So Obama hates Shias and loves Sunnis What are we to do?

Sunni Man, please give us the straight scoop on what is actually taking place in Iraq - and who is "mostly" to blame. I'm serious!
Right now it's a huge mess.

The Maliki government of Iraq is just a shia puppet of Iran. And went out of it's way to marginalize the Sunni citizens of Iraq.

Because of that the Sunni's want to break away and form their own country. Which is basically what the Kurds have done.

So I don't expect to ever see a sunni/shia shared government in Iraq.

Also, Afghanistan is 90% Sunni but we installed a Shia puppet government over them.

So you can expect the same type of Sunni uprising against the Karzi shia government once the U.S. pulls out of Afghanistan. . :cool:

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Sunni Man, please give us the straight scoop on what is actually taking place in Iraq - and who is "mostly" to blame. I'm serious!
Right now it's a huge mess.

The Maliki government of Iraq is just a shia puppet of Iran. And went out of it's way to marginalize the Sunni citizens of Iraq.

Because of that the Sunni's want to break away and form their own country. Which is basically what the Kurds have done.

So I don't expect to ever see a sunni/shia shared government in Iraq.

Also, Afghanistan is 90% Sunni but we installed a Shia puppet government over them.

So you can expect the same type of Sunni uprising against the Karzi shia government once the U.S. pulls out of Afghanistan. . :cool:


Sunni Man, in your opinion is ISIS legit, or are they part of a greater US/Saudi/Israel plan to destabilize Iran and her enemies?

It would be ironic to see the Islamists groups in Syria(ISIS) who were funded and trained by the above powers turn around and drive the Americans out of Baghdad and perhaps move on Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel etc. It's like were reliving the 1980s in Afghanistan all over again. We seem to have a pattern of supporting radical sunni islamists who later turn on us.
It's blatant at this point. What are we to do?

I've been on more than a few websites now. They're pissed.

Actually, it's Prime Minister al-Maliki who is the source of the Sunni anger. He has alienated and marginalized the Sunni in Iraq.
Here try some history on for size.
How al-Qaeda regained its strength in Iraq
How al-Qaeda regained its strength in Iraq - Telegraph

Yes, he favored Shia over Sunni, Saddam, Sunni over Shia, yet allowed Christians in his government.

they were warning him he needed to put sunni in his government.
Then perhaps it's time we withdrew from engaging in the rest of the worlds political problems and fix things at home.
So Obama hates Shias and loves Sunnis What are we to do?Stay out of the war and work on energy independence.
Sunni Man, in your opinion is ISIS legit, or are they part of a greater US/Saudi/Israel plan to destabilize Iran and her enemies?

It would be ironic to see the Islamists groups in Syria(ISIS) who were funded and trained by the above powers turn around and drive the Americans out of Baghdad and perhaps move on Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel etc. It's like were reliving the 1980s in Afghanistan all over again. We seem to have a pattern of supporting radical sunni islamists who later turn on us.
Anything involving the Middle East reminds me of the saying, "An enigma wrapped in a paradox and shrouded in a conundrum". You just never know whom is in bed with whom.

In my opinion, the Saudi's are funding the ISIS group. Which my be why the U.S. is reluctant to send in the air force or drones to bomb them.

And I wouldn't doubt that ISIS is a CIA trained organization that was unleashed to depose Assad in Syria and put a check on Iran's ambitions in souther Iraq. Whether or not the ISIS is still following the game plan or has gone rouge remains to be seen.

What's odd is that Israel hasn't said jack about any of this??

Which to me is an indication that Israel is somehow involved and has given it's blessing to to the ISIS. . :cool:
It's blatant at this point. What are we to do?

I've been on more than a few websites now. They're pissed.

Don't worry. Republicans LUV Shiites. That's why they created Shiite government in Iraq. So it could be turned into an Iranian Shiite Superstate. Shhh, don't tell our closest allies in the region, Saudi Arabia. They're Sunni. If they find out, they may not like it. The second major owner of Fox news is Sunni.
It's blatant at this point. What are we to do?

I've been on more than a few websites now. They're pissed.

Don't worry. Republicans LUV Shiites. That's why they created Shiite government in Iraq. So it could be turned into an Iranian Shiite Superstate. Shhh, don't tell our closest allies in the region, Saudi Arabia. They're Sunni. If they find out, they may not like it. The second major owner of Fox news is Sunni.
Democrats AND Republicans LUV war since it helps pay for their election campaigns AND retirements. You can not end War Crimes by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican when selecting your congressional representatives.
Sunni Man, in your opinion is ISIS legit, or are they part of a greater US/Saudi/Israel plan to destabilize Iran and her enemies?

It would be ironic to see the Islamists groups in Syria(ISIS) who were funded and trained by the above powers turn around and drive the Americans out of Baghdad and perhaps move on Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel etc. It's like were reliving the 1980s in Afghanistan all over again. We seem to have a pattern of supporting radical sunni islamists who later turn on us.
Anything involving the Middle East reminds me of the saying, "An enigma wrapped in a paradox and shrouded in a conundrum". You just never know whom is in bed with whom.

In my opinion, the Saudi's are funding the ISIS group. Which my be why the U.S. is reluctant to send in the air force or drones to bomb them.

And I wouldn't doubt that ISIS is a CIA trained organization that was unleashed to depose Assad in Syria and put a check on Iran's ambitions in souther Iraq. Whether or not the ISIS is still following the game plan or has gone rouge remains to be seen.

What's odd is that Israel hasn't said jack about any of this??

Which to me is an indication that Israel is somehow involved and has given it's blessing to to the ISIS. . :cool:

very unlikely we will see any U.S. planes bombing ISIS....

does no one remember who our sunni prez bows to....?

Sunni Man, in your opinion is ISIS legit, or are they part of a greater US/Saudi/Israel plan to destabilize Iran and her enemies?

It would be ironic to see the Islamists groups in Syria(ISIS) who were funded and trained by the above powers turn around and drive the Americans out of Baghdad and perhaps move on Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel etc. It's like were reliving the 1980s in Afghanistan all over again. We seem to have a pattern of supporting radical sunni islamists who later turn on us.
Anything involving the Middle East reminds me of the saying, "An enigma wrapped in a paradox and shrouded in a conundrum". You just never know whom is in bed with whom.

In my opinion, the Saudi's are funding the ISIS group. Which my be why the U.S. is reluctant to send in the air force or drones to bomb them.

And I wouldn't doubt that ISIS is a CIA trained organization that was unleashed to depose Assad in Syria and put a check on Iran's ambitions in souther Iraq. Whether or not the ISIS is still following the game plan or has gone rouge remains to be seen.

What's odd is that Israel hasn't said jack about any of this??

Which to me is an indication that Israel is somehow involved and has given it's blessing to to the ISIS. . :cool:

very unlikely we will see any U.S. planes bombing ISIS....

does no one remember who our sunni prez bows to....?


The same ones since WWII..duh!
Obama is a community activist. His skills relate to handing out $20s on a street corner for votes. He couldn't tell a Shia from surfer. He is admittedly influenced by "dreams of his father" and that's fine except his father was a freaking communist alcoholic who dreamed of the destruction of the US.
The mainstream GOP now realizes the TP has to be uprooted, period.

It is anti-American and anti-values.
It's blatant at this point. What are we to do?

I've been on more than a few websites now. They're pissed.

Don't worry. Republicans LUV Shiites. That's why they created Shiite government in Iraq. So it could be turned into an Iranian Shiite Superstate. Shhh, don't tell our closest allies in the region, Saudi Arabia. They're Sunni. If they find out, they may not like it. The second major owner of Fox news is Sunni.
Democrats AND Republicans LUV war since it helps pay for their election campaigns AND retirements. You can not end War Crimes by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican when selecting your congressional representatives.

Yea, except it was Obama that took down Bin Laden and took us out of Iraq. So your theory is "half right and half ass".
So Obama hates Shias and loves Sunnis What are we to do?Stay out of the war and work on energy independence.

We have Tim Horton's we don't want to behead you we are trust me cute beyond and I'm sorry about the Bieb and Celine BUT we have Rush/BTO/and Nickleback
Don't worry. Republicans LUV Shiites. That's why they created Shiite government in Iraq. So it could be turned into an Iranian Shiite Superstate. Shhh, don't tell our closest allies in the region, Saudi Arabia. They're Sunni. If they find out, they may not like it. The second major owner of Fox news is Sunni.
Democrats AND Republicans LUV war since it helps pay for their election campaigns AND retirements. You can not end War Crimes by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican when selecting your congressional representatives.

Yea, except it was Obama that took down Bin Laden and took us out of Iraq. So your theory is "half right and half ass".

This could be a full blown war rdean.

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