So who originated with the 2 million protesters number?

why is everyone convinced the public option is dead ?

The consensus seems to be that there are not enough votes in the Senate to pass a public option, so moderate House Dems may be reluctant to vote for such a contentious item only to see it fail in the Senate. However, they may try to pass a "trigger" for a public option if insurance premiums rise by more than a certain rate, but if Obama and Pelosi think they need this trigger as a consolation for liberal Dems, Republicans and moderate Dems could try to bargain for rule changes that would allow employees the choice of accepting the company provided health insurance or applying the company contribution to the purchase of an individual policy and allowing insurance companies to sell policies across state lines, both measures that would increase choice and competition in the private insurance market and put downward pressure on insurance premiums.
The DC police said so.. so we are going with 2 million deal with it roberto,, you'll have a fucking stroke searching around in interspace.

The DC Police did not say 2 million. So have fun being a delusional liar.

yes they did dumpster..

First of all, who, in the DC Police Department said 2 million and is this person trained to count crowd sizes?

This is what 400,000 - 500,000 people look like in Washington DC.


The pictures I've seen from this TEA Party don't even come close.
why is everyone convinced the public option is dead ?

The consensus seems to be that there are not enough votes in the Senate to pass a public option, so moderate House Dems may be reluctant to vote for such a contentious item only to see it fail in the Senate. However, they may try to pass a "trigger" for a public option if insurance premiums rise by more than a certain rate, but if Obama and Pelosi think they need this trigger as a consolation for liberal Dems, Republicans and moderate Dems could try to bargain for rule changes that would allow employees the choice of accepting the company provided health insurance or applying the company contribution to the purchase of an individual policy and allowing insurance companies to sell policies across state lines, both measures that would increase choice and competition in the private insurance market and put downward pressure on insurance premiums.

actually I could see obama "settling" for that and then taking full credit for it.
why is everyone convinced the public option is dead ?

It's not. Obama's going to grow a pair and get the support of the Liberal Democrats -- that is if his party want to be re-elected next year. Any Democrat that votes against the Public Option will lose a lot of support from Unions.

Whatever healthcare bill is passed, there needs to be more funding for low interest loans to med students, and a 25% increase in the number of hospitals out there. The demand in the healthcare industry once this bill passes is going to be enormous. We absolutely, positively must increase the number of doctors, the number of hospitals and increase the quality of hospitals that we have today. Right now, urban area hospitals are over crowded and this winter, with the swine flu coming, it's going to be chaotic. I can't even imagine how bad it's going to be.
The DC Police did not say 2 million. So have fun being a delusional liar.

yes they did dumpster..

First of all, who, in the DC Police Department said 2 million and is this person trained to count crowd sizes?

This is what 400,000 - 500,000 people look like in Washington DC.


The pictures I've seen from this TEA Party don't even come close.
And anyone who was at both events knows that those present for the Inauguration were only allowed in certain areas. Pedestrians were only permitted to be in the Mall or along the parade. Protesters today were everywhere - no restrictions on where pedestrians could be.

The estimates for those in the Mall (your pic) were 1 million.
More Information About Crowd Size

Satellite image taken at 11:19 a.m. from above the Mall. (GeoEye Satellite Image)Our analysis of a satellite image shows about 1 million people were on the Mall 45 minutes before President Barack Obama took the oath of office.

Security officials earlier estimated that 1.8 million people attended the inaugural events, a number that included those on the parade route.

You can see the satellite image for yourself on this page. Click and drag to pan around the image. Use the buttons below the image or your scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out. See a spot you're curious about? Double-click to zoom in even more.
More Information About Crowd Size - Inauguration Watch - News and notes on the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States

So, that picture shows 1 million persons.

The other 800K were on the parade route (not shown).
You know, if anything has the potential to unite right and left in this country, it is our population of trolls!
You know, if anything has the potential to unite right and left in this country, it is our population of trolls!
Interesting phenomenom, though. We can actually unite when the bad guy is stupid enough to be obvious. It's the smart bad guys...not good.
Americans have never failed to rally against a clear foe. It's the enemy among us that makes us falter.

Comeon now, 50,000 protesters isn't too awfully bad.. They can still dream they'll be as good a draw as the president one day.. :razz:
Not only that, it doesn't foster much confidence that the WH has no idea who is in their own block will be able to be aware of world events. *shudder*

Are you that fucking stupid? It's obvious Gibbs was ignoring the fact that there was a protest today. His mindset is that it's not worth even mentioning, so he ignores it.

My god, you are a block of wood through and through. You'll be a fine whipping boy for the Republicans in the future. I hope you know how to correctly bow to your leaders like the good bitch that you are.

Robert, your the one pissing and moaning about padded numbers, a practice which is nearly as old as politics is, so really now, who is the stupid block of wood here?

I mean your wetting yourself over this, all the while the issues at hand totally escape you!

LOL ............ and your calling another a "whipping boy"?

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