So, Never-Trumps, are you happy now with Biden?

Could you tell me how he’s different, other than being a D?
I've taken the time to respond in detail when you've asked this previously, believing your question was genuine. I've also asked you (in earnest) who you believe would be a good presidential candidate, and what specific policies you would propose in contrast to Trump policies. You have not responded to any of those posts, not even with a rating emoji. So it seriously makes me doubt your sincerity when you ask this same question over and over but never follow up when someone takes the time to respond or attempts to engage you in a dialogue.

So, Never-Trumps, are you happy now with Biden?​

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By David Zuckerman
Five years ago, the Trump base could not understand the NeverTrump Republicans who were willing to have the horrible Hillary Clinton in the White House, not the Trump they loathed. Thank G-d, that did not come to pass.
But today — there is a curious silence in the NeverTrump camp now that they have succeeded in getting the loathed Trump out of the White House...for Biden. Does anyone hear a Bret Stephens, a William Kristol — even Liz Cheney, whooping and hollering in gleeful jubilation that with President Biden in the White House, the Oval Office is Trump-rein?
I don't hear these faux Republican malcontents praising Biden to the heavens — Biden, who probably can't distinguish COVID-19 from the common cold, Biden, who is a serial liar and likely a sociopath, Biden, whose idea of policy is reverse whatever Trump did (but not necessarily on Afghanistan). Consider, too, for all the slurs, lies, and contumely hurled at Mr. Trump, no one ever suggested that someone was sending him instructions — except of course the base lie that Putin was his puppet master. The anti-Trump calumnies included the phony assertion that President Trump was mentally challenged, not fit to be president. But that was sheer propaganda, indulged in by the NeverTrump Republicans, happily joining the rabid, radical left, with both groups terminally beset by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Does one hear of Biden Derangement Syndrome? Fact is, if we were to hear of this malady, the sole person afflicted would be Biden himself.
And let's not overlook poll numbers. The Trump-loathing Republicans shouted with schadenfreude at poll numbers showing Mr. Trump's to be in the mid- to low- 40s. But with the media incessantly defaming him personally, and covering up his successes in domestic and foreign policy, it is a wonder that his poll numbers were over 40% positive. Yet with the media covering up Biden's failures, with the media ignoring his mental lapses, with the media spiking evidence of Biden family corruption — Biden's actual poll numbers are not much better than the artificially depressed numbers of Donald Trump.
It is as if a power greater than all of us decided: "Okay, NeverTrump malcontents, you bore false witness against Donald Trump? Now see how fares the nominee you worked so mightily to elect over Trump — so that the people will realize that you do not work for the common good of the society, as Madison called for in Federalist No. 57, just your narrow, self-serving interests.
Heavens, even the Trump-loathing Peggy Noonan has been forced to admit: Biden "no longer comes across as empathetic, much less serious." As my late mom, Annie Zukerman, would say: NeverTrump crowd, "you made your bed. Now lie in it....

After seven months of failure by Joey Xi and his appointees, it appears that those who fought to impose a coup d' etat against Trump now have buyers remorse.
Indeed. The Never-Trump and pro-Biden on my Facebook feeds are strangely silent since their man was awarded the presidency.
I guess they are too busy working extra shifts so they can by groceries and gas. Too busy trying to “bit-wash” their anti-Trump diatribes and pro-Biden essays. I suspect there are more than a few of them who are happy with the America created by Joe Biden, an America that abandons allies, citizens, and billions of dollars worth of military hardware, and provides the enemy with lists of those who provided assistance to America in their war against terrorism.. Where are all the pro-abortion feminists who demonized Trump and supported Biden? Why are they not picketing and marching with vulgar "Pink Pussy" hats in protest of the fate Biden has dealt all women of Afghanistan? Sex slavery, forced “marriages”, denial of education and employment, and torturing to death those who refuse or are outspoken critics must be an acceptable alternative to the evil tweeter, Trump. Where is the media writing of the degradation of American principles? I suspect they are resting their keyboards getting ready to blast away at Trump again just as soon as he announces he will run for President again in 2024. God Help America !!
First, I doubt we have an election in 2024.

Second, if Xi and Jihadists are happy, the Never Trumpers are happy

So, Never-Trumps, are you happy now with Biden?​

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By David Zuckerman
Five years ago, the Trump base could not understand the NeverTrump Republicans who were willing to have the horrible Hillary Clinton in the White House, not the Trump they loathed. Thank G-d, that did not come to pass.
But today — there is a curious silence in the NeverTrump camp now that they have succeeded in getting the loathed Trump out of the White House...for Biden. Does anyone hear a Bret Stephens, a William Kristol — even Liz Cheney, whooping and hollering in gleeful jubilation that with President Biden in the White House, the Oval Office is Trump-rein?
I don't hear these faux Republican malcontents praising Biden to the heavens — Biden, who probably can't distinguish COVID-19 from the common cold, Biden, who is a serial liar and likely a sociopath, Biden, whose idea of policy is reverse whatever Trump did (but not necessarily on Afghanistan). Consider, too, for all the slurs, lies, and contumely hurled at Mr. Trump, no one ever suggested that someone was sending him instructions — except of course the base lie that Putin was his puppet master. The anti-Trump calumnies included the phony assertion that President Trump was mentally challenged, not fit to be president. But that was sheer propaganda, indulged in by the NeverTrump Republicans, happily joining the rabid, radical left, with both groups terminally beset by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Does one hear of Biden Derangement Syndrome? Fact is, if we were to hear of this malady, the sole person afflicted would be Biden himself.
And let's not overlook poll numbers. The Trump-loathing Republicans shouted with schadenfreude at poll numbers showing Mr. Trump's to be in the mid- to low- 40s. But with the media incessantly defaming him personally, and covering up his successes in domestic and foreign policy, it is a wonder that his poll numbers were over 40% positive. Yet with the media covering up Biden's failures, with the media ignoring his mental lapses, with the media spiking evidence of Biden family corruption — Biden's actual poll numbers are not much better than the artificially depressed numbers of Donald Trump.
It is as if a power greater than all of us decided: "Okay, NeverTrump malcontents, you bore false witness against Donald Trump? Now see how fares the nominee you worked so mightily to elect over Trump — so that the people will realize that you do not work for the common good of the society, as Madison called for in Federalist No. 57, just your narrow, self-serving interests.
Heavens, even the Trump-loathing Peggy Noonan has been forced to admit: Biden "no longer comes across as empathetic, much less serious." As my late mom, Annie Zukerman, would say: NeverTrump crowd, "you made your bed. Now lie in it....

After seven months of failure by Joey Xi and his appointees, it appears that those who fought to impose a coup d' etat against Trump now have buyers remorse.
Indeed. The Never-Trump and pro-Biden on my Facebook feeds are strangely silent since their man was awarded the presidency.
I guess they are too busy working extra shifts so they can by groceries and gas. Too busy trying to “bit-wash” their anti-Trump diatribes and pro-Biden essays. I suspect there are more than a few of them who are happy with the America created by Joe Biden, an America that abandons allies, citizens, and billions of dollars worth of military hardware, and provides the enemy with lists of those who provided assistance to America in their war against terrorism.. Where are all the pro-abortion feminists who demonized Trump and supported Biden? Why are they not picketing and marching with vulgar "Pink Pussy" hats in protest of the fate Biden has dealt all women of Afghanistan? Sex slavery, forced “marriages”, denial of education and employment, and torturing to death those who refuse or are outspoken critics must be an acceptable alternative to the evil tweeter, Trump. Where is the media writing of the degradation of American principles? I suspect they are resting their keyboards getting ready to blast away at Trump again just as soon as he announces he will run for President again in 2024. God Help America !!
Not happy with Biden… but much happier than when Trump was in office
He’s no different than Trump. You should be happy.

Say WHHHHATTT? Could you expound on similarities? They escape most people with critical thinking skills..

Could you tell me how he’s different, other than being a D?

Seems like you're the one that has to explain WHY you see NO differences.

The rest of us are stunned at that statement. Do You not understand the difference in opinion on the SCOPE AND ROLE of GOVT between these 2 guys? That's just a discussion starter question. LOL.. Trump slashed regulations that had no meaning purpose or benefit -- Bidenites LOVE to dictate and micro-manage every aspect of everyone's business and life.

That's a strange assertion you just chucked out. Almost as strange as the wimp-out from Toro :hyper:
I've taken the time to respond in detail when you've asked this previously, believing your question was genuine. I've also asked you (in earnest) who you believe would be a good presidential candidate, and what specific policies you would propose in contrast to Trump policies. You have not responded to any of those posts, not even with a rating emoji. So it seriously makes me doubt your sincerity when you ask this same question over and over but never follow up when someone takes the time to respond or attempts to engage you in a dialogue.
He's another in a long line of the forum's fakertarians.....He's in there with likes of dblack, GolfingGator, and the fraud maude Dont Taz Me Bro.

For those clowns, hating the God Emperor is the only credential they need to give them street cred.

So, Never-Trumps, are you happy now with Biden?​

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By David Zuckerman
Five years ago, the Trump base could not understand the NeverTrump Republicans who were willing to have the horrible Hillary Clinton in the White House, not the Trump they loathed. Thank G-d, that did not come to pass.
But today — there is a curious silence in the NeverTrump camp now that they have succeeded in getting the loathed Trump out of the White House...for Biden. Does anyone hear a Bret Stephens, a William Kristol — even Liz Cheney, whooping and hollering in gleeful jubilation that with President Biden in the White House, the Oval Office is Trump-rein?
I don't hear these faux Republican malcontents praising Biden to the heavens — Biden, who probably can't distinguish COVID-19 from the common cold, Biden, who is a serial liar and likely a sociopath, Biden, whose idea of policy is reverse whatever Trump did (but not necessarily on Afghanistan). Consider, too, for all the slurs, lies, and contumely hurled at Mr. Trump, no one ever suggested that someone was sending him instructions — except of course the base lie that Putin was his puppet master. The anti-Trump calumnies included the phony assertion that President Trump was mentally challenged, not fit to be president. But that was sheer propaganda, indulged in by the NeverTrump Republicans, happily joining the rabid, radical left, with both groups terminally beset by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Does one hear of Biden Derangement Syndrome? Fact is, if we were to hear of this malady, the sole person afflicted would be Biden himself.
And let's not overlook poll numbers. The Trump-loathing Republicans shouted with schadenfreude at poll numbers showing Mr. Trump's to be in the mid- to low- 40s. But with the media incessantly defaming him personally, and covering up his successes in domestic and foreign policy, it is a wonder that his poll numbers were over 40% positive. Yet with the media covering up Biden's failures, with the media ignoring his mental lapses, with the media spiking evidence of Biden family corruption — Biden's actual poll numbers are not much better than the artificially depressed numbers of Donald Trump.
It is as if a power greater than all of us decided: "Okay, NeverTrump malcontents, you bore false witness against Donald Trump? Now see how fares the nominee you worked so mightily to elect over Trump — so that the people will realize that you do not work for the common good of the society, as Madison called for in Federalist No. 57, just your narrow, self-serving interests.
Heavens, even the Trump-loathing Peggy Noonan has been forced to admit: Biden "no longer comes across as empathetic, much less serious." As my late mom, Annie Zukerman, would say: NeverTrump crowd, "you made your bed. Now lie in it....

After seven months of failure by Joey Xi and his appointees, it appears that those who fought to impose a coup d' etat against Trump now have buyers remorse.
Indeed. The Never-Trump and pro-Biden on my Facebook feeds are strangely silent since their man was awarded the presidency.
I guess they are too busy working extra shifts so they can by groceries and gas. Too busy trying to “bit-wash” their anti-Trump diatribes and pro-Biden essays. I suspect there are more than a few of them who are happy with the America created by Joe Biden, an America that abandons allies, citizens, and billions of dollars worth of military hardware, and provides the enemy with lists of those who provided assistance to America in their war against terrorism.. Where are all the pro-abortion feminists who demonized Trump and supported Biden? Why are they not picketing and marching with vulgar "Pink Pussy" hats in protest of the fate Biden has dealt all women of Afghanistan? Sex slavery, forced “marriages”, denial of education and employment, and torturing to death those who refuse or are outspoken critics must be an acceptable alternative to the evil tweeter, Trump. Where is the media writing of the degradation of American principles? I suspect they are resting their keyboards getting ready to blast away at Trump again just as soon as he announces he will run for President again in 2024. God Help America !!


It's interesting how PROGS created what they accused Trump of. I recognized their gibberish narrations of things were confessions, projection, twists and that, but fuck, to actually build what you accuse the opponent of being with one of your own? That takes a special kind of special, they dance with the devil, IMO.
Say WHHHHATTT? Could you expound on similarities? They escape most people with critical thinking skills..

Seems like you're the one that has to explain WHY you see NO differences.

The rest of us are stunned at that statement. Do You not understand the difference in opinion on the SCOPE AND ROLE of GOVT between these 2 guys? That's just a discussion starter question. LOL.. Trump slashed regulations that had no meaning purpose or benefit -- Bidenites LOVE to dictate and micro-manage every aspect of everyone's business and life.

That's a strange assertion you just chucked out. Almost as strange as the wimp-out from Toro :hyper:

It's that Stalinist ideology.... Didn't you know...?
We can start with the Election. Despite a complete lack of evidence, Conservatives continue to believe the election was stolen.

"Complete lack of evidence", says the coincidence theorist....

I see you are still posting that despite the fact that it has been debunked.
Say WHHHHATTT? Could you expound on similarities? They escape most people with critical thinking skills..

Seems like you're the one that has to explain WHY you see NO differences.

The rest of us are stunned at that statement. Do You not understand the difference in opinion on the SCOPE AND ROLE of GOVT between these 2 guys? That's just a discussion starter question. LOL.. Trump slashed regulations that had no meaning purpose or benefit -- Bidenites LOVE to dictate and micro-manage every aspect of everyone's business and life.

That's a strange assertion you just chucked out. Almost as strange as the wimp-out from Toro :hyper:
Yeah I know, which is weird. Am I the only one here that see’s this? On nearly all the big issues of the day, Joe and Don are very similar.

Anyone who has bothered to study Joe’s long indistinguished career, knows Joe’s a right winger.

War, imperialism, war budget - Same
Tax code - Same
HC for all - Same
Protecting big corporations- Same
Spending - Same
Covid - Same
Limiting the rights of Americans - Same
Cop brutality and militarization - Same
Post in thread 'Trump Booed By Trump Supporters at Trump Rally'
Trump Booed By Trump Supporters at Trump Rally
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I've taken the time to respond in detail when you've asked this previously, believing your question was genuine. I've also asked you (in earnest) who you believe would be a good presidential candidate, and what specific policies you would propose in contrast to Trump policies. You have not responded to any of those posts, not even with a rating emoji. So it seriously makes me doubt your sincerity when you ask this same question over and over but never follow up when someone takes the time to respond or attempts to engage you in a dialogue.
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Considering the fat incompetent fuckup Drumpf was, I always said I would vote for the local dog catcher over him. Turns out we got lucky and got Biden who actually has experience.
There it is from the left. Don and Joe are very similar.

Anyone who has bothered to study Joe’s long indistinguished career, knows Joe’s a right winger.

War, imperialism, war budget - Same
Tax code - Same
HC for all - Same
Protecting big corporations- Same
Spending - Same
Covid - Same
Limiting the rights of Americans - Same
Cop brutality and militarization - Same
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Seriously what is your problem with Trump? I don't get it......Trump was not my first or second choice in 2016, but I loved his presidency
Lol. Don’s a dumb ass just like Joe. You should love Joe too.
You guys with your Conservatives are the logical ones nonsense need a reality check, desperately.
The reality of the alternate universe is as strong as a rock. Without flaw, fully self-contained, with its own language, with its own, separate news and information ecosystem, and with a beloved leader around whom everything revolves.

Like any good cult.
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