President Trump's Bedford NJ Addresses!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Trump's addresses from Bedford NJ this weekend show that President Trump doesn't accept the constitutional framework of government for America; that being, that Congress makes the laws and the President executes the laws most importantly meaning that the President cannot make law no matter how dysfunctional Congress is! I don't fault the President for using the power he does have to reduce the pressure the Democrats are putting on him in the current Coronavirus relief legislation negotiations but his focus should be on the negotiations and not saying the negotiations don't matter because I can go around the Democrats. President Trump thru Executive Orders could suspend the IRS from collecting payroll taxes and stop foreclosures on FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac home loans and suspend collections on student loans thru the balance of the year but the balance of the Executive Orders Trump executed today are illegal. If the President can unilaterally provide supplement unemployment compensation to America's unemployed workers that means the President has permanent economic stimulus power anytime the country has a recession and we're a capitalist society so we will have periodic recessions the President can unilaterally stimulate the economy by increasing unemployment compensation that is a hugely expensive power, no way the American people want this lack of financial control for the country!

One of President Trump's problems is that he thinks if he says something the American people will believe it to be true and act accordingly; he doesn't appreciate that there is objective truth so he doesn't consider that the American people are scrutinizing what he says and if it doesn't meet the "actual truth" test his precious credibility is lowered. Yesterday, President Trump makes a big deal saying that Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer want these provisions in the legislation that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus with their aid for states and counties; President Trump and the Republican position here is complete baloney. This aid has everything to do with the Coronavirus because of the virus states and counties across America had to shut down so their hospitals would not be overwhelmed where America would have been in the European situation where doctors in some European hospitals had to choose which of their patients lived and which died by rationing the utilization of ventilators whose numbers were insufficient in the early stage of the pandemic. This shutdown and the ensuing economic destruction dramatically reduced the tax revenue for these states and counties; what Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are seeking here is to make up for the tax revenue loss. The White House and Majority Leader McConnell's position here is incredibly foolish and if you guys hold this position you will be significantly penalized at the polls this November; even the bipartisan governors conference which has a lot of right wing Republican governors in it believes the nation needs a $500 billion lifeline for the states and counties across the nation the arithmetic is clear if the states and counties don't get the aid hundreds of thousands of people will be laid off and this is police officers, hospital workers and teachers, this is complete idiocy on the Washington Republican leadership part!

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are being unduly partisan in the negotiations. They should take the White House offer on the table to have the supplemental insurance compensation from the Federal Government be four hundred dollars per week. They should consider that the American people don't want to screw future generations of the American people who will be paying the bill for these Coronavirus relief packages; they should consider that the American people know that the price tag of the Democrat position of a six-hundred dollars per week supplemental is fifteen billion dollars per week yes and that is per week. Responsibility calls for getting that fifteen billion dollar per week expense dramatically down. I get the Democrats desire to make those Americans unemployed economically whole because they have necessary bills to pay and maybe they could achieve this by boot strapping to the $400/wk supplemental provisions that allow for a refundable tax credit up to $200/wk for their wage shortfall one could use their 2019 W-2 form to do the calculation plus the Democrats could push for the relief legislation to set-up an information technology system where the federal government would know on a weekly basis exactly what the federal supplemental needs to be to make the unemployed worker whole and once the system is up and running make the supplemental be that figure that makes the worker whole, Republicans should fully support this effort because when the Covid 19 vaccine becomes available in 2021 and America can go back to normal responsible leaders will want to dial back the supplemental steadily to get people back to work and such a system will allow this dialing back to be done in a considerate manner!

During these addresses this past weekend President Trump really demonstrated that he is a peddler of garbage. His prognostication that Joe Biden if elected will definitely get America into a war with North Korea is such utter nonsense; almost everyone knows that the leader of North Korea is psychologically unstable and since he has nuclear weapons and has a track record of being a mass murderer no one especially a President Biden would risk going to war with him and exposing millions of South Koreans to being killed thru the use of nuclear weapons. One thing that was rather amusing during friday night's address is President Trump's proclamation that he is going to use an Executive Order to require Health Insurance Companies to cover claims for pre-existing conditions; the humor involved is because the only health insurance plans that need this help in this area are the non-ACA (non-Obamacare) types of plans because the Affordable Care Act mandated pre-existing conditions be covered. It is the junky "lousy coverage" short-term health insurance plans that the Trump Administration has green lighted and pushed and promoted on the American people that has left many Americans in the terrible situation where their health insurance company won't cover health care they need because it involves a pre-existing condition. President Trump you should have listened to us moderates who supported the Murray/Alexander ACA reform bill if that was enacted into law the insurance plans on the individual insurance exchanges would have had premiums that were more affordable and your administration wouldn't have had to promote this junk health insurance which hurt a lot of people!

President Trump did make one major legitimate criticism of a Joe Biden Presidency. Before President Trump came on the scene America's manufacturing workers, their families and the ancillary businesses that rise out of robust manufacturing were thrown to the wolves were served up on a silver platter to the greedy Executives and shareholders in America that off-shore jobs to save a buck. President Trump changed that he has been a champion for the American manufacturing worker by protecting and returning American manufacturing. All indications are that Joe Biden if elected president will go back to business as normal giving lip-service to the American manufacturing worker as Americans see manufacturing industries which can provide a good middle wage income to Americans reside and grow in the Far East. A President Biden and a Democrat Congress will not only bring on America trade Imbalances that are still disgracefully too high but much worse thereby doing the same to the middle class job picture in America; intelligence reports are that China is interjecting itself in the 2020 elections on the side of Joe Biden which makes perfect sense because all indications are that they will win big time in regard to trade if Joe wins in November!
President Trump's addresses from Bedford NJ this weekend show that President Trump doesn't accept the constitutional framework of government for America; that being, that Congress makes the laws and the President executes the laws most importantly meaning that the President cannot make law no matter how dysfunctional Congress is! I don't fault the President for using the power he does have to reduce the pressure the Democrats are putting on him in the current Coronavirus relief legislation negotiations but his focus should be on the negotiations and not saying the negotiations don't matter because I can go around the Democrats. President Trump thru Executive Orders could suspend the IRS from collecting payroll taxes and stop foreclosures on FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac home loans and suspend collections on student loans thru the balance of the year but the balance of the Executive Orders Trump executed today are illegal. If the President can unilaterally provide supplement unemployment compensation to America's unemployed workers that means the President has permanent economic stimulus power anytime the country has a recession and we're a capitalist society so we will have periodic recessions the President can unilaterally stimulate the economy by increasing unemployment compensation that is a hugely expensive power, no way the American people want this lack of financial control for the country!

One of President Trump's problems is that he thinks if he says something the American people will believe it to be true and act accordingly; he doesn't appreciate that there is objective truth so he doesn't consider that the American people are scrutinizing what he says and if it doesn't meet the "actual truth" test his precious credibility is lowered. Yesterday, President Trump makes a big deal saying that Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer want these provisions in the legislation that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus with their aid for states and counties; President Trump and the Republican position here is complete baloney. This aid has everything to do with the Coronavirus because of the virus states and counties across America had to shut down so their hospitals would not be overwhelmed where America would have been in the European situation where doctors in some European hospitals had to choose which of their patients lived and which died by rationing the utilization of ventilators whose numbers were insufficient in the early stage of the pandemic. This shutdown and the ensuing economic destruction dramatically reduced the tax revenue for these states and counties; what Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are seeking here is to make up for the tax revenue loss. The White House and Majority Leader McConnell's position here is incredibly foolish and if you guys hold this position you will be significantly penalized at the polls this November; even the bipartisan governors conference which has a lot of right wing Republican governors in it believes the nation needs a $500 billion lifeline for the states and counties across the nation the arithmetic is clear if the states and counties don't get the aid hundreds of thousands of people will be laid off and this is police officers, hospital workers and teachers, this is complete idiocy on the Washington Republican leadership part!

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are being unduly partisan in the negotiations. They should take the White House offer on the table to have the supplemental insurance compensation from the Federal Government be four hundred dollars per week. They should consider that the American people don't want to screw future generations of the American people who will be paying the bill for these Coronavirus relief packages; they should consider that the American people know that the price tag of the Democrat position of a six-hundred dollars per week supplemental is fifteen billion dollars per week yes and that is per week. Responsibility calls for getting that fifteen billion dollar per week expense dramatically down. I get the Democrats desire to make those Americans unemployed economically whole because they have necessary bills to pay and maybe they could achieve this by boot strapping to the $400/wk supplemental provisions that allow for a refundable tax credit up to $200/wk for their wage shortfall one could use their 2019 W-2 form to do the calculation plus the Democrats could push for the relief legislation to set-up an information technology system where the federal government would know on a weekly basis exactly what the federal supplemental needs to be to make the unemployed worker whole and once the system is up and running make the supplemental be that figure that makes the worker whole, Republicans should fully support this effort because when the Covid 19 vaccine becomes available in 2021 and America can go back to normal responsible leaders will want to dial back the supplemental steadily to get people back to work and such a system will allow this dialing back to be done in a considerate manner!

During these addresses this past weekend President Trump really demonstrated that he is a peddler of garbage. His prognostication that Joe Biden if elected will definitely get America into a war with North Korea is such utter nonsense; almost everyone knows that the leader of North Korea is psychologically unstable and since he has nuclear weapons and has a track record of being a mass murderer no one especially a President Biden would risk going to war with him and exposing millions of South Koreans to being killed thru the use of nuclear weapons. One thing that was rather amusing during friday night's address is President Trump's proclamation that he is going to use an Executive Order to require Health Insurance Companies to cover claims for pre-existing conditions; the humor involved is because the only health insurance plans that need this help in this area are the non-ACA (non-Obamacare) types of plans because the Affordable Care Act mandated pre-existing conditions be covered. It is the junky "lousy coverage" short-term health insurance plans that the Trump Administration has green lighted and pushed and promoted on the American people that has left many Americans in the terrible situation where their health insurance company won't cover health care they need because it involves a pre-existing condition. President Trump you should have listened to us moderates who supported the Murray/Alexander ACA reform bill if that was enacted into law the insurance plans on the individual insurance exchanges would have had premiums that were more affordable and your administration wouldn't have had to promote this junk health insurance which hurt a lot of people!

President Trump did make one major legitimate criticism of a Joe Biden Presidency. Before President Trump came on the scene America's manufacturing workers, their families and the ancillary businesses that rise out of robust manufacturing were thrown to the wolves were served up on a silver platter to the greedy Executives and shareholders in America that off-shore jobs to save a buck. President Trump changed that he has been a champion for the American manufacturing worker by protecting and returning American manufacturing. All indications are that Joe Biden if elected president will go back to business as normal giving lip-service to the American manufacturing worker as Americans see manufacturing industries which can provide a good middle wage income to Americans reside and grow in the Far East. A President Biden and a Democrat Congress will not only bring on America trade Imbalances that are still disgracefully too high but much worse thereby doing the same to the middle class job picture in America; intelligence reports are that China is interjecting itself in the 2020 elections on the side of Joe Biden which makes perfect sense because all indications are that they will win big time in regard to trade if Joe wins in November!

TDS thread 6,452..... Get a life.
President Trump's addresses from Bedford NJ this weekend show that President Trump doesn't accept the constitutional framework of government for America; that being, that Congress makes the laws and the President executes the laws most importantly meaning that the President cannot make law no matter how dysfunctional Congress is! I don't fault the President for using the power he does have to reduce the pressure the Democrats are putting on him in the current Coronavirus relief legislation negotiations but his focus should be on the negotiations and not saying the negotiations don't matter because I can go around the Democrats. President Trump thru Executive Orders could suspend the IRS from collecting payroll taxes and stop foreclosures on FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac home loans and suspend collections on student loans thru the balance of the year but the balance of the Executive Orders Trump executed today are illegal. If the President can unilaterally provide supplement unemployment compensation to America's unemployed workers that means the President has permanent economic stimulus power anytime the country has a recession and we're a capitalist society so we will have periodic recessions the President can unilaterally stimulate the economy by increasing unemployment compensation that is a hugely expensive power, no way the American people want this lack of financial control for the country!

One of President Trump's problems is that he thinks if he says something the American people will believe it to be true and act accordingly; he doesn't appreciate that there is objective truth so he doesn't consider that the American people are scrutinizing what he says and if it doesn't meet the "actual truth" test his precious credibility is lowered. Yesterday, President Trump makes a big deal saying that Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer want these provisions in the legislation that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus with their aid for states and counties; President Trump and the Republican position here is complete baloney. This aid has everything to do with the Coronavirus because of the virus states and counties across America had to shut down so their hospitals would not be overwhelmed where America would have been in the European situation where doctors in some European hospitals had to choose which of their patients lived and which died by rationing the utilization of ventilators whose numbers were insufficient in the early stage of the pandemic. This shutdown and the ensuing economic destruction dramatically reduced the tax revenue for these states and counties; what Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are seeking here is to make up for the tax revenue loss. The White House and Majority Leader McConnell's position here is incredibly foolish and if you guys hold this position you will be significantly penalized at the polls this November; even the bipartisan governors conference which has a lot of right wing Republican governors in it believes the nation needs a $500 billion lifeline for the states and counties across the nation the arithmetic is clear if the states and counties don't get the aid hundreds of thousands of people will be laid off and this is police officers, hospital workers and teachers, this is complete idiocy on the Washington Republican leadership part!

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are being unduly partisan in the negotiations. They should take the White House offer on the table to have the supplemental insurance compensation from the Federal Government be four hundred dollars per week. They should consider that the American people don't want to screw future generations of the American people who will be paying the bill for these Coronavirus relief packages; they should consider that the American people know that the price tag of the Democrat position of a six-hundred dollars per week supplemental is fifteen billion dollars per week yes and that is per week. Responsibility calls for getting that fifteen billion dollar per week expense dramatically down. I get the Democrats desire to make those Americans unemployed economically whole because they have necessary bills to pay and maybe they could achieve this by boot strapping to the $400/wk supplemental provisions that allow for a refundable tax credit up to $200/wk for their wage shortfall one could use their 2019 W-2 form to do the calculation plus the Democrats could push for the relief legislation to set-up an information technology system where the federal government would know on a weekly basis exactly what the federal supplemental needs to be to make the unemployed worker whole and once the system is up and running make the supplemental be that figure that makes the worker whole, Republicans should fully support this effort because when the Covid 19 vaccine becomes available in 2021 and America can go back to normal responsible leaders will want to dial back the supplemental steadily to get people back to work and such a system will allow this dialing back to be done in a considerate manner!

During these addresses this past weekend President Trump really demonstrated that he is a peddler of garbage. His prognostication that Joe Biden if elected will definitely get America into a war with North Korea is such utter nonsense; almost everyone knows that the leader of North Korea is psychologically unstable and since he has nuclear weapons and has a track record of being a mass murderer no one especially a President Biden would risk going to war with him and exposing millions of South Koreans to being killed thru the use of nuclear weapons. One thing that was rather amusing during friday night's address is President Trump's proclamation that he is going to use an Executive Order to require Health Insurance Companies to cover claims for pre-existing conditions; the humor involved is because the only health insurance plans that need this help in this area are the non-ACA (non-Obamacare) types of plans because the Affordable Care Act mandated pre-existing conditions be covered. It is the junky "lousy coverage" short-term health insurance plans that the Trump Administration has green lighted and pushed and promoted on the American people that has left many Americans in the terrible situation where their health insurance company won't cover health care they need because it involves a pre-existing condition. President Trump you should have listened to us moderates who supported the Murray/Alexander ACA reform bill if that was enacted into law the insurance plans on the individual insurance exchanges would have had premiums that were more affordable and your administration wouldn't have had to promote this junk health insurance which hurt a lot of people!

President Trump did make one major legitimate criticism of a Joe Biden Presidency. Before President Trump came on the scene America's manufacturing workers, their families and the ancillary businesses that rise out of robust manufacturing were thrown to the wolves were served up on a silver platter to the greedy Executives and shareholders in America that off-shore jobs to save a buck. President Trump changed that he has been a champion for the American manufacturing worker by protecting and returning American manufacturing. All indications are that Joe Biden if elected president will go back to business as normal giving lip-service to the American manufacturing worker as Americans see manufacturing industries which can provide a good middle wage income to Americans reside and grow in the Far East. A President Biden and a Democrat Congress will not only bring on America trade Imbalances that are still disgracefully too high but much worse thereby doing the same to the middle class job picture in America; intelligence reports are that China is interjecting itself in the 2020 elections on the side of Joe Biden which makes perfect sense because all indications are that they will win big time in regard to trade if Joe wins in November!
tl; dr
If your over 55 you better take a close look at Trumps new executive order, IT will cause Social Security to be defunded. as Social Security is totally funded by payroll taxes. as for younger people jobs & cost of living is not getting better, well thought out safety nets are needed.
President Trump's addresses from Bedford NJ this weekend show that President Trump doesn't accept the constitutional framework of government for America; that being, that Congress makes the laws and the President executes the laws most importantly meaning that the President cannot make law no matter how dysfunctional Congress is! I don't fault the President for using the power he does have to reduce the pressure the Democrats are putting on him in the current Coronavirus relief legislation negotiations but his focus should be on the negotiations and not saying the negotiations don't matter because I can go around the Democrats. President Trump thru Executive Orders could suspend the IRS from collecting payroll taxes and stop foreclosures on FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac home loans and suspend collections on student loans thru the balance of the year but the balance of the Executive Orders Trump executed today are illegal. If the President can unilaterally provide supplement unemployment compensation to America's unemployed workers that means the President has permanent economic stimulus power anytime the country has a recession and we're a capitalist society so we will have periodic recessions the President can unilaterally stimulate the economy by increasing unemployment compensation that is a hugely expensive power, no way the American people want this lack of financial control for the country!

One of President Trump's problems is that he thinks if he says something the American people will believe it to be true and act accordingly; he doesn't appreciate that there is objective truth so he doesn't consider that the American people are scrutinizing what he says and if it doesn't meet the "actual truth" test his precious credibility is lowered. Yesterday, President Trump makes a big deal saying that Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer want these provisions in the legislation that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus with their aid for states and counties; President Trump and the Republican position here is complete baloney. This aid has everything to do with the Coronavirus because of the virus states and counties across America had to shut down so their hospitals would not be overwhelmed where America would have been in the European situation where doctors in some European hospitals had to choose which of their patients lived and which died by rationing the utilization of ventilators whose numbers were insufficient in the early stage of the pandemic. This shutdown and the ensuing economic destruction dramatically reduced the tax revenue for these states and counties; what Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are seeking here is to make up for the tax revenue loss. The White House and Majority Leader McConnell's position here is incredibly foolish and if you guys hold this position you will be significantly penalized at the polls this November; even the bipartisan governors conference which has a lot of right wing Republican governors in it believes the nation needs a $500 billion lifeline for the states and counties across the nation the arithmetic is clear if the states and counties don't get the aid hundreds of thousands of people will be laid off and this is police officers, hospital workers and teachers, this is complete idiocy on the Washington Republican leadership part!

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are being unduly partisan in the negotiations. They should take the White House offer on the table to have the supplemental insurance compensation from the Federal Government be four hundred dollars per week. They should consider that the American people don't want to screw future generations of the American people who will be paying the bill for these Coronavirus relief packages; they should consider that the American people know that the price tag of the Democrat position of a six-hundred dollars per week supplemental is fifteen billion dollars per week yes and that is per week. Responsibility calls for getting that fifteen billion dollar per week expense dramatically down. I get the Democrats desire to make those Americans unemployed economically whole because they have necessary bills to pay and maybe they could achieve this by boot strapping to the $400/wk supplemental provisions that allow for a refundable tax credit up to $200/wk for their wage shortfall one could use their 2019 W-2 form to do the calculation plus the Democrats could push for the relief legislation to set-up an information technology system where the federal government would know on a weekly basis exactly what the federal supplemental needs to be to make the unemployed worker whole and once the system is up and running make the supplemental be that figure that makes the worker whole, Republicans should fully support this effort because when the Covid 19 vaccine becomes available in 2021 and America can go back to normal responsible leaders will want to dial back the supplemental steadily to get people back to work and such a system will allow this dialing back to be done in a considerate manner!

During these addresses this past weekend President Trump really demonstrated that he is a peddler of garbage. His prognostication that Joe Biden if elected will definitely get America into a war with North Korea is such utter nonsense; almost everyone knows that the leader of North Korea is psychologically unstable and since he has nuclear weapons and has a track record of being a mass murderer no one especially a President Biden would risk going to war with him and exposing millions of South Koreans to being killed thru the use of nuclear weapons. One thing that was rather amusing during friday night's address is President Trump's proclamation that he is going to use an Executive Order to require Health Insurance Companies to cover claims for pre-existing conditions; the humor involved is because the only health insurance plans that need this help in this area are the non-ACA (non-Obamacare) types of plans because the Affordable Care Act mandated pre-existing conditions be covered. It is the junky "lousy coverage" short-term health insurance plans that the Trump Administration has green lighted and pushed and promoted on the American people that has left many Americans in the terrible situation where their health insurance company won't cover health care they need because it involves a pre-existing condition. President Trump you should have listened to us moderates who supported the Murray/Alexander ACA reform bill if that was enacted into law the insurance plans on the individual insurance exchanges would have had premiums that were more affordable and your administration wouldn't have had to promote this junk health insurance which hurt a lot of people!

President Trump did make one major legitimate criticism of a Joe Biden Presidency. Before President Trump came on the scene America's manufacturing workers, their families and the ancillary businesses that rise out of robust manufacturing were thrown to the wolves were served up on a silver platter to the greedy Executives and shareholders in America that off-shore jobs to save a buck. President Trump changed that he has been a champion for the American manufacturing worker by protecting and returning American manufacturing. All indications are that Joe Biden if elected president will go back to business as normal giving lip-service to the American manufacturing worker as Americans see manufacturing industries which can provide a good middle wage income to Americans reside and grow in the Far East. A President Biden and a Democrat Congress will not only bring on America trade Imbalances that are still disgracefully too high but much worse thereby doing the same to the middle class job picture in America; intelligence reports are that China is interjecting itself in the 2020 elections on the side of Joe Biden which makes perfect sense because all indications are that they will win big time in regard to trade if Joe wins in November!

I think this Tweet from Donald Trump, sums it up perfectly:

Donald Trump, the guy who wrote "The Art of the Deal" has yet to negotiate a single deal with Congress. Each time he tried, Nancy Pelosi cleaned his clock. Now he's afraid to be in the same room with her and sent Mnuchin and now Mark Meadows to negotiate with her.

It does seem that Mark Meadows was sent to sabotage these negotiations, since he wouldn't agree to any concessions whatsoever. This way, Trump can falsely claim credit for these EO's, few of which are legal or enforceable, and say he wanted to help the people, but he was blocked by Congress.

In any case, I seriously doubt Americans are falling for any of Trump's lies and bullshit at this point. Also, holding these "events" at his golf club, surrounded by enthusiastically cheering white, rich "fat cats", who are getting richer by the minute, was a really poor visual choice when working Americans can't afford food and millions are facing eviction. Real live "let them eat cake" moments.
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