Socialism by any definition


Oct 20, 2008
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It may take more than a 150k clothing allowance to hide the balls it took Sarah Palin of all people to accuse anyone of being a Socialist. Just ask yourself which of the 50 states is in fact the most Socialist state. If you come up with any other state besides Alaska, IMO you either haven't investigated or are given to self-deception.
Having read the definitions proffered on another thread while sincerely trying to eliminate Alaska as socialist and failing miserably what can I do but offer this opinion. If the government takes the profits gained from a natural resource and disseminates a portion of taxes gained from this industry so as to eliminate state taxes and even after that actually gives a share of said profits to each and every citizen can it be called anything other than Socialism? It would seem that Sarah has no problem with Socialism as practiced in her home state, she only has a problem with anyone else trying to somehow share the wealth and thereby possibly actually help the middle class out.
While this is far from the first and only example of hypocrisy exhibited by McCain's choice as VP it is easily among the most amazing example of don't do as I do, do as I say.
You are right.

Alaska is the most socialist state in the union.
Palin's administration last week gained legislative approval for a special $1,200 payment to every Alaskan to help cope with gas prices, which are among the highest in the country. Would anyone call that anything other than Socialism?
Socialism by any definition?

By which real definition of socialism is Alaska, or any other state of the union, socialist?

so·cial·ism Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Words actually do have meanings. Using them in unconventional ways in order to make a point is a form of obfuscation.
I would suggest looking up any Socialist Society and attempting to determine what they do with natural resources
WouldnÂ’t it be more capitalistic to let corporations keep the money so that they pay their employees a higher wage? Why should the state be involvedÂ…except it were socialist?
Palin's administration last week gained legislative approval for a special $1,200 payment to every Alaskan to help cope with gas prices, which are among the highest in the country. Would anyone call that anything other than Socialism?
Seriously? Where is the money coming from?
Given the extreme nature of the Alaskan environment, intuitive socialism is necessary to encourage a sustained residancy, but for the over-all survival of our Nation... Not good.
Seriously? Where is the money coming from?

Alaska is sometimes described as America’s socialist state, because of its collective ownership of resources—an arrangement that allows permanent residents to collect a dividend on the state’s oil royalties.
It has been PalinÂ’s good fortune to govern the state at a time of record oil prices, which means record dividend checks: two thousand dollars for every Alaskan.
And because high oil prices also mean staggering heating bills in such a cold place—and because it’s always good politics to give money to voters—Palin got the legislature this year to send an extra twelve hundred dollars to every Alaskan man, woman, and child.
Alaska is the only State that gives it's citizens a yearly dividend.
Government ownership is what McCain is proposing with the 300 billion dollar morgage buyout. That is by definition, socialism.
Palin's administration last week gained legislative approval for a special $1,200 payment to every Alaskan to help cope with gas prices, which are among the highest in the country. Would anyone call that anything other than Socialism?

Alaska is sometimes described as America’s socialist state, because of its collective ownership of resources—an arrangement that allows permanent residents to collect a dividend on the state’s oil royalties.
It has been PalinÂ’s good fortune to govern the state at a time of record oil prices, which means record dividend checks: two thousand dollars for every Alaskan.
And because high oil prices also mean staggering heating bills in such a cold place—and because it’s always good politics to give money to voters—Palin got the legislature this year to send an extra twelve hundred dollars to every Alaskan man, woman, and child.
Alaska is the only State that gives it's citizens a yearly dividend.
Ah, I knew about the checks but I didn't know they got extra...thanks. And I agree, it is socialistic.
Obama should look to Alaska for a model on how to set up off-shore drilling. He should propose that we allow off-shore drilling, but that the leases for these locations be set up as Alaskans did back in 1976 - environmental protections and some pocket change up front. Let’s say this costs the oil and gas companies $100 billion or more to set up this fund (I’m not going to do the math, but if it’s truly worth what they say it is, they’ll pay it). This initial fund can then be invested in the stock market with the dividends and gains pumped back to Americans anually in the form of “resource” checks that help offset energy costs. And throw in a bonus to encourage conservation - if you reduced your household carbon emissions you get a larger check. In a way, everyone becomes an owner of the off-shore drilling venture and the greener energy program.

WowÂ…this proposal sounds a lot like state owned resourcesÂ…oh noÂ…thatÂ’s socialism!
I would suggest looking up any Socialist Society and attempting to determine what they do with natural resources

Why should natural resources be owned by corporations? I must admit I can't answer my own question. But I do know this. Under kings it used to be the case that they claimed ownership of everything and then dished out bits of its to their mates. When democracy came along it was too late and natural resources had been in private hands for too long and couldn't be prised out of the graspers grip. So, why should individual corporations own natural resources?
Why should natural resources be owned by corporations? I must admit I can't answer my own question. But I do know this. Under kings it used to be the case that they claimed ownership of everything and then dished out bits of its to their mates. When democracy came along it was too late and natural resources had been in private hands for too long and couldn't be prised out of the graspers grip. So, why should individual corporations own natural resources?
They shouldn't. It's pretty complicated...we (the USA) are supposed to get royalties from the oil companies for "allowing" them to drill on national lands. For whatever reason they seem to weasel out of paying them. Alaska's drilling goes on on state land, so they got to make their own deal. Offshore drilling, even though it impacts the surrounding states, usually doesn't result into a payout to the States' citizens because the offshore land is under federal juridiction.
Government ownership is what McCain is proposing with the 300 billion dollar morgage buyout. That is by definition, socialism.

which obama voted for.
which obama voted for.

I think your talking about the 700 billion dollar bank buyout. I was refering to the 300 billion dollar home morgage buyout plan which has not been implemented. It is his plan if he becomes president.

And even if Obama did vote for his plan, that would make the argument "Obama and I are socialsts" not "Obama is a socialst"

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