So, Never-Trumps, are you happy now with Biden?

We don't have to lie slag Trumpy Bear. He provides us with all of the FACTUAL ammunition we need.
The Trumpsters keep starting threads like this.

They appear to think that (1) their perception of what is happening will be everyone ELSE's perception, and that (2) we are now somehow wishing we had instead voted for the ugly, anti-democratic, ignorant, arrogant, paranoid, misguided embarrassment that is Trumpism.

I swear, they simply cannot get their heads around the fact that a majority of us don't adore the orange buffoon like they do. They are absolutely determined to inspire further comparisons to a cult.
CATO is at the head of the list of corporatist fakertarian sources.

Sure they are.

As attorney Michael Schearer points out, of the nine times OSHA used its emergency power until this summer, three went unchallenged, but of the six that went to court, only one instance was fully upheld. All the others were stayed or vacated, in one instance partially. In other words, the courts have by no means been pushovers for OSHA ETSs.

And this makes sense. Ordinary OSHA rule making builds a detailed record and rationale, including time for objections, which allows judges to hold the agency to some semblance of legality. Emergency powers bypass that. Were courts to adopt a posture of abject deference to claims of emergency, they’d leave OSHA in a position to order around the nation by diktat.

In short, don’t be surprised when the new Biden vaccine mandate ends up in court. Should it reach the Supreme Court, it will be amid fresh memories of the eviction moratorium debacle, in which a majority of justices clearly signaled that it would be unconstitutional for the Biden administration to renew the expiring Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decree, and the White House went ahead and did so anyway. Slapping that down took less than a month.

A lot of the blame here lies with past Congresses, which saw fit to arm this agency with grossly overbroad powers. How about we make it an agenda item for a future Congress to rein in OSHA’s purported emergency powers to rule the workplace by decree?
colin norris said:
As I write this the UK and Australia are currently signing deals with America.
Are they allies?
You figures of in losing allies is a lie.

Could we get the site translator in here please.

Are there troops in Afghanistan?

Did the COVID Vaccine get rollout in a professional manner?

Is the Infrasturce Bill looking good?

It might be perfect but at least Biden is going in the right direction...
Trump tried to get out of Afghanistan, but crazy Liz Cheney somehow sabotaged it. Did she get D support?

Vax was put in place by Don. Did you know Joe and Kamala both said they wouldn’t take Trump’s vax?

The bill you speak of is a disaster. It will once again enrich the rich, while doing little for the rest of us. Why aren’t they passing Medicare for all? Something like 80% of D voters want it. Where is the $15 MW Joe said he would implement? No student loan debt relief.

Joe like Don is nothing but a lackey for the rich.
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Well when a black girl calls me cracker and the police show up for the high crime of me telling her to shut the fuck up because her car stereo was too loud. Literally, this is Biden/Harris America. How dare you notice liberals are highly functioning assholes fighting against assholiness. How dare you!

So, Never-Trumps, are you happy now with Biden?​


But, believe it or not, it's possible to oppose both Biden and Trump. True story™.
Well when a black girl calls me cracker and the police show up for the high crime of me telling her to shut the fuck up because her car stereo was too loud. Literally, this is Biden/Harris America. How dare you notice liberals are highly functioning assholes fighting against assholiness. How dare you!
Did you get charged with a high crime of telling somebody to turn their music down?! Really??
Well when a black girl calls me cracker and the police show up for the high crime of me telling her to shut the fuck up because her car stereo was too loud. Literally, this is Biden/Harris America. How dare you notice liberals are highly functioning assholes fighting against assholiness. How dare you!
Shut the fuck up cracker.
Trump tried to get out of Afghanistan, but crazy Liz Cheney somehow sabotaged it. Did she get D support?

Vax was put in place by Don. Did you know Joe and Kamala both said they wouldn’t take Trump’s vax?

The bill you speak of is a disaster. It will once again enrich the rich, while doing little for the rest of us. Why aren’t they passing Medicare for all? Something like 80% of D voters want it. Where is the $15 MW Joe said he would implement? No student loan debt relief.

Joe like Don is nothing but a lackey for the rich.
So, the former failed to withdraw from Afghanistan and a women is to blame....

President Biden and VP Kamala Harris stated that they would gladly take the vaccine after the CDC/FDA approved it rather than an orange fuckup.

Love the Infrastructure bill that republic pols tout to their constituents. You support Medicare for all?

Bah, donny a lackey for the rich? don't make us all laugh. donny is a lackey for himself and himself only.
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So, Never-Trumps, are you happy now with Biden?​

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By David Zuckerman
Five years ago, the Trump base could not understand the NeverTrump Republicans who were willing to have the horrible Hillary Clinton in the White House, not the Trump they loathed. Thank G-d, that did not come to pass.
But today — there is a curious silence in the NeverTrump camp now that they have succeeded in getting the loathed Trump out of the White House...for Biden. Does anyone hear a Bret Stephens, a William Kristol — even Liz Cheney, whooping and hollering in gleeful jubilation that with President Biden in the White House, the Oval Office is Trump-rein?
I don't hear these faux Republican malcontents praising Biden to the heavens — Biden, who probably can't distinguish COVID-19 from the common cold, Biden, who is a serial liar and likely a sociopath, Biden, whose idea of policy is reverse whatever Trump did (but not necessarily on Afghanistan). Consider, too, for all the slurs, lies, and contumely hurled at Mr. Trump, no one ever suggested that someone was sending him instructions — except of course the base lie that Putin was his puppet master. The anti-Trump calumnies included the phony assertion that President Trump was mentally challenged, not fit to be president. But that was sheer propaganda, indulged in by the NeverTrump Republicans, happily joining the rabid, radical left, with both groups terminally beset by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Does one hear of Biden Derangement Syndrome? Fact is, if we were to hear of this malady, the sole person afflicted would be Biden himself.
And let's not overlook poll numbers. The Trump-loathing Republicans shouted with schadenfreude at poll numbers showing Mr. Trump's to be in the mid- to low- 40s. But with the media incessantly defaming him personally, and covering up his successes in domestic and foreign policy, it is a wonder that his poll numbers were over 40% positive. Yet with the media covering up Biden's failures, with the media ignoring his mental lapses, with the media spiking evidence of Biden family corruption — Biden's actual poll numbers are not much better than the artificially depressed numbers of Donald Trump.
It is as if a power greater than all of us decided: "Okay, NeverTrump malcontents, you bore false witness against Donald Trump? Now see how fares the nominee you worked so mightily to elect over Trump — so that the people will realize that you do not work for the common good of the society, as Madison called for in Federalist No. 57, just your narrow, self-serving interests.
Heavens, even the Trump-loathing Peggy Noonan has been forced to admit: Biden "no longer comes across as empathetic, much less serious." As my late mom, Annie Zukerman, would say: NeverTrump crowd, "you made your bed. Now lie in it....

After seven months of failure by Joey Xi and his appointees, it appears that those who fought to impose a coup d' etat against Trump now have buyers remorse.
Indeed. The Never-Trump and pro-Biden on my Facebook feeds are strangely silent since their man was awarded the presidency.
I guess they are too busy working extra shifts so they can by groceries and gas. Too busy trying to “bit-wash” their anti-Trump diatribes and pro-Biden essays. I suspect there are more than a few of them who are happy with the America created by Joe Biden, an America that abandons allies, citizens, and billions of dollars worth of military hardware, and provides the enemy with lists of those who provided assistance to America in their war against terrorism.. Where are all the pro-abortion feminists who demonized Trump and supported Biden? Why are they not picketing and marching with vulgar "Pink Pussy" hats in protest of the fate Biden has dealt all women of Afghanistan? Sex slavery, forced “marriages”, denial of education and employment, and torturing to death those who refuse or are outspoken critics must be an acceptable alternative to the evil tweeter, Trump. Where is the media writing of the degradation of American principles? I suspect they are resting their keyboards getting ready to blast away at Trump again just as soon as he announces he will run for President again in 2024. God Help America !!
Yes, let's not overlook poll numbers. Average on RCP...

12/15/21: 44%
12/15/17: 37%

So Biden may suck but Trump still sucked more. So let's just say ... I'm happy Trump is no longer president.
Yes, let's not overlook poll numbers. Average on RCP...

12/15/21: 44%
12/15/17: 37%

So Biden may suck but Trump still sucked more. So let's just say ... I'm happy Trump is no longer president.
Starting to see signs of Biden possibly recovering in some polls. Not a prediction and I'm not guaranteeing anything.
Starting to see signs of Biden possibly recovering in some polls. Not a prediction and I'm not guaranteeing anything.
The country is so polarized these daze, I think it's going to be a while before we see a president hold onto a rating much above 50% approval. At least not until we wake from this drunken stupor.
The country is so polarized these daze, I think it's going to be a while before we see a president hold onto a rating much above 50% approval. At least not until we wake from this drunken stupor.
Agree, I think even a meager 53-55% approval is almost impossible.
It's people like you that makes me happy to see Putin pissing in Fuck Joe's face.
Sure, Trumptard.

June 14 2018
President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian.

During the dinner, Trump also seemed to question why the G7 leaders were siding with Ukraine. The president told leaders that "Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,"

On the second day of the summit, Trump again called for Russia to rejoin the group, downplaying the country's invasion of Ukraine. "This used to be the G8, not the G7," Trump said. "Something happened a while ago where Russia is no longer in."
Again, Trump is correct and Fuck Joe is senile.

Russia will take Ukraine. China will take Taiwan and FJB will take a shit in his pants.

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