So What Would Biden’s Call for a Ceasefire Accomplish?

The population transfer of 750 thousand Palestinians from the territory given to the European Jews, by the UN.

You mean Ottoman territory. Territory the Arabs were renting or squatting on.

These people were forced to move to Gaza, East Jerusalem and what is today the West Bank.

They moved to other Ottoman territory.

There were plenty of Arab families who owned lands and homes. You're being silly.
1. As second-class citizens who are often discriminated against.
2. Often for lower wages, when they can.
3. Less than 1% of the IDF is Arab. Most of the Arabs that serve in the Israeli army are fellahin or bedouin Druze.
4. There are a couple of token Arab reps in the Keneset, that don't have much weight. Israel is a Jewish State, not a state for all of its citizens, both Jewish and non-Jewish.

The Jews in Gaza and the West Bank, don't have Israeli passports. They're a much larger population than the few who hold Israeli citizenship. They're the ones who are not only discriminated against but dispossessed of their property, abused, and even murdered.
You’re full of shit. I’m friends with several Arab business owners who are doing very well in Israel.
It didnt have to be this way

The Palestinians were offered a country of their own in 1948 and turned it down
Why should they give their lands and homes, their villages to European Jews? 56% of Palestine was given to the Jews, and then the Zionist Jews carried out their ethnic cleansing scheme. It was well documented, before 1948, what the Zionists were planning to do to the Palestinians. They openly spoke about it in their meetings and their literature. Their plan was always to displace the Palestinians, kicking them out of the territories.
They shouldn’t have attacked then.
The Arabs attacked when the Jews were taking Palestinian lands and forcing them out of their villages. The Zionist Jews blew up the King David Hotel, and committed acts of terrorism, before 1948. They were terrorizing the Palestinians before the Arabs attacked, to defend the Palestinians.

The Irgun were Jewish terrorists.
Why should they give their lands and homes, their villages to European Jews? 56% of Palestine was given to the Jews, and then the Zionist Jews carried out their ethnic cleansing scheme. It was well documented, before 1948, what the Zionists were planning to do to the Palestinians. They openly spoke about it in their meetings and their literature. Their plan was always to displace the Palestinians, kicking them out of the territories.
The fact remains that the palestinians could have had peace and a country of their own in 1948 but turned it down
Why should they give their lands and homes, their villages to European Jews? 56% of Palestine was given to the Jews, and then the Zionist Jews carried out their ethnic cleansing scheme. It was well documented, before 1948, what the Zionists were planning to do to the Palestinians. They openly spoke about it in their meetings and their literature. Their plan was always to displace the Palestinians, kicking them out of the territories.
What happened in the 48 war?
Arabs lost.
The Arabs attacked when the Jews were taking Palestinian lands and forcing them out of their villages. The Zionist Jews blew up the King David Hotel, and committed acts of terrorism, before 1948. They were terrorizing the Palestinians before the Arabs attacked, to defend the Palestinians.

The Irgun were Jewish terrorists.

Pathetic liar
The fact remains that the palestinians could have had peace and a country of their own in 1948 but turned it down
They already had a country of their own and the Jewish Zionists took their lands and homes away before the Arab nations attacked.
They already had a country of their own and the Jewish Zionists took their lands and homes away before the Arab nations attacked.
So they are better off now than they would have been in a 1948 palestinian state?
Pathetic liar
You're an ignorant dolt, ignoring history. Jewish terrorists and thugs, like the Irgun and Hagana and other militant Zionist groups, were terrorizing Palestinians before 1948, that is a well-documented fact. The Zionists planned from the very beginning to ethnically cleanse the land of Palestinian Muslims and Christians and that's what they did. It's all well documented, the problem is that you get all of your information from FOX News and Ben Shapiro.
Hamas can't be eliminated through a genocidal bombing campaign. The only way to eliminate Hamas is by getting rid of the reason Hamas exists in the first place, which is the illegal Jewish occupation of Palestinian territories. The dehumanization, false imprisonment, and murder of Palestinians must end, to eliminate Hamas.

So Israel should just disolve itself then. No thanks pal, Hamas opened up this can of horror, and when it's over the Palestinians will have even less lands than they did before, and they'll have even less freedoms. Sucks to be on the side of the soon to be dead terrorists, doesn't it!!

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