So, what's the problem?

Washington D.C's mayor is denouncing the flooding of immigrants from the southern border into her city.

She shouldn't be too upset as most of those migrants would have sought large Democrat run cities anyway. That's where the handouts are.

American civil war the sequel is unfolding slower than pine sap runs downhill in the Arctic. At this rate, my kids will have grandchildren living in retirement communities by the time something exciting happens. I can't help picturing two mountain-sized imbeciles taking slow, lazy swings at each other—engaged in a perpetual bout of tit for tat—while flinging arrows at each other while wearing blindfolds.

Blue cities and counties punish their citizens with woke three ring circuses, while red cities and counties cheer the folly of fellow Americans stuck under the boot of blue rulers. All of this while at the federal level the government is screwing us all out of house and home.

Honestly, I feel bad for kids on field trips to the Smithsonian and the Monuments who must now contend with Third World savages teeming the streets like some sewage stained page out of medieval Europe.

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