So Where Are The Subversive War Protestors Now That A Socialist Is In Charge?

OS357 9888947 regarding 9887979, 9884843 9884457, 9884311, 9879281
You know what's amusing, Notfooled? You cite one of the typically slanted main stream media reports from back before the this case one from liberal mouthpiece, TIME, that put's Joe Wilson out front on this issue, claiming to have totally "debunked" the claim that Iraq was in Niger trying to buy yellowcake. The only problem with what you've cited is that Wilson was later forced to admit that he lied about what he found in Niger.

As you can see from a year the facts come out...Wilson's story is viewed in a WHOLE different light!
Whoops mdash Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Niger.

All you've done is give a PERFECT example of how the liberal media took Wilson's story and ran with it right before the election...when both Wilson and his wife were in fact proven to be liars once all the facts came out.

Chris Hitchens tied his support for all the killing getting underway in Iraq to this from the Washington Post:

Plame's Input Is Cited on Niger MissionReport Disputes Wilson's Claims on Trip, Wife's Role
By Susan SchmidtWashington Post Staff Writer Saturday, July 10, 2004; Page A09

Plame s Input Is Cited on Niger Mission

Wilson said that a former prime minister of Niger, Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, was unaware of any sales contract with Iraq, but said that in June 1999 a businessman approached him, insisting that he meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss "expanding commercial relations" between Niger and Iraq -- which Mayaki interpreted to mean they wanted to discuss yellowcake sales. A report CIA officials drafted after debriefing Wilson said that "although the meeting took place, Mayaki let the matter drop due to UN sanctions on Iraq."

Wilson didn't admit that he lied about what he found out in Niger. He made a mistake about when he read the forged documents. That happens. There has been no evidence produced or made public that Iraq actually attempted to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger or anywhere else. What you are calling evidence appears to be that some guy Mayaki 'interpreted' something to mean that the Iraqis were pursuing yellowcake. You got no evidence Oldstyle. Snap out of your dream and join the real world once again. The Washington Post was a shill and propaganda mouthpiece for Bush and Cheney and the damned fool decision to invade Iraq in March 2003 where that invading army was going to be treated as liberators. I am not impressed by their journalistic ability since that fiasco led to 4584 US military being killed in Iraq. And now you want to claim that some guy named Mayaki somehow justified those deaths?

Gee, Notfooled...Niger's exports consist of the following: "Exports - commodities: uranium ore 65%, livestock products, cowpeas, onions (1998 est.)" Wikipedia Economy of Niger.

So what do YOU think Iraq was in Niger trying to buy...cowpeas?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You tell me to "join the real world"? The person who's living in fantasy land is you if you think that representatives from Iraq were in Niger looking for anything OTHER than uranium! Anyone with even a dollop of common sense would know that because uranium is about all that Niger has that's of ANY value!!! Duh?
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And Wilson did in fact admit that he "misspoke" about seeing the report and knowing that it was a forgery. He really had no choice since he didn't see that report until about 8 months later. Wilson was lying through his teeth when he made that claim!
OS361 9890070 regarding 9889993, 9888947 9887979, 9884843, 9884457, 9884311, 9879281
Gee, Notfooled...Niger's exports consist of the following: "Exports - commodities: uranium ore 65%, livestock products, cowpeas, onions (1998 est.)" Wikipedia Economy of Niger.

So what do YOU think Iraq was in Niger trying to buy...cowpeas? You tell me to "join the real world"? The person who's living in fantasy land is you if you think that representatives from Iraq were in Niger looking for anything OTHER than uranium! Anyone with even a dollop of common sense would know that because uranium is about all that Niger has that's of ANY value!!! Duh?

It does not matter what I think they were doing. The fact that you don't know what they were doing makes it clear that there is no evidence or proof that Iraq attempted to buy yellowcake in Niger. You have said that there is proof. Once again you cannot confirm your bogus claims with some kind of documentation that confirms it. Would you always be willing and ready to send others to war over such flimsy evidence of wrongdoing?
OS361 9890070 regarding 9889993, 9888947 9887979, 9884843, 9884457, 9884311, 9879281
Gee, Notfooled...Niger's exports consist of the following: "Exports - commodities: uranium ore 65%, livestock products, cowpeas, onions (1998 est.)" Wikipedia Economy of Niger.

So what do YOU think Iraq was in Niger trying to buy...cowpeas? You tell me to "join the real world"? The person who's living in fantasy land is you if you think that representatives from Iraq were in Niger looking for anything OTHER than uranium! Anyone with even a dollop of common sense would know that because uranium is about all that Niger has that's of ANY value!!! Duh?

It does not matter what I think they were doing. The fact that you don't know what they were doing makes it clear that there is no evidence or proof that Iraq attempted to buy yellowcake in Niger. You have said that there is proof. Once again you cannot confirm your bogus claims with some kind of documentation that confirms it. Would you always be willing and ready to send others to war over such flimsy evidence of wrongdoing?

So you DO think that Iraq secretly sent a representative to Niger to purchase cowpeas! Yeah, you're probably right, Notfooled...that's what's LOGICAL!!!:eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:
Here's REALITY, Sparky! Saddam Hussein wanted to get his nuclear bomb program back on track with the money he now had coming into Iraq from illegal oil sales. Obviously he couldn't use the yellowcake that was being monitored by the UN so he sent someone to Niger to buy some more. Either that or he secretly wanted to buy cowpeas! Now which of those makes sense?
If it were any other country but Niger then you might be able to make an argument that Iraq was there seeking something else but the reality is that Niger doesn't really HAVE anything else that other nations want besides uranium...which is why 65% of their total exports ARE uranium!

So when you're ready to talk about REALITY, Notfooled...get back to me! If you continue to live in fantasy land where you think Iraq sent a delegation all the way to Niger to secretly buy cowpeas then it's going to be a waste of time even debating the subject with you.
OS365 9890671
Here's REALITY, Sparky! Saddam Hussein wanted to get his nuclear bomb program back on track with the money he now had coming into Iraq from illegal oil sales. Obviously he couldn't use the yellowcake that was being monitored by the UN so he sent someone to Niger to buy some more. Either that or he secretly wanted to buy cowpeas! Now which of those makes sense?

Your problem with reality continues to be when you fabricated this: "so he sent someone to Niger to buy some more." Who was it, when was it, and what came of the visit that would justify 4584 dead and 40,000 seriously wounded Americans. Not to mention all the dead Iraqis when Bush bombed and invaded Iraq to 'restore' peace.

On April 21, 2003 George W. Bush wrote that he had "reluctantly concluded" that only the use of armed force will restore international peace and security in the area. There was no war in Iraq a month earlier than when Bush said that. So I can see how you perceive reality through George W. Bush.

Nobody was shooting or blowing up anybody in Iraq when there were 200 UN inspectors in Iraq when Bush wrote that he started a war in order to 'restore' peace in the area. Do you know what Bush meant when he used the words restore peace month after shock and awe began without UN authorization..
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OS365 9890671
Here's REALITY, Sparky! Saddam Hussein wanted to get his nuclear bomb program back on track with the money he now had coming into Iraq from illegal oil sales. Obviously he couldn't use the yellowcake that was being monitored by the UN so he sent someone to Niger to buy some more. Either that or he secretly wanted to buy cowpeas! Now which of those makes sense?

Your problem with reality continues to be when you fabricated this: "so he sent someone to Niger to buy some more." Who was it, when was it, and what came of the visit that would justify 4584 dead and 40,000 seriously wounded Americans. Not to mention all the dead Iraqis when Bush bombed and invaded Iraq to 'restore' peace.

On April 21, 2003 George W. Bush wrote that he had "reluctantly concluded" that only the use of armed force will restore international peace and security in the area. There was no war in Iraq a month earlier than when Bush said that. So I can see how you perceive reality through George W. Bush.

Nobody was shooting or blowing up anybody in Iraq when there were 200 UN inspectors in Iraq when Bush wrote that he started a war in order to 'restore' peace in the area. Do you know what Bush meant when he used the words restore peace month after shock and awe began without UN authorization..

On Meet the Press with Tim Russert on October 5, 2003, Wilson said: "An intermediary came to this official, and said, 'I want you to meet with these guys. They’re interested in talking about expanding commercial relations.' The person who talked to me said, 'Red flags went up immediately, I thought of U.N. Security Council sanctions, I thought of all sorts of other reasons why we didn’t want to have any meeting. I declined the meeting', and this was out of the country, on the margins of an OIC meeting. So it was a meeting that did not take place. And at one point during the conversation, this official kind of looked up in the sky and plumbing his conscience, looked back and said, "You know, "maybe they might have wanted to talk about uranium."

But you still think that proposed meeting was about buying "cowpeas"...right, Notfooled? So did I fabricate something here...or is your obsession with George W. Bush blinding you to the fact that even Joe Wilson himself later admitted that Iraq was more than likely making an attempt to buy uranium from Niger? The truth is...not even Wilson really believes that the proposed meeting was about anything else BUT an attempt to buy yellowcake because it's obvious that Niger has nothing else of value for another nation to propose meetings over! Or do you think that official was scared to be caught talking about the sale of cowpeas?
(A) OS 9908104 regarding NF 9907572, OS365 9890671
On Meet the Press with Tim Russert on October 5, 2003, Wilson said: "An intermediary came to this official, and said, 'I want you to meet with these guys. They’re interested in talking about expanding commercial relations.'
Look at the content from your source for your argument that the deaths of 4584 American soldiers would be somehow justified on the basis of a third hand comment seven months 'after' the war was started by Bush about a conversation in 1999 between a Nigerian official and a complete mystery person referred to in this story as the 'intermediary' for the government of Iraq in 1999.

You are bizarre Oldstyle. You don't know who this alleged 'intermediary' is. And your duped state of mind is even more bizarre because on that October 2003 MTP show Wilson explained to Russert in your cite that ...

"... So it was a meeting that did not take place. "

And if that is not bizarre enough on your absolute lack of concern on matters so serious as starting a major war Wilson is explaining even more with the magical four words of all time used to start a war *** "...maybe they might have..." *** wanted to talk about uranium."

"... this official kind of looked up in the sky and plumbing his conscience, looked back and said, "You know, "maybe they might have wanted to talk about uranium."
There is something seriously flawed in the way you think about things Oldstyle. Seriously flawed,

(B) OS 9908104 regarding NF 9907572, OS365 9890671
But you still think that proposed meeting was about buying "cowpeas"...right, Notfooled?
No one knows if the proposed meeting was about cowpeas because the meeting never took place. And the CIA was not intrigued enough to pursue the allegation and find out if the 'intermediary' actually existed and if he actually went to Niger on behalf of the government in Baghdad. Speculation on what that conversation in 1999 was about had no bearing on why Bush started the really dumb war that has culminated into all the bloodshed that we have witnessed in Iraq since June.

(C) OS 9908104 regarding NF 9907572, OS365 9890671
So did I fabricate something here...or is your obsession with George W. Bush blinding you to the fact that even Joe Wilson himself later admitted that Iraq was more than likely making an attempt to buy uranium from Niger?
Yes you are fabricating something right here. You embellished your little non-story into a lie. You call it a "fact that even Joe Wilson himself later admitted that Iraq was more than likely making an attempt to buy uranium from Niger? "
Wilson did not admit any such thing. Unlike you I can quote Wilson's exact words without the need for embellishment:

So it was a non-meeting about a non-subject that didn’t occur and, maybe, in the voice of one person, it might have wanted to talk about uranium.

And 'maybe it might have' is not an admission that something is 'more than likely' to be the case.

(D) OS 9908104 regarding NF 9907572, OS365 9890671
The truth is...not even Wilson really believes that the proposed meeting was about anything else BUT an attempt to buy yellowcake because it's obvious that Niger has nothing else of value for another nation to propose meetings over! Or do you think that official was scared to be caught talking about the sale of cowpeas?
Starting the continuation of your folly with "The truth is... " cannot make it true. Sorry.

(E) For the record, lets post the full relevant part of the exchange between Russet and Wilson shall we:

Russert: Five days after your appearance on Meet the Press, George Tenet, the head of the CIA, issued a statement. It’s long, but I want to read it, because it’s very important and goes to the core of this issue. Mr. Tenet said, “In an effort to inquire about certain reports involving Niger, CIA’s counterproliferation experts, on their own initiative, asked an individual with ties to the region to make a visit to see what he could learn.” That’s you. “He”—Wilson—”reported back to us that one of the former Nigerian officials he met stated he was unaware of any contract being signed between Niger and rogue states for the sale of uranium during his tenure in office. “The same former official also said that in June ’99 a businessman approached him and insisted that the former official meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss ‘expanding commercial relations’ between Iraq and Niger. The former official interpreted the overture as an attempt to discuss uranium sales. The former officials also offered details regarding Niger’s processes for monitoring and transporting uranium that suggested it would be very unlikely that the material could be illicitly diverted. There was no mention in the report of forged documents—or any suggestion of the existence of documents at all. “Because this report, in our view, did not resolve whether Iraq was or was not seeking uranium from abroad, it was given a normal and wide distribution, but we did not brief it to the president, vice president or other senior officials. We also had to consider that the former Nigerian officials knew that what they were saying would reach the U.S. government, and this might have influenced what they said.” And what the White House will say, Ambassador, is that, in the State of the Union message, the president said, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium”—recently sought—and that your meeting with officials in Niger, including the suggestion that in June ’99 Iraqi officials met with officials from Niger, confirmed exactly that point: that by expanding commercial relations, they could have been talking about uranium, which would confirm the president’s suggestion that they were seeking uranium from Niger.

Wilson: Well, there’s a couple of problems with that. First of all, the meeting never took place. An intermediary came to this official, and said, “I want you to meet with these guys. They’re interested in talking about expanding commercial relations.” The person who talked to me said, “Red flags went up immediately, I thought of U.N. Security Council sanctions, I thought of all sorts of other reasons why we didn’t want to have any meeting. I declined the meeting,” and this was out of the country, on the margins of an OIC meeting. So it was a meeting that did not take place. And at one point during the conversation, this official kind of looked up in the sky and plumbing his conscience, looked back and said, “You know, maybe they might have wanted to talk about uranium.” So it was a non-meeting about a non-subject that didn’t occur and, maybe, in the voice of one person, it might have wanted to talk about uranium. Now, my report...
Transcript for October 5 - Meet the Press NBC News
Last edited: you buy into the narrative that Joe Wilson believed the Iraqis wanted to talk to the Nigerians about buying "cowpeas"? You embarrass yourself with this nonsense, Notfooled. They were obviously trying to buy more yellow cake. I know it. That Nigerian official knew it. Joe Wilson knew it. Valerie Plame knew it.
As for the Meet the Press transcript? Who cares what Wilson said in that point he hadn't come clean about having "misspoken" about his trip to Niger. It was only later that he admitted to lying.
OS329 9879281
What the Yellowcake shows is that Joe Wilson lied through his teeth when he said that Iraq was not trying to buy Yellowcake uranium in Africa when he was sent there to investigate.

The yellowcake that was under IAEA lock and seal until Bush forced the inspectors out and let the looters have at does not 'show' that Joe Wilson 'lied through his teeth. Your presentation of what you think was a Joe Wilson lie is not true or correct in any sense. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you have put in writing so far on this thread alone.

NF369 9949103 regarding OS372 9949699, OS370 9949628
(A) OS 9908104 regarding NF 9907572, OS365 9890671

When you got caught Oldstyle you reduced yourself to saying 'who cares' what the facts and the transcript actually records what Joe Wilson said. You are not interested in what he actually said,, are you?

OS372 9949699
As for the Meet the Press transcript? Who cares what Wilson said in THAT...

You seem to have "cared" when you decided to reinterpret what Wilson actually said on Meet the Press in October 2003. In your post: 9908104 you cited Wilson as saying "An intermediary came to this official, and said, 'I want you to meet with these guys. They’re interested in talking about expanding commercial relations." So in NF369 9949103 I pointed out that you don't know who this alleged 'intermediary' is.

Do you know who that intermediary is? Of course you didn't. It is clear from the MTP transcript that Tenet didn't bother to pursue it in March 2003 when Bush decided to invade Iraq instead of letting the inspection to continue as required by UNSC Resolution 1441.

Here is what Tenet said according to the MTP transcript:

. “The same former official also said that in June ’99 a businessman approached him and insisted that the former official meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss ‘expanding commercial relations’ between Iraq and Niger. The former official interpreted the overture as an attempt to discuss uranium sales. The former officials also offered details regarding Niger’s processes for monitoring and transporting uranium that suggested it would be very unlikely that the material could be illicitly diverted. There was no mention in the report of forged documents—or any suggestion of the existence of documents at all. “Because this report, in our view, did not resolve whether Iraq was or was not seeking uranium from abroad, it was given a normal and wide distribution, but we did not brief it to the president, vice president or other senior officials. We also had to consider that the former Nigerian officials knew that what they were saying would reach the U.S. government, and this might have influenced what they said.”

Tenet says he CIA "did not brief it to the president, vice president or other senior officials" On Wilson's reporting of what the Nigerian official told him. So are we to now believe that the most ridiculous notion that this comment that was never verified or confirmed is somehow indisputable evidence that Iraq tried to buy Yellowcake from Niger and that means the war on Iraq was somehow justifiable.

If you are going to call an Ambassador a liar for what he said on Meet the Press you really need to 'care about' what the man actually said on Meet the Press.
OS365 9890671
Obviously he couldn't use the yellowcake that was being monitored by the UN so he sent someone to Niger to buy some more. ..

NF367 9907572
Your problem with reality continues to be when you fabricated this: "so he sent someone to Niger to buy some more." ..

I pointed out in my post 373 9949939 the quote from Tenet that proves your claim as a fact that Saddam sent someone to Niger to buy some more yellowcake is not true. Here is what Tenet said about Joe Wilson's report about the conversation he had with the Nigerian official

“Because this report, in our view, did not resolve whether Iraq was or was not seeking uranium from abroad, it was given a normal and wide distribution, but we did not brief it to the president, vice president or other senior officials.

Here is the right thing to do with false and fraudulent misleading statements"

OS365 9890671
Obviously he couldn't use the yellowcake that was being monitored by the UN so he sent someone to Niger to buy some more.
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OS329 9879281
What the Yellowcake shows is that Joe Wilson lied through his teeth when he said that Iraq was not trying to buy Yellowcake uranium in Africa when he was sent there to investigate.

The yellowcake that was under IAEA lock and seal until Bush forced the inspectors out and let the looters have at does not 'show' that Joe Wilson 'lied through his teeth. Your presentation of what you think was a Joe Wilson lie is not true or correct in any sense. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you have put in writing so far on this thread alone.

NF369 9949103 regarding OS372 9949699, OS370 9949628
(A) OS 9908104 regarding NF 9907572, OS365 9890671

When you got caught Oldstyle you reduced yourself to saying 'who cares' what the facts and the transcript actually records what Joe Wilson said. You are not interested in what he actually said,, are you?

OS372 9949699
As for the Meet the Press transcript? Who cares what Wilson said in THAT...

You seem to have "cared" when you decided to reinterpret what Wilson actually said on Meet the Press in October 2003. In your post: 9908104 you cited Wilson as saying "An intermediary came to this official, and said, 'I want you to meet with these guys. They’re interested in talking about expanding commercial relations." So in NF369 9949103 I pointed out that you don't know who this alleged 'intermediary' is.

Do you know who that intermediary is? Of course you didn't. It is clear from the MTP transcript that Tenet didn't bother to pursue it in March 2003 when Bush decided to invade Iraq instead of letting the inspection to continue as required by UNSC Resolution 1441.

Here is what Tenet said according to the MTP transcript:

. “The same former official also said that in June ’99 a businessman approached him and insisted that the former official meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss ‘expanding commercial relations’ between Iraq and Niger. The former official interpreted the overture as an attempt to discuss uranium sales. The former officials also offered details regarding Niger’s processes for monitoring and transporting uranium that suggested it would be very unlikely that the material could be illicitly diverted. There was no mention in the report of forged documents—or any suggestion of the existence of documents at all. “Because this report, in our view, did not resolve whether Iraq was or was not seeking uranium from abroad, it was given a normal and wide distribution, but we did not brief it to the president, vice president or other senior officials. We also had to consider that the former Nigerian officials knew that what they were saying would reach the U.S. government, and this might have influenced what they said.”

Tenet says he CIA "did not brief it to the president, vice president or other senior officials" On Wilson's reporting of what the Nigerian official told him. So are we to now believe that the most ridiculous notion that this comment that was never verified or confirmed is somehow indisputable evidence that Iraq tried to buy Yellowcake from Niger and that means the war on Iraq was somehow justifiable.

If you are going to call an Ambassador a liar for what he said on Meet the Press you really need to 'care about' what the man actually said on Meet the Press.

How can you call Wilson anything BUT a liar when what he said on Meet the Press WAS a lie? Joe Wilson didn't establish that Iraq wasn't trying to buy yellow cake. Quite frankly, Joe Wilson went to Niger with a preconceived idea that the idea Iraq WAS trying to buy uranium there was a "wild" notion...that preconceived idea coming from his wife, Valerie Plame. He then sat around drinking tea with some officials from that country, asked them if they knew anything about Iraq trying to buy yellow cake and believed them when they said they did not. That isn't an investigation! It's why his report was panned by the CIA as inconclusive. The CIA didn't brief the President or other senior officials on Joe Wilson's report because Joe Wilson's report was worthless. The evidence clearly points to a delegation from Iraq setting up meetings with officials from Niger to discuss a "purchase" of some kind. At this point you have to use your brain (something that Joe Wilson obviously didn't employ!) and ask yourself what would a country like Iraq who was trying to restart it's nuclear program want from Niger, a country where 3/4's of it's total exports is uranium? You and Mr. Wilson obviously have come to the conclusion that Iraq must have been looking into the purchase of "cow peas" which illustrates how naive both of you are!
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

OS375 9950456 regarding NF373 9949939, OS372 9949699, NF369 9949103, OS329 9879281
How can you call Wilson anything BUT a liar when what he said on Meet the Press WAS a lie? Joe Wilson didn't establish that Iraq wasn't trying to buy yellow cake.

By the simple fact that the only one putting up lies here is clearly you. Your story is false because you have reached a conclusion that the 'intermediary' businessman was sent by Saddam Hussein. You don't know that. No one knows that.

You made this false statement did you not Oldstyle? OS329 9879281
What that Yellowcake also shows quite clearly is that Saddam Hussein was still attempting to put the development of a nuclear device back on track.

You made this false statement did you not Oldstyle? OS329 9879281
What the Yellowcake shows is that Joe Wilson lied through his teeth when he said that Iraq was not trying to buy Yellowcake uranium in Africa when he was sent there to investigate.

You made this false statement did you not Oldstyle? OS375 9950456 regarding NF373 9949939, OS372 9949699, NF369 9949103, OS329 9879281
The evidence clearly points to a delegation from Iraq setting up meetings with officials from Niger to discuss a "purchase" of some kind.

Russert: But George Tenet is suggesting that he did not approve of your mission or was not aware of your mission and that your findings were inconclusive.

Wilson: He would not have approved of it. This is the sort of thing that would have gone from a briefer down to the operational level. The decision would have been taken to the operational level. The results would have been reported back. My opinion piece made the point that if they didn’t agree, then that’s fine. But I said I would like to know, be curious as to know why. Mine was one of only several reports on that particular subject. It never promised to be the definitive report, and if there was other intelligence, then, indeed, there may have been something of which I was unaware. The White House, however, the next day, came out and said, “Guess what? Those 16 words should not have been in the State of the Union address.”

Wilson explains in the above why your conjecture and misleading translations are false. Wilson says his investigation in Niger was "one of only several reports on that particular subject. It never promised to be the definitive report" so
if there was other intelligence, then, indeed, there may have been something of which (Joe Wilson) was unaware."

And here is the key point that you also keep forgetting Oldstyle, Joe Wislon explains the obvious fact that, "The White House, however, the next day, came out and said, “Guess what? Those 16 words should not have been in the State of the Union address.”
OS 9950456 regarding NF 9949939, OS329 9879281, NF369 9949103, OS372 9949699, OS370 9949628
How can you call Wilson anything BUT a liar when what he said on Meet the Press WAS a lie? Joe Wilson didn't establish that Iraq wasn't trying to buy yellow cake.

It was established by the Bush Administration that Joe Wilson was right. The sixteen words reference to NIGER in the State of the Union should not have been in there. Are you calling the Bush Administration a pack of liars?

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