Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

85% of the world knows that socialism is not communism. Socialism is democratic.
In a matter of 2 sentences, you demonstrate that you do not know much on the subject.

Communism is a stateless society were all property and/or means of production is held in common and distributed via democracy.

Socialism is government owning all property and/or means of production and deciding how it will be distributed (you may or may not get a choice).

Because a stateless society is like a fart in the wind (it does not linger), communism reverts to socialism almost immediately.

The real problem with both communism and socialism is that they both require individuals to divest themselves of all property rights, which has REPEATEDLY been rejected by anyone who love freedom.

So, yeah. They are THE SAME FUCKING THING on what actually matters.


Why did your capitalists outsource your capitalist jobs and capitalist manufacturing/production capacity/capability to communists?
Darling, please, some of us are tethered to objective reality. I've advocated nothing, I have laid out some things you cannot confront and that is all.

Your national level elected officials enjoy socialized healthcare at your expense, and they are getting elitist preferential COVID-19 testing not available to all. Intelligence Committee members held from the amerifcan people that a pandemic was on the way while the informed donors and engaged in insider trading. Have you been to the store lately?
And commies are to blame, so take your commie shit and get the fuck out.

Better tell Wall Street.
Darling, please, some of us are tethered to objective reality. I've advocated nothing, I have laid out some things you cannot confront and that is all.

Your national level elected officials enjoy socialized healthcare at your expense, and they are getting elitist preferential COVID-19 testing not available to all. Intelligence Committee members held from the amerifcan people that a pandemic was on the way while the informed donors and engaged in insider trading. Have you been to the store lately?
And commies are to blame, so take your commie shit and get the fuck out.

Better tell Wall Street.
Tell them what?

Why did your capitalists outsource your capitalist jobs and capitalist manufacturing/production capacity/capability to communists?
Probably because your commie horde does everything in its goose-stepping power to make hiring Americans 10x more expensive than it needs to be, mainly by taxing the fuck out of an employer just for hiring an employee.

Yes. Look at the federal reserve. Look at your own limey bank system.
Who are you calling Limey, Cracker?

For the last 40 years finance capitalism has wrapped the productive economy with ever-constricting coils of debt. It seems only right an economic system that functions like cancer cell should be undone by a virus. Still think you can run government like a business?
Nobody should ever take quotes off the internet, especially if they are posted on this sort of graphic, unless they check the quote from reliable sources.
Thanks for the reality check.
I had a vague sense of unease when I posted the quote
From your link:

"The second part of the quotation ('I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies') is a slight misquotation of a statement Jefferson made in a letter to John Taylor in 1816.

"He wrote, 'And I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale'"

Do you happen to know if Jefferson actually regarded corporations as threats to the Republic?
I must say — though I don’t know and might not agree with many other things he says — in this discussion BoDidleysquat is mostly just speaking truth about Wall Street, and our own “All American” version of capitalism. Our system, endorsed by both parties for generations, simply seeks to maximize profits for stockholders and stock option profits for corporate managers. It has superficially worked very well for us! Certainly since Wall Street and American culture emerged victorious from WWII and then the Cold War! But now the world is again filled with economic competitors. No amount of overseas exploitation of foreign workers, nor any conceivable withdrawal behind oceans, border Walls or high tariffs, seems likely to “MAGA.”

Many Trump supporters and mainstream Democrats can’t face up to this reality, or even recognize it. It is much easier to confuse Democrats with Leninist or Stalinists, or treat Trump and Republicans as the sole “enemy.” With apologies to the old antiquated theories of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, our system does indeed sort of resemble a sophisticated system that guarantees “socialism for the rich,” and may once again — as in 2008/9 — simply bail out bankrupt Hedge Funds and poorly run corporations like Boeing. Or maybe, this crisis being different, some of the deep reforms proposed by the likes of “capitalist to my bones” Elizabeth Warren or “democratic socialist” Sanders may actually be implemented. We shall see.
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Our system, endorsed by both parties for generations, simply seeks to maximize profits for stockholders and stock option profits for corporate managers. It has superficially worked very well for us! C
Some compare our current fealty to the "Divine Right of Capital" to a "Divine Right of Kings"

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Today, our worldview has a bias – that stockholders are to be paid as much as possible, while employees are to be paid as little as possible. 'Income for one group is declared good, and income for another group is declared bad.'

"Nowhere is this more clear than in our financial statements. Here’s the basic formula you’ll find on financial statements:

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)"
I must say — though I don’t know and might not agree with many other things he says — in this discussion BoDidleysquat is mostly just speaking truth about Wall Street, and our own “All American” version of capitalism. Our system, endorsed by both parties for generations, simply seeks to maximize profits for stockholders and stock option profits for corporate managers. It has superficially worked very well for us! Certainly since Wall Street and American culture emerged victorious from WWII and then the Cold War! But now the world is again filled with economic competitors. No amount of overseas exploitation of foreign workers, nor any conceivable withdrawal behind oceans, border Walls or high tariffs, seems likely to “MAGA.”

Many Trump supporters and mainstream Democrats can’t face up to this reality, or even recognize it. It is much easier to confuse Democrats with Leninist or Stalinists, or Trump and Republicans as the sole “enemy.” With apologies to the old antiquated theories of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, our system does indeed sort of resemble a sophisticated system that guarantees “socialism for the rich,” and may once again — as in 2008/9 — simply bail out bankrupt Hedge Funds and poorly run corporations like Boeing. Or maybe, this crisis being different, some of the deep reforms proposed by the likes of “capitalist to my bones” Elizabeth Warren or “democratic socialist” Sanders may actually be implemented. We shall see.

and may once again — as in 2008/9 — simply bail out bankrupt Hedge Funds

Which hedge funds were bailed out in 2008/9? How were they bailed out? Link?
Our system, endorsed by both parties for generations, simply seeks to maximize profits for stockholders and stock option profits for corporate managers. It has superficially worked very well for us! C
Some compare our current fealty to the "Divine Right of Capital" to a "Divine Right of Kings"

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Today, our worldview has a bias – that stockholders are to be paid as much as possible, while employees are to be paid as little as possible. 'Income for one group is declared good, and income for another group is declared bad.'

"Nowhere is this more clear than in our financial statements. Here’s the basic formula you’ll find on financial statements:

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)"

"Today, our worldview has a bias – that stockholders are to be paid as much as possible

Owners own. True story.

'Income for one group is declared good, and income for another group is declared bad.'


"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written

Rearrange the terms all you'd like. So what?
Thanks for the reality check.
I had a vague sense of unease when I posted the quote

Do you happen to know if Jefferson actually regarded corporations as threats to the Republic?

No problem, GeorgePhillip. I have also misquoted in the past! Easy to be fooled.

As for the question about Jefferson and corporations...

There were NO national corporations in the United States in 1776. The old royally chartered British corporations like the mercantilist East India Trading Company was by 1776 widely hated by virtually all revolutionary Founding Fathers. Perhaps that is why there is no mention of corporations in the Constitution. Truth be told, the colonies themselves mainly started as royally chartered private corporations, and many state constitutions were largely based on the rights first granted to voting investors of those corporations.

The first national private corporation was precisely the Bank of the U.S., proposed by Hamilton and endorsed by Washington. Jefferson’s bitter opposition to it created the “First Party System” in the U.S., with his agrarian/plantation “Republican-Democrats” opposing the more urban and merchant oriented Federalists, but Jefferson when elected in 1801 found it convenient to keep the Bank. Most currencies at that time were still issued as “bank notes” by small regional banks which were basically partnerships or even rich individuals. The largest institution in the country was the national government-run Post Office.

Nor was corporate law clearly established. For decades most corporations were local and state-chartered for specific purposes, like building a road or canal and collected tolls for a specified period of time, or even to create a college. The first corporate rights case heard by the Supreme Court was in 1809, after Jefferson left office. Jefferson’s opposition to the U.S. Bank were motivated by his fear that most capital was raised by British and Dutch stockholders, and that Northeastern and foreign control would turn the country away from his dream of a vast rural yeoman-based republican democracy. But even before the War of 1812 showed there was a need to borrow money for war, Jefferson’s own Louisiana Purchase had to be funded with interest bearing bonds bought by Europeans and organized by U.S. Bank officials.

In the U.S., there were essentially no other private federal corporations until the development of railroads. State laws often maintained that since individual states issued corporations their charters, the states could revoke such charters at any time, or discriminate against other states’ corporations. There was a long state and federal evolution of law to get to where we are today. More on Jefferson’s opinions and a great historical overview of these issues is the book We the Corporations — How American Corporations Won Their Civil Rights.

Hope this helps!
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Rearrange the terms all you'd like. So what?
So employees who produce the profits are first in line to receive them while parasitic shareholder get table scraps.

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)"

You could just as easily reduce wages.
Putting the term on the left side instead of the right doesn't mean it has to increase.
Shrink employee income, retained earnings can increase.
.the only problem we have is that the GOP refuses to tax the rich their fair share

Top 1% now pay 40% of revenue collected instead of 1% so they pay 40 times more than fair share.
We have a flat tax system so they actually pay about 80% because they earn about 80% of the national income. A flat tax system is a disgrace and gives us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever basically.
85% of the world knows that socialism is not communism. Socialism is democratic.
In a matter of 2 sentences, you demonstrate that you do not know much on the subject.

Communism is a stateless society were all property and/or means of production is held in common and distributed via democracy.

Socialism is government owning all property and/or means of production and deciding how it will be distributed (you may or may not get a choice).

Because a stateless society is like a fart in the wind (it does not linger), communism reverts to socialism almost immediately.

The real problem with both communism and socialism is that they both require individuals to divest themselves of all property rights, which has REPEATEDLY been rejected by anyone who love freedom.

So, yeah. They are THE SAME FUCKING THING on what actually matters.

Yeah because Sanders is Stalin. LOL. At any rate communism doesn't work either definition. Socialism works great. Canada is not that scary LOL, brainwashed functional moron the businessman who sent their manual labor jobs to China are not Democrats, brainwashed functional moron. Tax the rich and train our workers for the jobs these new markets give us like intelligent countries too.
85% of the world knows that socialism is not communism. Socialism is democratic.
In a matter of 2 sentences, you demonstrate that you do not know much on the subject.

Communism is a stateless society were all property and/or means of production is held in common and distributed via democracy.

Socialism is government owning all property and/or means of production and deciding how it will be distributed (you may or may not get a choice).

Because a stateless society is like a fart in the wind (it does not linger), communism reverts to socialism almost immediately.

The real problem with both communism and socialism is that they both require individuals to divest themselves of all property rights, which has REPEATEDLY been rejected by anyone who love freedom.

So, yeah. They are THE SAME FUCKING THING on what actually matters.


Why did your capitalists outsource your capitalist jobs and capitalist manufacturing/production capacity/capability to communists?
it's not a conspiracy, Republican businessmen sent their manual labor jobs to cheap countries. We need to tax the rich and train our workers. End of intelligent countries like Canada Germany Australia etc etc do. We are the stupidest rich country going. Great job!

Hudson is such a silly twat.

...if you have a pharmaceutical company such that raises the rate of drug from $12 a shot to $200, that’s all of a sudden, their profits go up. Their increased price for the drug is created, is counted in the national income accounts, as if the economy is producing more.

If people have $188 less to spend on other things, that's subtracted from national income accounts, as if the economy is producing less.

So the issue is whether Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, predatory pharmaceutical firms, actually add a product or whether they’re just exploiting other people.

Why don't we look at all the products added by Hudson's preferred Marxist firms.

Got a list?

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