So...what makes certain nations think they don't have to follow international law?

as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Oh p
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.

You mean mainly the Obama-rigged UN.
Oh poor child yes its a worldwide conspiracy DA JOOS!
------------------------------------------- don't know about the 'joos' but the USA should be its own master in all things , accountable to no one but the American people Odium .
Why? If that was allowed to slide then EVERY nation could use that excuse. Do you want North Korea to use that excuse to build nukes? The country is literally run by a madman
-------------------------------------------------- let 'kim' and the norks do as they like , if necessary the USA can just destroy them . If i was 'kim' i would never recognize so called international law Odium .
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Scaryyyyyyyy! That silly attitude is what is going to be the downfall of Rome Junior aka America. Thinking you are invincible.
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Scaryyyyyyyy! That silly attitude is what is going to be the downfall of Rome Junior aka America. Thinking you are invincible.
Invincible? No, but we WILL kill all of our enemies before we go down. Come get some.
We should drop a nuke on North Korea just to intimidate them. They already want to overthrow Kim Jong Un.
I believe it. Out of all countries the US finds as enemies I think North Korea is actually the in the wrong....I wish Japan,South Korea,China etc would get off their ass and stop that nut case...its not our damn job. No one has answered the question yet....
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Scaryyyyyyyy! That silly attitude is what is going to be the downfall of Rome Junior aka America. Thinking you are invincible.
---------------------------------------------- GOOD , and we TRUMPERS and the TRUMP are taking you along with us Odium !!
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Scaryyyyyyyy! That silly attitude is what is going to be the downfall of Rome Junior aka America. Thinking you are invincible.
Invincible? No, but we WILL kill all of our enemies before we go down. Come get some.
You idiots crack me up.
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Scaryyyyyyyy! That silly attitude is what is going to be the downfall of Rome Junior aka America. Thinking you are invincible.
---------------------------------------------- GOOD , and we TRUMPERS and the TRUMP are taking you along with us Odium !!
Cool story....when do we play? :)
and to answer the question , USA is a Sovereign Nation and thats the answer Odium !!
as a SOVEREIGN country called the USA or Israel i would never recognize any authority higher than myself ,
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Scaryyyyyyyy! That silly attitude is what is going to be the downfall of Rome Junior aka America. Thinking you are invincible.
Invincible? No, but we WILL kill all of our enemies before we go down. Come get some.
You idiots crack me up.
I'm not sure why facts crack you up, but it is a fact that we have nukes and it's also a fact that we would use them before we were destroyed by another nation (or nationS).
and occurs to me that most lefties , libs main concern is saving mostly useless lives either through free obama care and the avoidance of war . The azz ain't been made that they won't kiss just so they get obama care and avoidance of war . Heck , sometimes war is needed as it allows for the killing of the enemy . -------------- just a comment !!
Yeah. Iraq tried that....didn't work out too well did it? One day the world is going to get real tired of the US and Israels shit and invade both. Looks to me the world is already getting tired of Israel thinking it can do whatever it wants.
Youre more than welcome to come and invade us, but we will fill the country you came from with mushroom clouds. Just a heads up.
Scaryyyyyyyy! That silly attitude is what is going to be the downfall of Rome Junior aka America. Thinking you are invincible.
Invincible? No, but we WILL kill all of our enemies before we go down. Come get some.
You idiots crack me up.
I'm not sure why facts crack you up, but it is a fact that we have nukes and it's also a fact that we would use them before we were destroyed by another nation (or nationS).

You would nuke your own country before you would let yourself get taken over?
and occurs to me that most lefties , libs main concern is saving mostly useless lives either through free obama care and the avoidance of war . The azz ain't been made that they won't kiss just so they get obama care and avoidance of war . Heck , sometimes war is needed as it allows for the killing of the enemy . -------------- just a comment !!

I love how pissmoe is all for sacrificing the lives of people in the military of a country he isn't even from.
and like i said , USA is a Sovereign nation , therefore feck 'international law Odium !!
and occurs to me that most lefties , libs main concern is saving mostly useless lives either through free obama care and the avoidance of war . The azz ain't been made that they won't kiss just so they get obama care and avoidance of war . Heck , sometimes war is needed as it allows for the killing of the enemy . -------------- just a comment !!

I love how pissmoe is all for sacrificing the lives of people in the military of a country he isn't even from.
----------------------------------------- people like ME run this country , see Trump , Flynn and all of TRUMPS cabinet picks Lew !!

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