So Nancy Pelosi Is Refusing To Extend Unemployment As Millions Are About To Go Broke?,And It's The Republicans Delaying It? Unbelievable!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
Nancy and her following of useful idiots want the entire economy to collapse before the election. She does not care who it hurts. She's got her $24,000 freezer full of ice cream to keep her family fat while the peasants starve to death.
Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House. Their plan passed two months ago. The Trumped-Up Administration sent 100 agents into Portland, OR--comparing--to upstage about 200 dozen people, in two cities in the Pacific Northwest, in 7 city blocks: Claiming, "The Antifa have Landed! "The Antifa have landed!" with concurrence of the Republican led Senate.

30 mil. got the unemployment relief, not due to the crisis of the 200 Martians, alleged to have landed(?)! The Republicans even have a reported platform, "Make America 2016 Again," disconnected from USA that they are!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, properly understood: Is all that was needed to scare them away!
you see, to extend unemployment benefits to the poor, that would be racist, and I will not pass this, now can I please go back home at eat my ice cream?
Typical DC politics. Don't do anything and blame the other party.
Then again, gridlock is generally a good outcome.
Unemployed people still get their state unemployment checks, just not the Fed stimulus.

The federal stimulus is absurd anyway; resulting in people being paid more to not work than they'd earn if they were working.

No matter what the excuse, forcing people who are willing and able to work into enforced idleness is a very, very , very, very, very bad idea; as is giving them bonus government handouts, paid for by taxes on those who are still allowed to work.

The only way to save our economy is to end the shutdowns, let all businesses fully reopen, and let everyone go back to work. And remove from office the corrupt subhuman criminal pieces of shit who infest our various levels of government, who are responsible for exploiting the #CoronoaHoax2020 to maliciously sabotage the economy, and where possible, subject them to criminal prosecution and very, very,very long prison sentences.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

Nice try. The House passed their plan almost two months ago. It's the Senate Republicans who are in disarray and walked out of town without even a hint of negotiation. McConnell is already taking his lumps in the media despite his best attempts at deflection. This disaster belongs entirely to Republicans. There's no way to spin this as anything other than a huge black eye for them as long as they delay.
Typical DC politics. Don't do anything and blame the other party.
Then again, gridlock is generally a good outcome.
Unemployed people still get their state unemployment checks, just not the Fed stimulus.
well many states have reached their 12/13 week max on thier benefits, I know Florida has run out. I am not concerned over the extension of the 600.00 stimulus, its the states benefits. I hope all of these 30 million people saved a few thousand dollars since these benefits started in late March/Early April. I feel sorry for those living paycheck to paycheck, Im pretty sure its the ones with kids that are going to suffer if Pelosi doesnt at least extend the state extensions
The point of the Pelosi Stimulus One is not lost on LeeOnLido poster. Explaining it to the Senate has not so far happened. LeeOnLido shows the rational logic of well-enriched consumers increasing spending even though there are 30 mil. unemployed.
"I hope all of these 30 million people saved a few thousand dollars since these benefits started in late March/Early April. "
Some may have been able to invest, seek alternative education for those undecided about school at all, or rent out a storefront for a new business location--brick and mortar, or online!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(See how that works from Matt 20: 1-16!)
The point of the Pelosi Stimulus One is not lost on LeeOnLido poster. Explaining it to the Senate has not so far happened. LeeOnLido shows the rational logic of well-enriched consumers increasing spending even though there are 30 mil. unemployed.
"I hope all of these 30 million people saved a few thousand dollars since these benefits started in late March/Early April. "
Some may have been able to invest, seek alternative education for those undecided about school at all, or rent out a storefront for a new business location--brick and mortar, or online!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(See how that works from Matt 20: 1-16!)
with so many making close to 1000 a week for these 4 months, and yet, many are going to go broke soon? where did they spend it? they should of known of what may happen in August being Nancy Pelosi doesnt give a chit about the average american who can barley even keep 1000 to 2000 in the bank on a regular basis
Typical DC politics. Don't do anything and blame the other party.
Then again, gridlock is generally a good outcome.
Unemployed people still get their state unemployment checks, just not the Fed stimulus.
well many states have reached their 12/13 week max on thier benefits, I know Florida has run out. I am not concerned over the extension of the 600.00 stimulus, its the states benefits. I hope all of these 30 million people saved a few thousand dollars since these benefits started in late March/Early April. I feel sorry for those living paycheck to paycheck, Im pretty sure its the ones with kids that are going to suffer if Pelosi doesnt at least extend the state extensions
Shit, forgot about the state limit on unemployment checks.
Just heard that about 50% of restaurants have failed and won't re-open.
Bars, gyms, hotels, airlines, cruise lines, are all hurting.
So people have to realize that work is more important than play to keep the virus in check.
I can see giving $300 a week to the unemployed thru December, and no more "stimulus" checks to the retired or the working.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
How does this surprise you.
Democrats are killing us off with covid denying us H
RIOTS, black getting murdered.
Now we starve.

they will blame trump and media will say yes its b of trump
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
Nancy and her following of useful idiots want the entire economy to collapse before the election. She does not care who it hurts. She's got her $24,000 freezer full of ice cream to keep her family fat while the peasants starve to death.
If only they found Nancy in the freezer. Frozen stiff!
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
How does this surprise you.
Democrats are killing us off with covid denying us H
RIOTS, black getting murdered.
Now we starve.

they will blame trump and media will say yes its b of trump
im pretty sure that by now that the 30 Million people/or so are watching what Pelosi does/decides. she is the one that makes the final decision, and like I said,,i hope these millions are well aware that the Republicans all agree to at least an unemployment extension and that Pelosi claiming that its the Republicans delaying unemployment extensions? maybe she just came down with dementia?
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
How does this surprise you.
Democrats are killing us off with covid denying us H
RIOTS, black getting murdered.
Now we starve.

they will blame trump and media will say yes its b of trump
maybe in three hours, pelosi will go before the nation and explain why George Bush and the republicans are holding everything up
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
How does this surprise you.
Democrats are killing us off with covid denying us H
RIOTS, black getting murdered.
Now we starve.

they will blame trump and media will say yes its b of trump
im pretty sure that by now that the 30 Million people/or so are watching what Pelosi does/decides. she is the one that makes the final decision, and like I said,,i hope these millions are well aware that the Republicans all agree to at least an unemployment extension and that Pelosi claiming that its the Republicans delaying unemployment extensions? maybe she just came down with dementia?

The only person on the hotseat right now is Mitch McConnell. His Senate Republicans are the ones that left and went home without coming to an agreement.
And you know Trump is sitting over in the White House and for the first time, he knows Mitch has him by the short hairs. :)
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
How does this surprise you.
Democrats are killing us off with covid denying us H
RIOTS, black getting murdered.
Now we starve.

they will blame trump and media will say yes its b of trump
im pretty sure that by now that the 30 Million people/or so are watching what Pelosi does/decides. she is the one that makes the final decision, and like I said,,i hope these millions are well aware that the Republicans all agree to at least an unemployment extension and that Pelosi claiming that its the Republicans delaying unemployment extensions? maybe she just came down with dementia?
It's amazing how stupid you are, you little freakazoid.

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