So Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to put Boots on the ground in Syria?

Should the U.S. use U.S. troops within Syria to stop the Syrian Civil war while fighting ISIL?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • I need to wait for Fox News to tell me how to think.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I need to wait until MSNBC tell me how to think.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There is a Civil war in Syria?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Isn't ISIS that hot 1970's chick that played a Egyptian Goddess?

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • How old is the poster if he can remember the TV series from the 1970's?

    Votes: 4 44.4%

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Platinum Member
May 27, 2014
It seem Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to commit U.S. troops in fighting ISIL in Syria, but is that wise?

I say no because the reality is the Syrian Civil War is not our fight, and if we want to support countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey with their effort to put boots within the region then fine, but request our young men and women to put themselves in another Middle East war is something I am against.

So I disagree with Jeb Bush and his hawkish way of thinking.

Jeb Bush says U.S. needs to ‘unleash the military’ on ISIS
It seem Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to commit U.S. troops in fighting ISIL in Syria, but is that wise?

I say no because the reality is the Syrian Civil War is not our fight, and if we want to support countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey with their effort to put boots within the region then fine, but request our young men and women to put themselves in another Middle East war is something I am against.

So I disagree with Jeb Bush and his hawkish way of thinking.

Jeb Bush says U.S. needs to ‘unleash the military’ on ISIS

Spot on. Let Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, et al. put some goddamn skin (and lives) in the game before we send in the Marines. Fuck them. Fuck "Jeb!"

Americans should woman and man up. I fly twice a month cross-country. I am used to the bullshit TSA and the fumbling through my carry on baggage. There are cameras EVERYWHERE now and there's a new "See something-Send something" app for citizens to use if they are suspicious. This ain't 2001, kiddies. Time to act like grown ups.
It seem Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to commit U.S. troops in fighting ISIL in Syria, but is that wise?

I say no because the reality is the Syrian Civil War is not our fight, and if we want to support countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey with their effort to put boots within the region then fine, but request our young men and women to put themselves in another Middle East war is something I am against.

So I disagree with Jeb Bush and his hawkish way of thinking.

Jeb Bush says U.S. needs to ‘unleash the military’ on ISIS

We already are putting boots on the ground in Sryia ...

My advise is you really should read the news before you mock people ya think is less knowledgeable then you.

Syria: Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS -
Pretty much all Repubs as well as the entire contents of the Clown Car want an all out 19th century-type war.

They want lots of dead Americans for nothing in return.
I don't think we should put boots on the ground anywhere and I think we need to bring home the boots left on the ground in Afghanistan that everyone seems to have forgotten are there.

Boots on the ground just gives liberal lefties something to exploit for political gain. We have a CIA who are adequate at intelligence gathering... identify the threat and send a few of those billion-dollar stealth bombers over to wipe it out. Done!

Syria is pretty much a cesspool of terrorist groups with a few disenfranchised Christians trying to keep from losing their heads. We already have a foreign policy to grant asylum to persecuted Christians passed by Congress and sponsored by Democrat Frank Lautenberg. Evacuate the Christians and then turn the whole place into a giant radioactive fish bowl.
Uhhh, I love polls bashing Republicans for shit Democrats are doing....

Democrat, the party of ignorant hypocritic stupidity.... and war, like more and more war.
Uhhh, I love polls bashing Republicans for shit Democrats are doing....

Democrat, the party of ignorant hypocritic stupidity.... and war, like more and more war.

And boneheaded policy that makes for worse wars than ever needed to be while continually blaming it all on Republicans.
First off, we already have boots on the ground, thanks to Obozo's useless foreign policy.
Second, if you like your mass migration, you can keep your mass migration. Period.
It seem Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to commit U.S. troops in fighting ISIL in Syria, but is that wise?

I say no because the reality is the Syrian Civil War is not our fight, and if we want to support countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey with their effort to put boots within the region then fine, but request our young men and women to put themselves in another Middle East war is something I am against.

So I disagree with Jeb Bush and his hawkish way of thinking.

Jeb Bush says U.S. needs to ‘unleash the military’ on ISIS

We already are putting boots on the ground in Sryia ...

My advise is you really should read the news before you mock people ya think is less knowledgeable then you.

Syria: Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS -

Special Forces versus a Invasion force is a big difference, but a ignorant wanker like yourself is as clueless!

Also seeing you want to use the special forces as proof we have a massive force on the ground then you should inform Jeb Bush that President Obama is already doing this, oh wait what President Obama is doing and what Jeb Bush want are two different things!
Uhhh, I love polls bashing Republicans for shit Democrats are doing....

Democrat, the party of ignorant hypocritic stupidity.... and war, like more and more war.

Really, so my poll was bashing just republicans?

Notice the MSNBC answer?


Too blind?

Too ignorant?

Too stupid?

Did you pull your little pudge too much and grew hair on you palm and went blind?

So the poll was bashing everyone but you seem to be stuck on stupid not to understand that!
Uhhh, I love polls bashing Republicans for shit Democrats are doing....

Democrat, the party of ignorant hypocritic stupidity.... and war, like more and more war.

And boneheaded policy that makes for worse wars than ever needed to be while continually blaming it all on Republicans.

George W. Bush order the invasion of Iraq which caused ISIL to join Al-Qaeda.

So with that knowledge which bonehead of a leader open the Pandora Box that let ISIL out?

It sure the hell was not President Obama, but President Obama policy of wanting to remove Assad was not a bright one either.

I know you will scream " 9-11 " and wrap yourself in a American Flag while claiming Iraq was a threat to the U.S. national security and that is why Bush did what he did, but the reality is Iraq was not a threat and only stupid ignorant fools still believe Republicans did nothing wrong.
It seem Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to commit U.S. troops in fighting ISIL in Syria, but is that wise?

I say no because the reality is the Syrian Civil War is not our fight, and if we want to support countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey with their effort to put boots within the region then fine, but request our young men and women to put themselves in another Middle East war is something I am against.

So I disagree with Jeb Bush and his hawkish way of thinking.

Jeb Bush says U.S. needs to ‘unleash the military’ on ISIS
Jeb has the same neocon assholes who advised his brother.
Uhhh, I love polls bashing Republicans for shit Democrats are doing....

Democrat, the party of ignorant hypocritic stupidity.... and war, like more and more war.

And boneheaded policy that makes for worse wars than ever needed to be while continually blaming it all on Republicans.

George W. Bush order the invasion of Iraq which caused ISIL to join Al-Qaeda.

So with that knowledge which bonehead of a leader open the Pandora Box that let ISIL out?

It sure the hell was not President Obama, but President Obama policy of wanting to remove Assad was not a bright one either.

I know you will scream " 9-11 " and wrap yourself in a American Flag while claiming Iraq was a threat to the U.S. national security and that is why Bush did what he did, but the reality is Iraq was not a threat and only stupid ignorant fools still believe Republicans did nothing wrong.

Liberals are the ones who turned Iraq into Vietnam II and would hear of nothing else but packing up and leaving ASAP, against the repeated warnings this would be a disaster. Now that it has blown up in your stupid faces you want to run blame the Republicans.
Uhhh, I love polls bashing Republicans for shit Democrats are doing....

Democrat, the party of ignorant hypocritic stupidity.... and war, like more and more war.

And boneheaded policy that makes for worse wars than ever needed to be while continually blaming it all on Republicans.

George W. Bush order the invasion of Iraq which caused ISIL to join Al-Qaeda.

So with that knowledge which bonehead of a leader open the Pandora Box that let ISIL out?

It sure the hell was not President Obama, but President Obama policy of wanting to remove Assad was not a bright one either.

I know you will scream " 9-11 " and wrap yourself in a American Flag while claiming Iraq was a threat to the U.S. national security and that is why Bush did what he did, but the reality is Iraq was not a threat and only stupid ignorant fools still believe Republicans did nothing wrong.

Liberals are the ones who turned Iraq into Vietnam II and would hear of nothing else but packing up and leaving ASAP, against the repeated warnings this would be a disaster. Now that it has blown up in your stupid faces you want to run blame the Republicans.
It seem Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to commit U.S. troops in fighting ISIL in Syria, but is that wise?

I say no because the reality is the Syrian Civil War is not our fight, and if we want to support countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey with their effort to put boots within the region then fine, but request our young men and women to put themselves in another Middle East war is something I am against.

So I disagree with Jeb Bush and his hawkish way of thinking.

Jeb Bush says U.S. needs to ‘unleash the military’ on ISIS
Don't you just love those quaint family traditions?
Uhhh, I love polls bashing Republicans for shit Democrats are doing....

Democrat, the party of ignorant hypocritic stupidity.... and war, like more and more war.

Really, so my poll was bashing just republicans?

Notice the MSNBC answer?


Too blind?

Too ignorant?

Too stupid?

Did you pull your little pudge too much and grew hair on you palm and went blind?

So the poll was bashing everyone but you seem to be stuck on stupid not to understand that!

We have troops there already, under a Dem, Obama. We have troops in Iraq under a Dem, Obama who started another war. So who gives a fuck what Bush would do. reality is Obama and Dems already have done this "crazy" idea of more war.
We have troops there already, under a Dem, Obama. We have troops in Iraq under a Dem, Obama who started another war. So who gives a fuck what Bush would do. reality is Obama and Dems already have done this "crazy" idea of more war.

You have to realize the difference is how Liberals use the War Machine. Where a Republican like GWB will employ every diplomatic effort, go to the UN, build a coalition, make the case to Congress, etc., the LibDems just launch covert operations and don't say anything. People fail to realize, Clinton dropped more tonnage in bombs on Iraq than Bush in the whole damn invasion of Iraq. We didn't hear much about it because it wasn't plastered all over the news 24/7 but it still happened. We're launching missiles and drones all over the place in several "sovereign nations" over there under Obama, killing no telling how many people, civilian women and children included, but we don't hear a peep about that. It's only when a Republican does it and it can be exploited politically by the left that we hear anything about this.

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