So What Would Biden’s Call for a Ceasefire Accomplish?

They've been dispossessed of their lands, and homes,

What lands?
Olive groves, vineyards, pasture lands..etc. Their homes, businesses, and villages, were taken by the Zionist Jews, who admitted that was their mission. The population transfer of 750 thousand Palestinians from the territory given to the European Jews, by the UN. These people were forced to move to Gaza, East Jerusalem and what is today the West Bank. Some went to refugee camps in neighboring countries.

You can't have a "Jewish State" if half of your population isn't Jewish.
I tend to agree with that. ^

That's why the Half Baked Potatus is calling for a ceasefire.
But he seems to be in agreement with most of our allies' leaders as well. Does he have them all under his spell? Or maybe he is just doing what a compassionate leader of a civilized country would do?
Between nations that were not fighting to begin with.
Exactly. What he did was broker back door deals for billionaire oligarchs. Ways for middle east rch people to take bites from Israel's apple. Not exactly a lasting peace. They can move on to other apples, as Saudi Arabia just did.

Though Jared just invested about $150MM of Saudi money in Israel, I believe.
I would 100% agree with deleting that idea of Israel as a "Jewish country", in anything but number among its citizenry. To be fair, their government is very secular.

They are a Jewocracy, not a democracy. I lived there for eight months, amongst them, as a non-Jew. I know how they treat the Palestinians because I witnessed it. I experienced what these Palestinians are going through, and it's horrible. Any population subjected to such harsh conditions would resist, even violently. Here in America, people defend the colonizer, the settler, because we live in a settler culture. We settled on a land that was once inhabited by others. So we don't care much for natives. We don't care about the Palestinians.
They are a Jewocracy, not a democracy.
No, sorry, that isn't found anywhere in Israel's code of law. Israel is a laws-based, parliamentarian democracy and is a secular government. One symbolic law calling it a Jewish State doesn't cut it.

Hamas, on the other hand, wants sharia-based theocracy.

Spot the difference...
Look at this.....he also called for a ceasefire! :cuckoo:

A Minnesota man who says he is a woman and also a rabbi prompted President Joe Biden to call for a “pause” in the Israel campaign against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

that's him
According to the mainstream media this is a ‘bearded female rabbi.’


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I lived there for eight months, amongst them, as a non-Jew. I know how they treat the Palestinians because I've witnessed it. I experienced what these Palestinians are going through, and it's horrible. Any population subjected to such harsh conditions would resist, even violently.
The problem with this line of reasoning is ignoring what brought about that state of affairs in the first place.

That would be the death cult that attacks Israel. Is gaza just a victim of the death cult also? Just, "under the thumb of Hamas"? Yes or no?
No, sorry, that isn't found anywhere in Israel's code of law. Israel is a laws-based, parliamentarian democracy and is a secular government. One symbolic law calling it a Jewish State doesn't cut it.

Hamas, on the other hand, wants sharia-based theocracy.

Spot the difference...

You don't have a clue and you don't care. Israeli passport-carrying Arabs, are second-class citizens at best. There are more than 100 laws that privilege Jews over non-Jews. Even getting a permit to build a house, is much more difficult for an Arab than a Jew. There's horrible discrimination. The Palestinians that don't have Israeli citizenship, are considered by Israeli Jews as subhuman. These Palestinians live in limbo.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words

One look at this freak tells me he has no opinions worthy of consideration
The problem with this line of reasoning is ignoring what brought about that state of affairs in the first place.

That would be the death cult that attacks Israel. Is gaza just a victim of the death cult also? Just, "under the thumb of Hamas"? Yes or no?

Nothing justifies the theft of Palestinian lands, their displacement, and dehumanization. So your constant appeal to Islam being an evil religion is just a pretense for your bigotry.
Nothing justifies the theft of Palestinian lands, their displacement, and dehumanization. So your constant appeal to Islam being an evil religion is just a pretense for your bigotry.
Arabs aren’t living in Israel?
Arabs aren’t working in Israel?
Arabs aren’t serving in the IDF?
Arabs aren’t holding elected offices in the Israeli government?
Olive groves, vineyards, pasture lands..etc. Their homes, businesses, and villages, were taken by the Zionist Jews, who admitted that was their mission. The population transfer of 750 thousand Palestinians from the territory given to the European Jews, by the UN. These people were forced to move to Gaza, East Jerusalem and what is today the West Bank. Some went to refugee camps in neighboring countries.

You can't have a "Jewish State" if half of your population isn't Jewish.

The population transfer of 750 thousand Palestinians from the territory given to the European Jews, by the UN.

You mean Ottoman territory. Territory the Arabs were renting or squatting on.

These people were forced to move to Gaza, East Jerusalem and what is today the West Bank.

They moved to other Ottoman territory.
Olive groves, vineyards, pasture lands..etc. Their homes, businesses, and villages, were taken by the Zionist Jews, who admitted that was their mission. The population transfer of 750 thousand Palestinians from the territory given to the European Jews, by the UN. These people were forced to move to Gaza, East Jerusalem and what is today the West Bank. Some went to refugee camps in neighboring countries.

You can't have a "Jewish State" if half of your population isn't Jewish.
They were moved after they went to war against the Jews.
Shit happens when you lose a war.
Should have put them in a boat.
Arabs aren’t living in Israel?
Arabs aren’t working in Israel?
Arabs aren’t serving in the IDF?
Arabs aren’t holding elected offices in the Israeli government?

1. As second-class citizens who are often discriminated against.
2. Often for lower wages, when they can.
3. Less than 1% of the IDF is Arab. Most of the Arabs that serve in the Israeli army are fellahin or bedouin Druze.
4. There are a couple of token Arab reps in the Keneset, that don't have much weight. Israel is a Jewish State, not a state for all of its citizens, both Jewish and non-Jewish.

The Jews in Gaza and the West Bank, don't have Israeli passports. They're a much larger population than the few who hold Israeli citizenship. They're the ones who are not only discriminated against but dispossessed of their property, abused, and even murdered.

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