So...what makes certain nations think they don't have to follow international law?

and occurs to me that most lefties , libs main concern is saving mostly useless lives either through free obama care and the avoidance of war . The azz ain't been made that they won't kiss just so they get obama care and avoidance of war . Heck , sometimes war is needed as it allows for the killing of the enemy . -------------- just a comment !!

I love how pissmoe is all for sacrificing the lives of people in the military of a country he isn't even from.
----------------------------------------- people like ME run this country , see Trump , Flynn and all of TRUMPS cabinet picks Lew !!

People like you? The people in Trump's cabinet aren't foreigners.
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
All countries are sovereign nations,still subject to international law.
------------------------------------ says YOU Odium !!
No says the civilized world. By signing agreements to join international treaties,or trade pacts or defense pacts or the UN etc then countries AGREE to abide by international law. No one FORCES countries to sign those agreements.
and probably the one worlders , hilary , mrobama , Odium and others but hopefully its time to ignore you one world internationalists Odium .
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
All countries are sovereign nations,still subject to international law.
------------------------------------ says YOU Odium !!
No says the civilized world. By signing agreements to join international treaties,or trade pacts or defense pacts or the UN etc then countries AGREE to abide by international law. No one FORCES countries to sign those agreements.
--------------------------------------- lets see how President Trump ignores if he decides to ignore things that are not in Americas interests Odium .
Oh p
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.

You mean mainly the Obama-rigged UN.
Oh poor child yes its a worldwide conspiracy DA JOOS!
------------------------------------------- don't know about the 'joos' but the USA should be its own master in all things , accountable to no one but the American people Odium .
Why? If that was allowed to slide then EVERY nation could use that excuse. Do you want North Korea to use that excuse to build nukes? The country is literally run by a madman
correct, it is run by a madman. However, it is NOT "international law" that is keeping him in check, is it?
And i don't think that the TRUMP has signed any orders or agreements yet nor has he rescinded any previous agreement YET . In fact i have recently heard that the TRUMP will be ignoring previously signed nuke agreements IF he goes ahead with building MORE nukes Odium . Seems to me that agreements with fureigners are no big deal except for the fureigners and American lefties Odium .
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
All countries are sovereign nations,still subject to international law.
------------------------------------ says YOU Odium !!
No says the civilized world. By signing agreements to join international treaties,or trade pacts or defense pacts or the UN etc then countries AGREE to abide by international law. No one FORCES countries to sign those agreements.
------------------------------------------------------- civilized world , feck that silly talk Odium !!
And i don't think that the TRUMP has signed any orders or agreements yet nor has he rescinded any previous agreement YET . In fact i have recently heard that the TRUMP will be ignoring previously signed nuke agreements IF he goes ahead with building MORE nukes Odium . Seems to me that agreements with fureigners are no big deal except for the fureigners and American lefties Odium .

Trump said North Korea should get nukes. You ok with that?
And i don't think that the TRUMP has signed any orders or agreements yet nor has he rescinded any previous agreement YET . In fact i have recently heard that the TRUMP will be ignoring previously signed nuke agreements IF he goes ahead with building MORE nukes Odium . Seems to me that agreements with fureigners are no big deal except for the fureigners and American lefties Odium .
I guess he wants to be seen as a 2 bit dictator....meh whatever. Like I said the world will one day tire of the US's bullshit....or before then the US will collapse like Rome did....can only stay the strongest bully on the block for so long....So I guess your answer is that the US at least thinks it can do whatever it wants because they are bigger and meaner for now....don't think I want to be the US when the shoe gets on the other foot....
so a fairly serious question from Lew , and i respond that i don't care if the the norks have nukes , destroy the norks when and if needed Lew !! Perhaps the Japs and South koreans should have nukes that they pay for to deter the norks Lew . --------------------------------------------- and more good news , off topic but good news . FOX reports that PRESIDENT Trump is going after the 'un' and its gaggle of tinpot dictators Lew . ----------------- Looks like President Trump is going to be having all you lefties throwing conniptions Lew .
so a fairly serious question from Lew , and i respond that i don't care if the the norks have nukes , destroy the norks when and if needed Lew !! Perhaps the Japs and South koreans should have nukes that they pay for to deter the norks Lew . --------------------------------------------- and more good news , off topic but good news . FOX reports that PRESIDENT Trump is going after the 'un' and its gaggle of tinpot dictators Lew . ----------------- Looks like President Trump is going to be having all you lefties throwing conniptions Lew .

Trump will not last 4 years. /Thread
And i don't think that the TRUMP has signed any orders or agreements yet nor has he rescinded any previous agreement YET . In fact i have recently heard that the TRUMP will be ignoring previously signed nuke agreements IF he goes ahead with building MORE nukes Odium . Seems to me that agreements with fureigners are no big deal except for the fureigners and American lefties Odium .
I guess he wants to be seen as a 2 bit dictator....meh whatever. Like I said the world will one day tire of the US's bullshit....or before then the US will collapse like Rome did....can only stay the strongest bully on the block for so long....So I guess your answer is that the US at least thinks it can do whatever it wants because they are bigger and meaner for now....don't think I want to be the US when the shoe gets on the other foot....
----------------------------------------------------------- well , i want the USA to last forever but bigger and meaner and the MOST powerful is good enough for NOW . And its up to the USA to make sure that the shoe never gets on the other foot Odium .
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so a fairly serious question from Lew , and i respond that i don't care if the the norks have nukes , destroy the norks when and if needed Lew !! Perhaps the Japs and South koreans should have nukes that they pay for to deter the norks Lew . --------------------------------------------- and more good news , off topic but good news . FOX reports that PRESIDENT Trump is going after the 'un' and its gaggle of tinpot dictators Lew . ----------------- Looks like President Trump is going to be having all you lefties throwing conniptions Lew .

Trump will not last 4 years. /Thread
-------------------------- looks like Lew has a crystal ball eh Lew ??
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
All countries are sovereign nations,still subject to international law.

No. Only nations who submit to international law are subject to international law.
Nations that sign agreements of ANY kind defense,trade,law etc agree by doing so to international law. I am sure both the US and Israel have signed some kind of agreements with ANY other nation on trade,defense,law etc.
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
All countries are sovereign nations,still subject to international law.

No. Only nations who submit to international law are subject to international law.
Nations that sign agreements of ANY kind defense,trade,law etc agree by doing so to international law. I am sure both the US and Israel have signed some kind of agreements with ANY other nation on trade,defense,law etc.
-------------------------------------------- i am sure that the pwesidents of the usa , clintons , bush , bush , obama have signed agreement with other nations . Might be time to get rid , rescind those agreements if they are not good for America and Americans Odium
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
All countries are sovereign nations,still subject to international law.

No. Only nations who submit to international law are subject to international law.
Nations that sign agreements of ANY kind defense,trade,law etc agree by doing so to international law. I am sure both the US and Israel have signed some kind of agreements with ANY other nation on trade,defense,law etc.

So has China.
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
All countries are sovereign nations,still subject to international law.

No. Only nations who submit to international law are subject to international law.
Nations that sign agreements of ANY kind defense,trade,law etc agree by doing so to international law. I am sure both the US and Israel have signed some kind of agreements with ANY other nation on trade,defense,law etc.

So has China.
Then they should abide by it. China doesn't have another country defending them from being spanked for breaking the law like Israel does. Israel's bullshit does nothing but harm the US.
Specifically the US and Israel....what's this superiority concept that they aren't required to abide by international law just like everyone else? Then when they are called on it they whine,throw fits,threaten said nations that held them responsible,recall ambassadors,threaten to withhold money etc....So any actual answers to this question? I don't care about muh bible crap either.
Go Israel. UN sucks like you anti American libtards.

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