So...what makes certain nations think they don't have to follow international law?

as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Try it.
Specifically the US and Israel....what's this superiority concept that they aren't required to abide by international law just like everyone else? Then when they are called on it they whine,throw fits,threaten said nations that held them responsible,recall ambassadors,threaten to withhold money etc....So any actual answers to this question? I don't care about muh bible crap either.
Go Israel. UN sucks like you anti American libtards.
Time to change your name Ziotard. Buy your ticket to Israel go kill some Palestinian kids and pregnant women. Shoo now.I stand for AMERICA not a foreign country you pathetic limp dick traitor.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Scaryyyyyyyy! That silly attitude is what is going to be the downfall of Rome Junior aka America. Thinking you are invincible.
Invincible? No, but we WILL kill all of our enemies before we go down. Come get some.
You idiots crack me up.
I'm not sure why facts crack you up, but it is a fact that we have nukes and it's also a fact that we would use them before we were destroyed by another nation (or nationS).

You would nuke your own country before you would let yourself get taken over?
No, idiot.
Specifically the US and Israel....what's this superiority concept that they aren't required to abide by international law just like everyone else? Then when they are called on it they whine,throw fits,threaten said nations that held them responsible,recall ambassadors,threaten to withhold money etc....So any actual answers to this question? I don't care about muh bible crap either.
Go Israel. UN sucks like you anti American libtards.
Time to change your name Ziotard. Buy your ticket to Israel go kill some Palestinian kids and pregnant women. Shoo now.I stand for AMERICA not a foreign country you pathetic limp dick traitor.
You stand for nothing. Nations will be judged by their support for Israel by God. You are the limp dicked traitor, scumbag.
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.

Globalist supporter?
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.

Globalist supporter?
------------------------------------------------------------ replying to what Odium said about 'iraq' . Anyway , with mrobama and illary as president the USA would become weaker and weaker . With the TRUMP as President the hope is that the USA becomes stronger and stronger Odium !! And yeah , you sure sound like a globalist and a one worlder Odium !!
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
All countries are sovereign nations,still subject to international law.

No. Only nations who submit to international law are subject to international law.
Nations that sign agreements of ANY kind defense,trade,law etc agree by doing so to international law. I am sure both the US and Israel have signed some kind of agreements with ANY other nation on trade,defense,law etc.

So has China.
Then they should abide by it. China doesn't have another country defending them from being spanked for breaking the law like Israel does. Israel's bullshit does nothing but harm the US.

Israel could have (and should have IMO) handled this more decisively long ago. I suspect they are about to reject "international law" completely. Part of "international" wants the Jews wiped off the earth and is happy to tell you all about it. ~shrug~ I would not submit to any authority, an influencial percentage of which, think my existence is the problem. Israel should be true to Israel for the benefit of Israel. They can handle themselves.

America should make deals for the benefit of the American people but not at the expense of others. When America's participation in "international law" no longer benefits America, we should stop participating. We may be there now, I don't know.

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