So Now Andy Ngo is an 'Extremist'?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The left has no integrity at all any more. Instead of busting up Antifa in Portland, the government and news papers there are blaming the victims, lol.

Something has to be done to save our Republic.

How I became an ‘extremist’ overnight | Spectator USA

I have repeatedly reported what happened to me to the Portland police that night, but there have been no arrests in relation to my attack, despite several images being provided to authorities of at least one attacker. Six right-wing suspects, including Joey Gibson, have been arrested and charged in recent weeks for their alleged role in the brawl. Cider Riot is also suing most of the same individuals in a civil lawsuit for $1 million.

‘Ben’ claims in the interview on the Portland Mercury blog that, ‘There’s an understanding that Patriot Prayer protects Ngo and he protects them.’ This claim is baseless and false. The truth is, Antifa protected him while those who couldn’t be trusted to provide favorable coverage — including me — were attacked. In addition to my multiple assaults that day, a student journalist from Oregon State had his camera destroyed with a bat and was left bloodied by a beating by the bar’s Antifa patrons. There have been no arrests for that assault either.

To go from being a victim of multiple assaults to suddenly accused of being the violent aggressor or complicit in the acts of others, is the type of gaslighting I am used to by now. In the hours after being beaten and robbed over two months ago in an unprovoked attack claimed by Rose City Antifa — for which there have still been no arrests — Antifa activists falsely accused me of assaulting people before being beaten. This week, Portland newspaper Willamette Week speculated that because I had declined an offer to be provided security from the Proud Boys, this was actually evidence of collusion.

That the Portland Mercury and other news outlets would repeat the claims of an unverified source is an Antifa-style defamation by journalism. The ‘damning’ video purporting to show me conspiring in a violent attack, which shows nothing of the sort, is just the latest in a string of lies designed to intimidate me into silence since the brain injury I sustained in June failed to silence me.​
??? Does this poor crime victim have to SUE the govt to enforce laws to protect his rights and due process of justice?

The way I treat lack of responsibility, if they truly do not want to act and represent his lawful protections, then whoever is willing to step up should take over the govt of that district.

Either people in govt need to do their jobs, or hand the jurisdiction over to others who will.

Then the people who DON'T want to enforce laws but just want to manage social engineering can be relegated to jobs in social services and mgmt. And let professionals serious about law enforcement, security, legal due process and prosecution take over and handle the crime and law enforcement in that district. Maybe the police unions, teacher unions in the local schools there, and the military personnel in that region should call for a conference to reorganize who is taking responsibility for law enforcement if the local govt only cares about social programming. The local school and media can publicize what is the social policy that those officials want to follow and enforce. And let the police unions and military set up an agreement with the district residents on what the law enforcement policy is going to be. The community needs to agree what laws are going to be followed and enforced, in order to live in that district. And if they can't agree, they should separate jurisdiction so people are under the policy they agree to enforce and follow. Period!
??? Does this poor crime victim have to SUE the govt to enforce laws to protect his rights and due process of justice?

The way I treat lack of responsibility, if they truly do not want to act and represent his lawful protections, then whoever is willing to step up should take over the govt of that district.

Either people in govt need to do their jobs, or hand the jurisdiction over to others who will.

Then the people who DON'T want to enforce laws but just want to manage social engineering can be relegated to jobs in social services and mgmt. And let professionals serious about law enforcement, security, legal due process and prosecution take over and handle the crime and law enforcement in that district. Maybe the police unions, teacher unions in the local schools there, and the military personnel in that region should call for a conference to reorganize who is taking responsibility for law enforcement if the local govt only cares about social programming. The local school and media can publicize what is the social policy that those officials want to follow and enforce. And let the police unions and military set up an agreement with the district residents on what the law enforcement policy is going to be. The community needs to agree what laws are going to be followed and enforced, in order to live in that district. And if they can't agree, they should separate jurisdiction so people are under the policy they agree to enforce and follow. Period!
You want the Law enforced, go to the Grand Jury and bring up the point. They then have the road to look in to it and if they find the law is not being enforced they in charge those who are in violation of the law. It is done many time in the South and many have been charged with crimes for not doing their job. Politicians fear the Jury system.
To the left anyone a degree right of center or who disagrees with them is an extremist...if they're white they're a white supremacist extremist

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