Socialism - A lesson for Republicans


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Nowhere in America's Constitution is the word "Capitalism" written. From the preamble right thru to the last penned word, it is not mentioned one single time.

Republicans - Do yourselves a favor, and stop putting your ignorance on display. America was not designed to be a purely Capitalist nation, if it were, then our Army, Navy, Courts, Congress, and law enforcement entities would all be privatized, so please stop sniveling about Socialism. America had elements of Socialism from the very beginning ...

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
They also get capitalism mixed up with free enterprise. A person is not actually a capitalist until they have made or inherited enough money to be able to use it to make more money off someone else's hard work.
The Right has so misapplied capitalism that they've shot themselves in the foot.

They've been convinced that proper regulations are a bane to capitalism, when in fact proper regulations are a critical component of capitalism.

And the result? More and more people are becoming open to Euro-democratic socialism.

Self inflicted wound, righties. I know you won't understand that.
Republicans - Do yourselves a favor, and stop putting your ignorance on display.
Dems - Do yourselves a favor, and stop putting your ignorance on display.
Cuba-USSR-East Germany-North Korea---the list is endless--ALL FAILURES all socialist/communists
Dems - Do yourselves a favor, and stop putting your ignorance on display.
Cuba-USSR-East Germany-North Korea---the list is endless--ALL FAILURES all socialist/communists
Most authoritarian oligarchies end up failing too. If America fails it will not be on account of socialism. It will be due to the richest Americans continually rigging the government and economy to serve their narrow interests. .
Nowhere in America's Constitution is the word "Capitalism" written. From the preamble right thru to the last penned word, it is not mentioned one single time.

Republicans - Do yourselves a favor, and stop putting your ignorance on display. America was not designed to be a purely Capitalist nation, if it were, then our Army, Navy, Courts, Congress, and law enforcement entities would all be privatized, so please stop sniveling about Socialism. America had elements of Socialism from the very beginning ...

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
Fair enough, I suppose. The founders weren't perfect, of course. Regardless, since they took the time to explicitly spell out those areas you identify as socialist, "Army, Navy, Courts, Congress, and law enforcement entities," in the Constitution, given the 9th and 10th Amendments especially, how is any further socialism justified by the Constitution? If it was intended for anything else to be socialized then clearly they would have listed it. Isn't it then obvious that anything else would require an amendment to the Constitution?
occupied plain and simple--you are wrong--USSR FAILURE--you can't deny it
...dumbass Biden is paying people for doing nothing [ irresponsible sex ] ---now, they are not going to work---DUH----massively fking up the country
occupied they redistributed the wealth to the poor and it was a FAILURE ..the poor are usually poor because they are stupid .....
Can you explain the difference between free enterprise and capitalism then?
Free enterprise means you have ample opportunity to conduct business and commerce free of undue official barriers or unfair competition. Capitalism is a system where wealth may be used to generate more wealth. Very few people directly participate in capitalism. Even our retirement investment accounts are products sold by real capitalists.
Nowhere in America's Constitution is the word "Capitalism" written. From the preamble right thru to the last penned word, it is not mentioned one single time.

Republicans - Do yourselves a favor, and stop putting your ignorance on display. America was not designed to be a purely Capitalist nation, if it were, then our Army, Navy, Courts, Congress, and law enforcement entities would all be privatized, so please stop sniveling about Socialism. America had elements of Socialism from the very beginning ...

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
For someone with a limited understanding of history, only learning that the Founding Fathers were white Christian nationalists racists who should be stricken from the annals of history, let me try to spalin something.

The move AWAY from England was an attempt to distance from a tyrannical centralized unfeeling behemoth. In stead, they opted for a representative and limited government. In fact, many were wary of the Constitution because they felt it gave too much control to the Federal government, something we see that has occurred over the years. For you see, Socialism is all about centralized power and control, not Federalism, which is divided control between local and state and federal powers. But we see this erode away every day. Now the CDC controls evictions. LOL.

Did you even know that the Father of the Constitution, James Madison, believed in limited government and not a populace led by the nose by a centralized group of elitists? News to you I'm sure, or if you do know, he was just a racist slave owner and so you don't care, so which is it?

But the part of the Constitution that communists like yourself point to that allows government to blow up exponentially with unlimited spending and power is the General Welfare clause. You kids use this to justify the path that has been taken today by saying that it is all justified to secure the general welfare of society. However, Madison wrote about this as well, and clearly told us this is NOT how it should be used.

But as usual, the Left either is ignorant of this fact or they simply don't care and will begin to attack Madison personally, thus making anything he ever thought or said unimportant.

Anyway, this is what Madison wrote about Madison wrote about the General Welfare Clause he wrote.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”​

So what is next? Are you going to tell me that the source is fake, or will you begin to assault the character of Madison, or will you launch into a diatribe of how what he had said is not really how it reads?

One thing is for certain, socialism owns you, it consumes you, you are its tool, so you must choose one of the three of the following to continue your little lesson on socialism to conservatives like me.
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occupied plain and simple--you are wrong--USSR FAILURE--you can't deny it
...dumbass Biden is paying people for doing nothing [ irresponsible sex ] ---now, they are not going to work---DUH----massively fking up the country

Some pretty smart and Republican People took a look at the problem where many jobs are having trouble getting people back to work. And guess what,no one is paying the people to stay home.

Here are some of the reasons.

1. Another Company offered more money, a hiring bonus, higher pay, or some other kind of financial incentive.

2. During the down time, they retrained either on their own dime or using someone else's dime.

3. They started a business of their own. Covid didn't take that opportunity away. It just gave people more of a driving force to do it.

You Rumptards keep complaining that people refuse to improve themselves but when they do, you won't admit it. You are creating more and more Liberals with Jobs and Money.

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