So What Would Biden’s Call for a Ceasefire Accomplish?

It's the illegal occupation and people like you who blindly and unconditionally support the counterfeit, Jewish-State of Israel, with your tax dollars.
Obviously false. The mission of Hamas has been the mission of Muslims for centuries. It's the mission of Muslims living very well, thousands of miles away. So, obviously false.
Obviously false. The mission of Hamas has been the mission of Muslims for centuries. It's the mission of Muslims living very well, thousands of miles away. So, obviously false.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims have been living in the Middle East, together, for centuries, without these problems. This conflict is due to the brutal apartheid occupation, led by the secular Jewish State of "Israel" (i.e. a counterfeit Israel).

Nothing justifies the genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza and now in the West Bank. You're just a soulless golem.
The only peace that has ever existed between Muslims and jews was when Jewssubmitted to Muslim rule after being slaughtered for refusing to do so.

Oh yeah, and within the borders of modern day Israel. Jew and Muslims peacefully coexist there, as long as Palestine is walled off.

I think you need to pick up a history book.

That is so absurdly false.
It's true. Christians now exist in the Middle East because Muslims didn't slaughter them or force them all to convert to Islam. Before the secular Zionist state existed, about a million Jews were living in the Muslim world. Right now, about 40 thousand Jews are living in Iran. You can google this and verify it for yourself.

Nothing you've said so far justifies the genocidal carnage we're witnessing now in Gaza and the West Bank.
The only peace that has ever existed between Muslims and jews was when Jewssubmitted to Muslim rule after being slaughtered for refusing to do so.

Oh yeah, and within the borders of modern day Israel. Jew and Muslims peacefully coexist there, as long as Palestine is walled off.

If that's true, then why are there 40 thousand Jews right now in Iran? You're just swallowing your dip. When you chew dip Bubba, you need to spit in a cup, and not swallow it. You're rotting your brain with all of that dip.
Christians now exist in the Middle East because Muslims didn't slaughter them or force them all to convert to Islam.
Right, they historically allow Christians and jews to keep breathing, as long as they submit to complete control by Islam. I covered that. This can also be found in history books.
Right, they historically allow Christians and jews to keep breathing, as long as they submit to complete control by Islam. I covered that. This can also be found in history books.

In the past, they didn't have democracies in the Middle East, as they do now. We didn't have democracy either. Muslims ruled, but the Christians and Jews preferred the rule of the Muslims to the rule of the popes or Byzantium. Christians and Jews had more rights under Islam. Paying only 2.5% in Jizya tax would afford you the right to remain out of the military, the Muslims were responsible for the defense of the caliphate. All of that is irrelevant.

Nothing justifies the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands or the current genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza.
Because they agree to submit to the disgusting sharia based laws in Iran.

Again, already covered.
They could leave at any time, but they don't. There's no "iron curtain" in Iran, as there was in the USSR. They could go to Israel if they wanted to, but what has occurred in the last 20 years is that Persian Jews have been returning to Iran! Leaving Israel to Iran.

In the past, they didn't have democracies in the Middle East, as they do now.
Right, and the more democratic the society, the more different groups live together well.

Hamas does not want this. Most of the Muslims in the world do not want this. And that is because of Islam.

They want authoritarian, sharia-based theocracy.

You tout democracy, then carry water for those who would like to see it end forever.

Nothing justifies the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands or the current genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza.
Unfortunately, I can't agree, given the enemy uses civilians as human shields. Maybe I would not use so strong a word as "justified", but I understand the alterntaives. And the alternatives are worse for Israel than what happened on 10/07/23.

And contrary to your falsehoods posted earlier, Israel simply stopping these things will not bring peace from the death cult that wants to destroy Israel.
Right, and the more democratic the society, the more different groups live together well.

Hamas does not want this. Most of the Muslims in the world do not want this. And that is because of Islam.

They want authoritarian, sharia-based theocracy.

You tout democracy, then carry water for those who would like to see it end forever.

Unfortunately, I can't agree, given the enemy uses civilians as human shields. Maybe I would not use so strong a word as "justified", but I understand the alterntaives. And the alternatives are worse for Israel than what happened on 10/07/23.

And contrary to your falsehoods posted earlier, Israel simply stopping these things will not bring peace from the death cult that wants to destroy Israel.

According to all of the evidence it's Israel that uses Palestinians as human shields, not Hamas. If Israel has a right to defend itself, then so do the Palestinians who are being illegally imprisoned in a giant concentration camp. They've been dehumanized and slaughtered by these secular Zionist Jews for decades. You're a godless, evil person so you support the racist, apartheid state of Israhell and the wholesale slaughter of women, children, and the elderly. As an atheist, you believe you'll never answer to God, but you will.
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According to all of the evidence it's Israel that uses Palestinians as human shields, not Hamas.
Put on the brakes.

By what fantasy, much less "evidence"? I'm throwing the bullshit flag on that one.

Hamas infiltrated Israel and murdered as many civilians as they could find, then tucked tail and ran back to Gaza to hide in tunnels under civilian buildings. They do this in hopes that many Gazans will die, rallying regional Islamic powers to war against Israel and inciting jihadists on a global scale.

That is their goal. Any statement otherwise or to the contrary is extraneous or is outright false.

If some Gazans decide they would rather 'die for the cause' than abandon -- or even purge -- Hamas, then they have made their choice.

Israel has long had the power to push the Gazans into the sea or into Egypt, and the death cult keeps giving them reasons to do so. And this death cult does so for the reasons stated above.
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Put on the brakes.

By what fantasy, much less "evidence"? I'm throwing the bullshit flag on that one.

Hamas infiltrated Israel and murdered as many civilians as they could find, then tucked tail and ran back to Gaza to hide in tunnels under civiulian buildings. They do this in hopes that many Gazans will die, rallying both regional Islamic powers to war against Israel and inciting jihadists on a global scale.

That is their goal. Any statement otherwise or to the contrary is extraneous or outright false.

If some Gazans decide they would rather die for the cause then abandon and even purge Hamas, then they have made their choice.
Hamas was funded by the Israeli government to create a religious, militant opposition to the secular PLO and Al Fatah, back in the 1980s. Even Israeli government officials admit this. Netanyahu was recorded admitting this in a lecture. He said that he wanted Hamas to become the leading authority in Gaza because it would justify the perpetual isolation of Gaza and make Israel look better.

The Palestinians already tried the peaceful route and that didn't work. Hamas in 2005 was distancing itself from its militant, violent past and focusing on social services and programs for the Gazan population. That's why they were elected in 2005 by the imprisoned population of Gaza and Israel's response was a complete economic blockade, assassinations, bombings..etc. In 2008 Israel carpet bombed Gaza, as they're doing today and they killed over a thousand people. This is nothing new. They did it in 2014 as well and in 2021.

Place yourself for once, in the shoes of the Palestinians. They've been living there for centuries and they were forced into Gaza and the West Bank, by European Jews who decided to take over that land. The problems of the Holy Land today are due to a murderous, brutal, racist, Jewish supremacist, apartheid state, which dehumanizes non-Jews. Israel commits state terrorism.

Where is Hamas supposed to operate from? Heaven? Another dimension? Hamas is comprised of the Palestinians who are being dispossessed of their lands, homes, and lives. They're not allowed to resist and fight? Only the Israelis that you worship, can defend themselves? Only the fake-chosen ones, the Jews you worship can defend themselves, not the Muslim and Christian Palestinians?
The Palestinians already tried the peaceful route and that didn't work.
That hasn't happened in 50+ years. Not one single time was the majority of Palestine behind such a thrust for any extended period of time. At no time has the death cult stopped trying to kill Israelis.

No, Hamas will not accept the 'two states' with 1967 borders and give israel peace. Anyone who believes that would have to be both very gullible and totally ignorant of just about every word out of the mouth of any member of Hamas.

Where is Hamas supposed to operate from?
Oblivion. They are supposed to die. They are a maniacal, religious death cult who would rape your neighbor and cut off your infidel head while she watched. They all need to go.
Hamas is a resistance movement and paramilitary force that fights the Jewish apartheid state and occupation. The Palestinians are being imprisoned in Gaza, in what amounts to a giant concentration camp. They've been dispossessed of their lands, and homes, and forced into refugee camps in the West Bank and neighboring countries. Half of the 2.3 million civilian population of Gaza are minors, under the age of 18. Nothing justifies this carnage.

View attachment 852345

They've been dispossessed of their lands, and homes,

What lands?
That hasn't happened in 50+ years. Not one single time was the majority of Palestine behind sch a thrust for any extended.perod of time.

This isn't going to work. No, Hamas will not accept the 'twobstates' with 1967 borders and give israel peace. Anyone who believes that would have to be both very gullible and totally ignorant of just about every word out of the mouth of any member of Hamas.

Oblivion. They are supposed to die. They are a maniacal, religious death cult who would rape your neighbor and cut off your infdel head while she watched. They all need to go.

You ignored everything I just said. Are you Jewish? A Jew redneck from Indiana? Why do you support this Jewish apartheid state? What's your reason for supporting this? You don't like brown-skinned people? The Israelis look whiter to you? Lighter skin? Or perhaps you're misinterpreting the Bible? Like most Evangelical Zionists do. Is that it? Do you think you're pleasing the God of the Bible, by blindly, unconditionally supporting this counterfeit "Israel"? The secular Jewish apartheid state of Israhell. It has nothing to do with the God of the Bible.

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