So Where Are The Subversive War Protestors Now That A Socialist Is In Charge?

PT332 9879912
Protesting War does not make you a 'Subversive.' Average American Citizens do not benefit at all from endless War. In fact, they only suffer. They pay for the Ruling-Class Global Elite Wars with their money and lives. Only the Ruling-Class Global Elites benefit from endless War.

VG333 9879945
OK, then how about I call them a fucking group of HYPOCRITES, for NOT treating WAR equally under a Republican?

So *Vigilante, what war is not being treated equally by the anti-war left? Iraq was a war to topple a regime for allegedly hiding WMD from UN inspectors. George Bush was highly supported for going into Afghanistan even long after he lost interest in that mission due to the quagmire he created for the military to be stuck in Iraq.
So why did you leave out the bolded part of my quote?

Because you asked me how what you described is "a flat out lie"? Right here;

OS321 9878585
How is what I described "a flat out lie"?

So I stated very clearly that "the first part of your statement is the flat out lie." The rest of your statement is true. Now see if you can refute the rest of what I said without more unnecessary diversions.

The first part of your statement is the flat out lie. You began your statement with, "The UN inspectors left because Iraq had failed to obey the UN sanctions...".

It is a lie because if it were not for the 'threat' of military action by the US and UK the inspectors would have remained and wanted to remain in Iraq and finish their work. They did not decide to leave because as you say that Iraq had failed to obey the UN sanctions. The inspectors were not there to investigate the OFF issues and other 'sanctions' issues that were not related to WMD. They were there to verify the disarming of Iraq and to set up long-term monitoring once that verification had been completed. They were scheduled to complete their work by the end of May because Blix said in March it would take a few more months.. Staying to finish their work is not leaving because they thought Iraq was not complying with the sanctions or whatever it is you keep wanting to bring up. They were there on the matter of WMDs. They did not leave because of your sanctions fantasies.

And the first part of your statement is in fact a flat out lie. By attaching something that is true to a false statement does not make the lie true.

Your skills at developing propaganda are finely tuned I must admit.

The inspectors were intent on completing their work because Iraq was cooperating with them like never before.

You can't take half of a statement, ignore the other half and declare what you've chosen a lie, you moron! It's intellectually dishonest to do so. It's what is commonly referred to as "taking something out of context". The second part of that sentence clarified the first part...which of course is why you chose to discard it.
OS329 9879281
What that Yellowcake also shows quite clearly is that Saddam Hussein was still attempting to put the development of a nuclear device back on track.

It does not show that at all. It shows that Dick Cheney is a liar.

Cheney was briefed according to document DX 66.3 (released from Scooter Libby trial) which contains this following a blacked out section: “If converted to seed material and enriched, 500 tons of yellowcake could be used to produce enough weapons grade material for (blackout) nuclear devises. According to our assessment of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program, Iraq could produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon by mid-decade if it obtains significant foreign assistance (blackout).

So remember this was the briefing Cheney got in Feb 2002 and then in early March he was told that any purchase between Niger and Iraq were highly unlikely.

But there is more. The last two points are on DX 66.3.

DX 66.3 bulleted point: The IAEA says Iraq already has some 550 tons of yellowcake – 200 tons of which were purchased in *1971 (barely legible) from Niger but the materials remains in sealed containers subject to annual IAEA inspections.

So Cheney knew this. 550 Tons of Yellowcake were already in Iraq since 1971 and the CIA had not been too concerned about it all this time.
DX 66.3 the second bulleted point: The IAEA conducted its most recent inspection last month and has officially verified that the container seals were intact.

Cheney not only knew Iraq had 550 tons of uranium but he knew it would take at least four years for them to do anything with it only if it had some type of foreign assistance, but the lying SOB knew shortly after he asked about the Niger attempted purchases that the IAEA had just inspected Iraq and found that Iraq had done nothing at all with them – the IAEA seals were intact. The IAEA had conducted yearly inspections of Iraq’s nuclear materials after UNSCOM/UNMOVIC inspectors were forced to leave in 1998.

That material was under IAEA supervision - You have no idea what your are talking about Oldstyle.
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OS321 9878585
How is what I described "a flat out lie"? Did Iraq NOT repeatedly fail to obey the UN sanctions? Did Bush NOT make it clear that the US was about to take military action against Iraq? <> Of course the inspectors left because they didn't want to get caught in the crossfire! That's also the reason that Bush TOLD them to leave...because the last thing in the world he wanted was to kill UN personnel.

NF344 9883984 regarding OS321 9878585
I will answer your specific question Oldstyle. "Did Iraq NOT repeatedly fail to obey the UN sanctions?" No they did not. You are talking about "UN" sanctions are you not? Were the inspectors working for the UN? Would the inspectors have left Iraq on March 18, 2003 because Iraq failed to obey "UN Sanctions" as you call it?. You tied your false statement to a true statement which is obvious and a no-brainer. Of course Bush told the inspectors that a war was coming and their work was being shut down for war and they better leave. Now you have to defend your statement straight up. No more diversions. Just because your second question is true does not mean your first question is true. Your first question cannot be answered with a yes.
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OS329 9879281
What that Yellowcake also shows quite clearly is that Saddam Hussein was still attempting to put the development of a nuclear device back on track.

It does not show that at all. It shows that Dick Cheney is a liar.

Cheney was briefed according to document DX 66.3 (released from Scooter Libby trial) which contains this following a blacked out section: “If converted to seed material and enriched, 500 tons of yellowcake could be used to produce enough weapons grade material for (blackout) nuclear devises. According to our assessment of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program, Iraq could produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon by mid-decade if it obtains significant foreign assistance (blackout).

So remember this was the briefing Cheney got in Feb 2002 and then in early March he was told that any purchase between Niger and Iraq were highly unlikely.

But there is more. The last two points are on DX 66.3.

DX 66.3 bulleted point: The IAEA says Iraq already has some 550 tons of yellowcake – 200 tons of which were purchased in *1971 (barely legible) from Niger but the materials remains in sealed containers subject to annual IAEA inspections.

So Cheney knew this. 550 Tons of Yellowcake were already in Iraq since 1971 and the CIA had not been too concerned about it all this time.
DX 66.3 the second bulleted point: The IAEA conducted its most recent inspection last month and has officially verified that the container seals were intact.

Cheney not only knew Iraq had 550 tons of uranium but he knew it would take at least four years for them to do anything with it only if it had some type of foreign assistance, but the lying SOB knew shortly after he asked about the Niger attempted purchases that the IAEA had just inspected Iraq and found that Iraq had done nothing at all with them – the IAEA seals were intact. The IAEA had conducted yearly inspections of Iraq’s nuclear materials after UNSCOM/UNMOVIC inspectors were forced to leave in 1998.

That material was under IAEA supervision - You have no idea what your are talking about Oldstyle.

How does the fact that there was already 500 tons of yellowcake in Iraq change that Saddam Hussein was actively trying to purchase additional uranium in Niger? The fact that material WAS under IAEA supervision only means that more was needed that IAEA didn't know about if they were going to be able to use it to produce weapons grade plutonium. The fact that Iraq had previously purchased such a large quantity of yellowcake when they had no peaceful use for it shows that Hussein was indeed trying to build his own bomb. As usual YOU have no idea what you're talking about!
And once again, Notfooled...why are you cut and pasting this information you've presented without citing the source? Do you understand the term "theft of intellectual property"? It's what takes place when you present the work of someone else as your a Joe Biden law school paper?
OS 9884311 regarding 9879281
How does the fact that there was already 500 tons of yellowcake in Iraq change that Saddam Hussein was actively trying to purchase additional uranium in Niger? The fact that material WAS under IAEA supervision only means that more was needed that IAEA didn't know about if they were going to be able to use it to produce weapons grade plutonium. The fact that Iraq had previously purchased such a large quantity of yellowcake when they had no peaceful use for it shows that Hussein was indeed trying to build his own bomb. As usual YOU have no idea what you're talking about!

It does not change the fact that the Niger purchase document of yellow cake of Joe Miller fame was a crude forgery. There were no attempts to purchase additional yellowcake by Iraq and that was made clear by the IAEA. The forgeries were so bad that the Nigerian official that signed them was not in office on the date they were signed. The forgers wrote in a fake date but could not fake a new signature.

Where have you been?
OS 9884313.
And once again, Notfooled...why are you cut and pasting this information you've presented without citing the source? Do you understand the term "theft of intellectual property"? It's what takes place when you present the work of someone else as your a Joe Biden law school paper?

The DX CIA and DIA documents from the Scooter Libby trial are public record What I posted on it is my own.

Bryon York wrote much about the DX document briefing that Cheney received early in 2002, but he did not divulge all that was contained in them. I read them and noticed that Cheney was advised a year before the invasion that the CIA did not find the subject documents credible and that the existing amounts of yellowcake in Iraq were under IAEA supervision', lock and seal. That meant Saddam Hussein was cooperating with the IAEA all along because there was no other credible evidence that Iraq had an active nuclear weapons program in 2002 or 2003.

So Cheney lied to you and you are too happy to continue swallowing it. You have serious problems with known and well established reality.
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OS329 9879281 regarding 9883921

The fact that Iraq had previously purchased such a large quantity of yellowcake when they had no peaceful use for it shows that Hussein was indeed trying to build his own bomb. As usual YOU have no idea what you're talking about!

The fact that that purchase you are referencing to place thirty years prior to the 2003 invasion and twenty years before the first Gulf War sailed right over your head didn't it.

This proves that you are grateful to Dick Cheney for sending 4584 US Service Members to their deaths in order to fight a non-existent threat based upon crude forgeries and the many Cheney lies that resulted from that episode in our history.
OS 9884311 regarding 9879281
How does the fact that there was already 500 tons of yellowcake in Iraq change that Saddam Hussein was actively trying to purchase additional uranium in Niger? The fact that material WAS under IAEA supervision only means that more was needed that IAEA didn't know about if they were going to be able to use it to produce weapons grade plutonium. The fact that Iraq had previously purchased such a large quantity of yellowcake when they had no peaceful use for it shows that Hussein was indeed trying to build his own bomb. As usual YOU have no idea what you're talking about!

It does not change the fact that the Niger purchase document of yellow cake of Joe Miller fame was a crude forgery. There were no attempts to purchase additional yellowcake by Iraq and that was made clear by the IAEA. The forgeries were so bad that the Nigerian official that signed them was not in office on the date they were signed. The forgers wrote in a fake date but could not fake a new signature.

Where have you been?

Who pray tell is Joe Miller? Joe Wilson admitted that he lied about Iraq trying to buy yellowcake in Niger. Where have you been?

Whoops mdash Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Niger.
OS329 9879281 regarding 9883921

The fact that Iraq had previously purchased such a large quantity of yellowcake when they had no peaceful use for it shows that Hussein was indeed trying to build his own bomb. As usual YOU have no idea what you're talking about!

The fact that that purchase you are referencing to place thirty years prior to the 2003 invasion and twenty years before the first Gulf War sailed right over your head didn't it.

This proves that you are grateful to Dick Cheney for sending 4584 US Service Members to their deaths in order to fight a non-existent threat based upon crude forgeries and the many Cheney lies that resulted from that episode in our history.

Actually the documentation that you copied from someone else without credit shows that PART of the yellowcake was bought back in the 1970's (I believe about 200 pounds of it?) and the rest they don't know WHEN it was that Iraq purchased it prior to it's being discovered after the first Gulf War.

As for the talks by Iraq with Niger to purchase ADDITIONAL yellowcake uranium? That took place between 1999 and 2001 which means Iraq was still trying to buy yellowcake at that time...a fact which obviously "sailed right over your head".
OS 9884313.
And once again, Notfooled...why are you cut and pasting this information you've presented without citing the source? Do you understand the term "theft of intellectual property"? It's what takes place when you present the work of someone else as your a Joe Biden law school paper?

The DX CIA and DIA documents from the Scooter Libby trial are public record What I posted on it is my own.

Bryon York wrote much about the DX document briefing that Cheney received early in 2002, but he did not divulge all that was contained in them. I read them and noticed that Cheney was advised a year before the invasion that the CIA did not find the subject documents credible and that the existing amounts of yellowcake in Iraq were under IAEA supervision', lock and seal. That meant Saddam Hussein was cooperating with the IAEA all along because there was no other credible evidence that Iraq had an active nuclear weapons program in 2002 or 2003.

So Cheney lied to you and you are too happy to continue swallowing it. You have serious problems with known and well established reality.

You've obviously copied extensively from what you describe as the Scooter Libby trial documents yet have failed to attribute your source. You don't understand how plagiarism you?
Once again...I don't think you give your "source" because you know it would be mocked if revealed. Instead you claim that it's "your" material.
PT332 9879912
Protesting War does not make you a 'Subversive.' Average American Citizens do not benefit at all from endless War. In fact, they only suffer. They pay for the Ruling-Class Global Elite Wars with their money and lives. Only the Ruling-Class Global Elites benefit from endless War.

VG333 9879945
OK, then how about I call them a fucking group of HYPOCRITES, for NOT treating WAR equally under a Republican?

PT334 9879971
Oh i call the Left/Progressives on it all the time. They're frauds. The 'Anti-War Left' is a myth.

Do you consider yourself anti-war Paulitician?

OS 9884843 regarding 9884457, 9884311, 9879281
Joe Wilson admitted that he lied about Iraq trying to buy yellowcake in Niger. <> Whoops mdash Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Niger.

You are pretty hard up to be citing Christopher Hitchens. But your misinterpretation of what Hitchens wrote is duly noted. I will cite the world's leading expert on the matter. Let's go back to July 2003 for starters:

More troubling questions arise from the claim by IAEA chief Dr Mohammed el-Baradei, who was in charge of the nuclear component of the prewar UN inspection program in Iraq, that he was provided with the Niger "evidence" only in February, despite it having been shared on Capitol Hill the previous October. The U.S. and Britain were publicly committed to sharing intelligence with the UN inspectors in order to help them find a "smoking gun," yet el-Baradei was kept in the dark about evidence that was ostensibly directly relevant to his inquiry. And, of course, almost as soon as he was shown the Niger documents, el-Baradei and his team concluded that they were forgeries. Also, despite U.S. and British claims that "other sources" had indicated Iraqi efforts to buy uranium in Africa, el-Baradei stresses that the Niger forgeries were the only evidence offered to the investigators.

Bush and Iraq Follow the Yellow Cake Road - TIME

Why was it that "the Niger forgeries were the only evidence offered to the investigators" ? Can you explain that?
OS 9884937
Once again...I don't think you give your "source" because you know it would be mocked if revealed. Instead you claim that it's "your" material.

If would be better if you tried to stick to reasoned comments based on what we can establish as facts. I wrote on the Iraq War AOL message boards many posts on the subject of the documents released during the Scooter Libby trial. Here is an example of some the exchanges I had with a Bush duped fool back in February 2007.

Spin: So, it turns out that Valerie "Flame" suggested sending her husband to Niger, before Cheney even asked the question! Isn't that curious? Turns out that Joey Wilson lied yet again. I'm sure he simply misremembered true dem fashion, making for a much better book.

NotfooooldbyW: Hold your pants on Spun. Did you read the last Para of Byron York’s column? Take a look:

York: Perhaps it will turn out that there is some mistake in the memos, or in the interpretation of them, and that the generally-accepted version of the story remains accurate. But if the story told in the newly-public memos is correct, our entire understanding of how the CIA leak affair began will have to change.

NotfooooldbyW to Spin: You presented this speculation as fact. Sort of what your man Cheney did with the Niger deal and many many others. <> First of all Spun, the issue of whether Wilson was sent by his wife and whether Cheney got the ball rolling is not on trial. Scooter Libby is on trial for perjury etc. The major impact of the trial thus far, which York also presents, is that Cheney was briefed on Wilson’s trip – going and coming. Cheney may not have known it was Wilson on Feb 14 when he was told also according to York that a “clandestine source” was being sent. But he knew it was Wilson when the Veep was briefed on March…. The Veep tried to lead us to believe he knew nothing about Wilson’s findings that Niger and Iraq had not made a deal.

Secondly Spun, your Bryon York has a glaring error according to CIA DX64 also disclosed at the Libby trial. Here’s what York wrote: “What does the new information mean? On February 12, 2002, the Defense Intelligence Agency released — inside the government, not publicly — a report covering the Africa uranium issue; its title said that Niger had “signed an agreement to sell 500 tons of uranium a year to Baghdad.”

Here’s where York suspiciously has trouble with his dates. What Cheney actually first read was an article written by an analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency titled, "Niamey signed on agreement to sell 500 tons of uranium to Baghdad" which was based on intelligence obtained by CIA field operatives and published as an intelligence report on 5 February 2002. DX64 on page 3 para 3 reads “On 5 February 2002, the Directorate of Operations issued a second report (blanked out) indicating Niger and Iraq had signed an agreement regarding the sale of uranium in July 2000. This means my dear Spin, that Cheney could have read it anytime from February 5, 2002 on which fits the original and most accepted version of the story on how the outing of a CIA agent got started.

Look at Byron York’s title. Is Everything We Know About Joe Wilson’s Trip to Niger Wrong? I’ll bet he knows the answer to his own question is no. But what the hell, it gives the bushwar zealots like Spin something to crow about at least for a few moments of fleeting glory anyway.
OS 9884843 regarding 9884457, 9884311, 9879281
Joe Wilson admitted that he lied about Iraq trying to buy yellowcake in Niger. <> Whoops mdash Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Niger.

You are pretty hard up to be citing Christopher Hitchens. But your misinterpretation of what Hitchens wrote is duly noted. I will cite the world's leading expert on the matter. Let's go back to July 2003 for starters:

More troubling questions arise from the claim by IAEA chief Dr Mohammed el-Baradei, who was in charge of the nuclear component of the prewar UN inspection program in Iraq, that he was provided with the Niger "evidence" only in February, despite it having been shared on Capitol Hill the previous October. The U.S. and Britain were publicly committed to sharing intelligence with the UN inspectors in order to help them find a "smoking gun," yet el-Baradei was kept in the dark about evidence that was ostensibly directly relevant to his inquiry. And, of course, almost as soon as he was shown the Niger documents, el-Baradei and his team concluded that they were forgeries. Also, despite U.S. and British claims that "other sources" had indicated Iraqi efforts to buy uranium in Africa, el-Baradei stresses that the Niger forgeries were the only evidence offered to the investigators.

Bush and Iraq Follow the Yellow Cake Road - TIME

Why was it that "the Niger forgeries were the only evidence offered to the investigators" ? Can you explain that?

You know what's amusing, Notfooled? You cite one of the typically slanted main stream media reports from back before the this case one from liberal mouthpiece, TIME, that put's Joe Wilson out front on this issue, claiming to have totally "debunked" the claim that Iraq was in Niger trying to buy yellowcake. The only problem with what you've cited is that Wilson was later forced to admit that he lied about what he found in Niger.

As you can see from a year the facts come out...Wilson's story is viewed in a WHOLE different light!
Whoops mdash Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Niger.

All you've done is give a PERFECT example of how the liberal media took Wilson's story and ran with it right before the election...when both Wilson and his wife were in fact proven to be liars once all the facts came out.
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OS 9884937
Once again...I don't think you give your "source" because you know it would be mocked if revealed. Instead you claim that it's "your" material.

If would be better if you tried to stick to reasoned comments based on what we can establish as facts. I wrote on the Iraq War AOL message boards many posts on the subject of the documents released during the Scooter Libby trial. Here is an example of some the exchanges I had with a Bush duped fool back in February 2007.

Spin: So, it turns out that Valerie "Flame" suggested sending her husband to Niger, before Cheney even asked the question! Isn't that curious? Turns out that Joey Wilson lied yet again. I'm sure he simply misremembered true dem fashion, making for a much better book.

NotfooooldbyW: Hold your pants on Spun. Did you read the last Para of Byron York’s column? Take a look:

York: Perhaps it will turn out that there is some mistake in the memos, or in the interpretation of them, and that the generally-accepted version of the story remains accurate. But if the story told in the newly-public memos is correct, our entire understanding of how the CIA leak affair began will have to change.

NotfooooldbyW to Spin: You presented this speculation as fact. Sort of what your man Cheney did with the Niger deal and many many others. <> First of all Spun, the issue of whether Wilson was sent by his wife and whether Cheney got the ball rolling is not on trial. Scooter Libby is on trial for perjury etc. The major impact of the trial thus far, which York also presents, is that Cheney was briefed on Wilson’s trip – going and coming. Cheney may not have known it was Wilson on Feb 14 when he was told also according to York that a “clandestine source” was being sent. But he knew it was Wilson when the Veep was briefed on March…. The Veep tried to lead us to believe he knew nothing about Wilson’s findings that Niger and Iraq had not made a deal.

Secondly Spun, your Bryon York has a glaring error according to CIA DX64 also disclosed at the Libby trial. Here’s what York wrote: “What does the new information mean? On February 12, 2002, the Defense Intelligence Agency released — inside the government, not publicly — a report covering the Africa uranium issue; its title said that Niger had “signed an agreement to sell 500 tons of uranium a year to Baghdad.”

Here’s where York suspiciously has trouble with his dates. What Cheney actually first read was an article written by an analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency titled, "Niamey signed on agreement to sell 500 tons of uranium to Baghdad" which was based on intelligence obtained by CIA field operatives and published as an intelligence report on 5 February 2002. DX64 on page 3 para 3 reads “On 5 February 2002, the Directorate of Operations issued a second report (blanked out) indicating Niger and Iraq had signed an agreement regarding the sale of uranium in July 2000. This means my dear Spin, that Cheney could have read it anytime from February 5, 2002 on which fits the original and most accepted version of the story on how the outing of a CIA agent got started.

Look at Byron York’s title. Is Everything We Know About Joe Wilson’s Trip to Niger Wrong? I’ll bet he knows the answer to his own question is no. But what the hell, it gives the bushwar zealots like Spin something to crow about at least for a few moments of fleeting glory anyway.

The fact that you wrote something about a topic back in 2007 doesn't change the fact that you're now using the work of someone else and not attributing that work to them, Notfooled! It's called plagiarism and you're guilty of committing it on a regular basis. If you want to post the work of someone else...give them the credit that they are due!
OS357 9888947 regarding 9887979, 9884843 9884457, 9884311, 9879281
You know what's amusing, Notfooled? You cite one of the typically slanted main stream media reports from back before the this case one from liberal mouthpiece, TIME, that put's Joe Wilson out front on this issue, claiming to have totally "debunked" the claim that Iraq was in Niger trying to buy yellowcake. The only problem with what you've cited is that Wilson was later forced to admit that he lied about what he found in Niger.

As you can see from a year the facts come out...Wilson's story is viewed in a WHOLE different light!
Whoops mdash Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Niger.

All you've done is give a PERFECT example of how the liberal media took Wilson's story and ran with it right before the election...when both Wilson and his wife were in fact proven to be liars once all the facts came out.

Chris Hitchens tied his support for all the killing getting underway in Iraq to this from the Washington Post:

Plame's Input Is Cited on Niger MissionReport Disputes Wilson's Claims on Trip, Wife's Role
By Susan SchmidtWashington Post Staff Writer Saturday, July 10, 2004; Page A09

Plame s Input Is Cited on Niger Mission

Wilson said that a former prime minister of Niger, Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, was unaware of any sales contract with Iraq, but said that in June 1999 a businessman approached him, insisting that he meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss "expanding commercial relations" between Niger and Iraq -- which Mayaki interpreted to mean they wanted to discuss yellowcake sales. A report CIA officials drafted after debriefing Wilson said that "although the meeting took place, Mayaki let the matter drop due to UN sanctions on Iraq."

Wilson didn't admit that he lied about what he found out in Niger. He made a mistake about when he read the forged documents. That happens. There has been no evidence produced or made public that Iraq actually attempted to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger or anywhere else. What you are calling evidence appears to be that some guy Mayaki 'interpreted' something to mean that the Iraqis were pursuing yellowcake. You got no evidence Oldstyle. Snap out of your dream and join the real world once again. The Washington Post was a shill and propaganda mouthpiece for Bush and Cheney and the damned fool decision to invade Iraq in March 2003 where that invading army was going to be treated as liberators. I am not impressed by their journalistic ability since that fiasco led to 4584 US military being killed in Iraq. And now you want to claim that some guy named Mayaki somehow justified those deaths?
OS 9884937
Once again...I don't think you give your "source" because you know it would be mocked if revealed. Instead you claim that it's "your" material.

If would be better if you tried to stick to reasoned comments based on what we can establish as facts. I wrote on the Iraq War AOL message boards many posts on the subject of the documents released during the Scooter Libby trial. Here is an example of some the exchanges I had with a Bush duped fool back in February 2007.

Spin: So, it turns out that Valerie "Flame" suggested sending her husband to Niger, before Cheney even asked the question! Isn't that curious? Turns out that Joey Wilson lied yet again. I'm sure he simply misremembered true dem fashion, making for a much better book.

NotfooooldbyW: Hold your pants on Spun. Did you read the last Para of Byron York’s column? Take a look:

York: Perhaps it will turn out that there is some mistake in the memos, or in the interpretation of them, and that the generally-accepted version of the story remains accurate. But if the story told in the newly-public memos is correct, our entire understanding of how the CIA leak affair began will have to change.

NotfooooldbyW to Spin: You presented this speculation as fact. Sort of what your man Cheney did with the Niger deal and many many others. <> First of all Spun, the issue of whether Wilson was sent by his wife and whether Cheney got the ball rolling is not on trial. Scooter Libby is on trial for perjury etc. The major impact of the trial thus far, which York also presents, is that Cheney was briefed on Wilson’s trip – going and coming. Cheney may not have known it was Wilson on Feb 14 when he was told also according to York that a “clandestine source” was being sent. But he knew it was Wilson when the Veep was briefed on March…. The Veep tried to lead us to believe he knew nothing about Wilson’s findings that Niger and Iraq had not made a deal.

Secondly Spun, your Bryon York has a glaring error according to CIA DX64 also disclosed at the Libby trial. Here’s what York wrote: “What does the new information mean? On February 12, 2002, the Defense Intelligence Agency released — inside the government, not publicly — a report covering the Africa uranium issue; its title said that Niger had “signed an agreement to sell 500 tons of uranium a year to Baghdad.”

Here’s where York suspiciously has trouble with his dates. What Cheney actually first read was an article written by an analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency titled, "Niamey signed on agreement to sell 500 tons of uranium to Baghdad" which was based on intelligence obtained by CIA field operatives and published as an intelligence report on 5 February 2002. DX64 on page 3 para 3 reads “On 5 February 2002, the Directorate of Operations issued a second report (blanked out) indicating Niger and Iraq had signed an agreement regarding the sale of uranium in July 2000. This means my dear Spin, that Cheney could have read it anytime from February 5, 2002 on which fits the original and most accepted version of the story on how the outing of a CIA agent got started.

Look at Byron York’s title. Is Everything We Know About Joe Wilson’s Trip to Niger Wrong? I’ll bet he knows the answer to his own question is no. But what the hell, it gives the bushwar zealots like Spin something to crow about at least for a few moments of fleeting glory anyway.

The fact that you wrote something about a topic back in 2007 doesn't change the fact that you're now using the work of someone else and not attributing that work to them, Notfooled! It's called plagiarism and you're guilty of committing it on a regular basis. If you want to post the work of someone else...give them the credit that they are due!

What line or paragraph do you think I plagiarized?

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