Socialism Gets Tested

Laughing...says the poor hapless soul that replaces a rational, reasoned argument with the same old Ad Hominem fallacy.

Which begs the question; if all you were going to do was abandon your every argument and run with your tail between your legs, why bother spewing your made up definitions and helpless gibberish to begin with?

Oh my, that's pathetic even for you...
They genuinely don't care. For crying out loud, socialism allows for private property while communism abolishes all private property. Yet their ilk still insist they are the 'same'.

These aren't minor differences. But profound ones.

Worse, when asked how democrats are 'socialists and communists' when almost none of them advocate collective ownership of all means of production or the abolishment of private property......they go deaf and dumb.

Hell, we even had Unsen make up a brand new definition of both socialism and regulation to try and make their hapless batshit work. They really have no fucks to give on what these terms actually mean.

Now Paddy, he's fun - at least for the moment. Granted, he can't put a sentence together to save his life; but at least he hasn't sunk to repeating the same defeated talking points, over and over and over.....
And yet, you cannot point out a single grammatical error in my comment. Your comments read like the letters I get from inmates in my criminal law practice. They use big words they do not understand to try to appear intelligent. Does not work for them nor for you.
And yet, you cannot point out a single grammatical error in my comment. Your comments read like the letters I get from inmates in my criminal law practice. They use big words they do not understand to try to appear intelligent. Does not work for them nor for you.

Unless you count starting a sentence with a conjunction.... :eusa_whistle: Conjunctions are used to join independent clauses.

I'm not the grammar police, and rarely pick on the grammar of others, but your posts are so poorly composed that they are difficult to read. Clearly the concept of a paragraph is one you are wholly unfamiliar with.

If you had a criminal law practice, one can only assume that you did as Teddy did, and hires someone to take the bar for you. From whence did you earn your JD? Outtamybut U? Now Paddy, i really don't use "big words;" I use terms and phrases that most educated people are familiar with. They only seem like "big words" to you because your education is a bit, shall we say, lacking?
"Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law is supposed to lift workers out of poverty and move them off public assistance. But there may be a hitch in the plan.

Evidence is surfacing that some workers are asking their bosses for fewer hours as their wages rise – in a bid to keep overall income down so they don’t lose public subsidies for things like food, child care and rent.

Full Life Care, a home nursing nonprofit, told KIRO-TV in Seattle that several workers want to work less.

“If they cut down their hours to stay on those subsidies because the $15 per hour minimum wage didn’t actually help get them out of poverty, all you’ve done is put a burden on the business and given false hope to a lot of people,” said Jason Rantz, host of the Jason Rantz show on 97.3 KIRO-FM."
Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit
Laughing...says the poor hapless soul that replaces a rational, reasoned argument with the same old Ad Hominem fallacy.

Which begs the question; if all you were going to do was abandon your every argument and run with your tail between your legs, why bother spewing your made up definitions and helpless gibberish to begin with?

Oh my, that's pathetic even for you...

Why another Ad Hominem in place of a rational argument? How did I know that was coming.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of, boy?
You mean you're a Marxist. Ok.

What's sad is the ignorance of these fools regarding the source of the ideas the espouse.

Skylar thinks that no one ever thought of having a centrally managed and planned economy before, ergo the democrats are brilliant and ground breaking...

And can you quote me saying any of that? Of course not. You make up definitions, literally reinventing both socialism and regulation to match your failed argument. You make imaginary quotes that haven't been uttered to combat imaginary arguments that haven't been articulated.

Do we even need to be here for this? At this point you seem to be talking to yourself
And can you quote me saying any of that? Of course not. You make up definitions, literally reinventing both socialism and regulation to match your failed argument. You make imaginary quotes that haven't been uttered to combat imaginary arguments that haven't been articulated.

Do we even need to be here for this? At this point you seem to be talking to yourself

You just NOW sobered up enough to reply to a post from August 5th??? :eek:

And really, you HAVEN'T sobered up enough to offer a reasoned reply. :dunno:
Update...on "the guy who decided to give everyone working there a raise to $70K and cut his own pay to the same level in an effort to wipe out income inequality.

Price isn’t backing down about pay going up. Now he’s going all in. He revealed to Inc. that he has sold all his stocks, emptied his retirement accounts, and mortgaged his two properties—including a $1.2 million home with a view of Puget Sound—and poured the $3 million he raised into Gravity. As majority owner, he is not exactly penniless. But if Gravity fails, so does Price. “Most people live paycheck to paycheck,” he says. “So how come I need 10 years of living expenses set aside and you don’t? That doesn’t make any sense. Having to depend on modest pay is not a bad thing. It will help me stay focused.”

And business owners will stay focused on him. The Dan Price Pay Experiment will either be hailed as a stroke of genius showing that entrepreneurs have underpaid their work forces to their companies’ detriment, or as proof positive that Gravity is being run by a well-intentioned fool." Remember Dan Price of Gravity Payments, who gave his employees a $70,000 minimum wage? Here's what happened next.

"So far – and I’ll confess I was surprised to learn of it – the company is doing okay. ....But what of Dan Price himself? He’s basically flushed his own net worth into the company and is in debt personally. And there’s a wolf waiting outside the door in the form of his own brother. He’s brought a lawsuit against Dan to try to force him to buy out his share in the company. The legal fees alone, not to mention cashing out big brother’s chips, could be a crippling blow.

Did he start the company to be a charitable operation or a for profit business? He probably expected to be pretty comfortable at this point in his life after realizing such success in the business world. But now he’s in the red and facing possible disaster. So what’s the lesson we should take from this? If Dan fails personally then the company will follow and nobody will have a job, right? Whether he prevails or fails, this story will be a case study in business school for decades to come."
What ever happened to that guy who gave all his employees a $70K minimum wage?
Liberalism and economics, ...oil and water.

The following just one more in an interminable record of the failures of Liberals/Progrssives/Democrats when their ideas come up against reality.

1. In their tireless efforts to paint every voter as a victim, the Left instituted a call for "economic equality," a totally bogus idea that has nothing to do with either economics or with human nature."


fascists, aka, Leftists Liberals like Comrade Bernard Sanders know that the parasites vote, early and often.

Once again, the Right is fighting an imaginary enemy.

There is a difference between socialism and a social democracy.




"Seattle has experienced the largest 3 month job loss in its history last year, following the introduction of a $15 minimum wage. We can only imagine the impact such a change has had on the prospects of employment for the young and unskilled.

....politicians continue to push the idea that minimum wage laws are somehow helping the young “earn a decent wage.” It is important to remember the underlying motives behind pushes for higher minimum wage rates. Milton Friedman characterized it as an “unholy coalition of do-gooders on the one hand and special interests on the other; special interests being the trade unions.”

Several empirical studies have been conducted over the course of more than two decades, with all evidence pointing toward negative effects of minimum wage rises on employment levels among the young and unskilled."
The $15 Minimum Wage and the End of Teen Work | Jack Salmon
I was certainly hoping to see the result of 'socialism being tested' in this case...but, there is no clear apples to apples way to judge.

Seem that family strife is the bigger issue, and the company seems to be continuing its success...

"Gravity Payments CEO Dan Price said Thursday that it’s likely he will lose control of the company if a court orders him to pay a $26 million buyout his brother, Lucas, is asking for.

“There’s nowhere I could get $26 million that I know of,” Price said under questioning from his own attorneys. “So I think Lucas would probably end up with the whole company.”
Gravity payments CEO: Buyout order could threaten his control of company

"Dan Price, the ‘$70k CEO,’ prevails in lawsuit filed by his brother and Gravity Payments co-owner"
Dan Price, the ‘$70k CEO,’ prevails in lawsuit filed by his brother and Gravity Payments co-owner

As the company continues, in effect......Socialism Wins!!!

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