Zone1 Social Security Scam

Prior to Social Security, people worked until they died or depended on children to take care of them

Social Security is when people started looking at Retirement
Then it should be voluntary. If you think it's a good deal, feel free to contribute and let the Government take care of you in your old age. If you don't then you get to keep your money. Except the Ponzi Scheme that SS is couldn't operate under those conditions. It would be insolvent tmw.
Then it should be voluntary. If you think it's a good deal, feel free to contribute and let the Government take care of you in your old age. If you don't then you get to keep your money. Except the Ponzi Scheme that SS is couldn't operate under those conditions. It would be insolvent tmw.
Government doesn't do "voluntary".
Then it should be voluntary. If you think it's a good deal, feel free to contribute and let the Government take care of you in your old age. If you don't then you get to keep your money. Except the Ponzi Scheme that SS is couldn't operate under those conditions. It would be insolvent tmw.
Doesn’t work like that, it requires full participation of the workforce.
But if you have an idea that is better than Social Security, you are free to meet with your Congressman. I am sure he would be interested
Doesn’t work like that, it requires full participation of the workforce.
But if you have an idea that is better than Social Security, you are free to meet with your Congressman. I am sure he would be interested
Of course it does because Ponzi schemes dont work if people stop putting money in the kitty do they.
But if you have an idea that is better than Social Security, you are free to meet with your Congressman. I am sure he would be interested
LOL - you're free to grovel before your "representative" and beg for reprieve. That kind of "freedom" turns you on, I know. It's kind of like torture porn.
LOL - you're free to grovel before your "representative" and beg for reprieve. That kind of "freedom" turns you on, I know. It's kind of like torture porn.
He works for you
Why don’t you explain your replacement of Social Security to him?
Horeshit. You want government to bully others on your behalf. That's the entire zeitgeist of modern liberals. You see it as the purpose of government.

A Government that does not listen to We the People is quickly replaced.
Then why don’t you take it to court?
Ponzi Schemes are illegal
Because the government passed a law exempting itself. Gambling is/was illegal in many states, but they still had the lottery.

SS is still a ponzi scheme and the lottery is still gambling regardless of what the government calls it.
Don't be a troll. You know what I'm talking about. Why should government dictate how people manage their retirement?
Because if they don't manage it, it falls to the government to bail them out through various welfare programs. Anyway, SS isn't a 'retirement' program, it's an income insurance program.
Here's me replace for Social Security - fuck off and don't take my money in the first place. There's no need to "explain" that to anyone.
OK…go with that

Now, as one of We the People, you only need to convince the rest of us of the benefits of your plan
Yeah, "we the people". That phrase doesn't mean what you think. "We the people" doesn't mean the government. It actually means the opposite. It places the people above the government - explicitly states that government is there to serve the people, not to boss them around, forcing them to follow your preferences.

But you like to cite the phrase as a rallying call for majoritarian bullying - kinda like "eat it fucker, we got the votes - do as you're told."

And that's why you suck. It's why people are fed up with Democrats. It's why miscreants like Trump and DeSantis find traction with their deplorable ambitions.
SS and other programs transcend party politics.

The people and the government are one-in-the-same; the notion that the people and ‘the government’ are two separate entities is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
The Bill of Rights strongly suggests that the people and the government are two different entities, opposed to one another.
Absolute bullshit. Government is the servant of the people.
Many states have abolished the death penalty against the wishes of the majority of their citizens. Some 'servant'.

California stopped holding referendums because the government didn't like the results.
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There is a contingency for just about everything.

And if people had control over the money the government takes from them we'd have people retiring as millionaires instead of getting a paltry 25K a year to live on
People have control over their income, not the government. They just don't exercise that control.

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