shining example of the failure of liberal education that she's always on rants about.

Because, you simpleton, I am not an example of "the failure of liberal education."

I am a success as a result of recognizing its failures, and found ways to release myself from said 'quicksand.'

You might try it:
a. Never lie, to yourself or to others
b. Read and study...copiously.

I'm so much smarter than you are if I cared I'd feel bad for you.

Bad grammar makes me (sic).

Here....let me fix the grammar for you:
"I'm so much smarter than you are; if I cared, I'd feel bad for you."

The sentence itself is awkward...but you can only handle one lesson at a time.

Wasn't it amusing how I used your post to prove your post was false?

That sound? Me, chuckling.
OP might consider higher education. She would have to do a lot of remedial classes though judging from her clumsily constructed OP.

So......when are you gonna admit that I used quotation marks in the OP, and provided the link to the source?


Good little Liberal....lie,and then wander off.
7. ".... steps won’t suffice, Mr. Valls suggests, if leaders fail to confront the fundamental question at the root of the jihadist scourge: “Where does Islam stand in our European society?”

8. .... how come the homegrown Islamist problem persists “no matter the social or integration model” adopted by a host country, whether that means multiculturalist Britain or secularist France?"

9. France. “There are four to six million French citizens who are Muslims,” Mr. Valls says. “How can Islam prove that it is compatible with our values? With equality of women? With the separation of church and state? Therefore you have to put a name on things. . . . If you only say Islam has nothing to do with that, people won’t believe you.
[Are you listening, Barack Hussein Obama...the most merciful]

The failure to name the threat doesn’t help ...”
Sohrab Ahmari France s Anti-Terror Free-Market Socialist - WSJ

a. And, in America:
"Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce theunumine pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization" . Anti-Americanization

Multiculturalism.....the heart of the identity politics of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, is the reason for the failure.
Craigslist: "Used WWII vintage French 7.92 Mauser For Sale. Mint condition, dropped once, never fired"
Craigslist: "Used WWII vintage French 7.92 Mauser For Sale. Mint condition, dropped once, never fired"

Yet....the French, with the reputation of never winning wars unless led either by a woman or a foreigner, oppose the weak-kneed stance of Obama on Iran's nuclear ambitions.

"Was the deal that Iran came close to negotiating with six world powers in Geneva over the weekend likely to keep Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon? Not according to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who said that the proposed agreement—to relax economic sanctions while reining in only parts of Iran's nuclear program—was a "sucker's deal." All indications are that it was Mr. Fabius and the French government whose skepticism blocked the bargain intensely sought by the Obama administration and the mullahs in Tehran." The Case for Stronger Sanctions on Iran Hoover Institution

Go figure.
10. “We need to name this Islamofascism,” [French Prime Minister Manuel Valls] says, “because Islamic State is a form of totalitarianism, in their territory, in their ideology.”
Sohrab Ahmari France s Anti-Terror Free-Market Socialist - WSJ

Then, there's this from Obama and his apparatchiks.....

a. " DHS Secretary Explains Why Obama Won't Say 'Radical Islam' or 'Islamic Extremism'.... because the Muslim community doesn’t want him to.

President Obama defended his word choice on Wednesday, saying that ‘radical Islam’ gives the terrorists a religious legitimacy they don’t deserve. And Johnson echoed that argument on the major Sunday talk shows.

But many on both sides of the political aisle are frustrated that the president refuses to call radical Islam what it is.

“If we don’t identify our enemies, we cannot defeat them,” Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, told Fox News on Wednesday. “Unless you accurately identify who your enemy is, then you can’t come up with an effective strategy, a winning strategy to defeat that enemy.”

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz went even further on Wednesday, calling President Obama an “apologist for radical Islamic terrorists” over the administration’s rhetoric and approach to ISIS."
DHS Secretary Explains Why Obama Won t Say Radical Islam or Islamic Extremism - Leah Barkoukis
11. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls "joined the Socialist Party at age 18, two years before taking French citizenship in 1982. Elected ...a deputy to the National Assembly in 2002, the Sorbonne graduate rose quickly through party ranks.
France’s social crisis is owed in part to the country’s economic failure.

Growth is nonexistent.

Unemployment remains above 10%.

A quarter of French youth are unemployed.

The most talented young French men and women are more likely to be working in Silicon Valley or London than in Paris.

Foreign direct investment in France fell 94% over the past decade, thanks to the country’s high taxes, labyrinthine regulations and rigid labor-market rules.

With the old left incapable of addressing the economic problems that are largely its creation, Mr. Valls has emerged as a leader of the reform wing of the Socialists, emphasizing law and order, personal responsibility and free markets....." Sohrab Ahmari France s Anti-Terror Free-Market Socialist - WSJ

Wait....did he say 'the old left incapable of addressing the economic problems that are largely its creation'....or did he say 'Obama is incapable of addressing the economic problems that are largely his creation '?

One cannot help but be struck by how the same analysis applies to America, with its socialist President who has hates the free market, e.g., 'you didn't build that,' and this....

"Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever" Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever - Forbes
12. The American socialist, Obama proceeds in the manner that Einstein described as insanity.....he just keeps repeating the mistakes.

The French Socialist, on the other hand, argues for a change of course, endorsing the platform of every conservative:

" “For 30 years France got used to massive unemployment, to too-high public spending and to not undertaking courageous reforms,” the prime minister says. “France must prove to itself and to the world that it is capable of reforming itself.”

Departing from traditional socialism, Mr. Valls says, “I very much believe in the role of the individual, the responsibility of each individual and individual accomplishment. I don’t believe in egalitarianism. You have to support, including at school, each individual according to his potential. We have unemployment benefits that somehow sponsor unemployment.” Instead, he wants to “sponsor going back to work.”

Valls’s government is cutting public spending by €50 billion ($56 billion) and social taxes and fees on businesses by €40 billion ($45 billion) over the next three years. The government last year introduced a law to privatize some public assets, open 37 highly regulated professions to greater competition and allow shops to stay open 12 Sundays a year, from five currently, among other measures.

The future of liberal civilization depends on it."
Sohrab Ahmari France s Anti-Terror Free-Market Socialist - WSJ

So....what have we found?

We've learned that some socialists are capable of telling the truth, and leaning from his mistakes.....characteristics we haven't found in the American variety.

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