So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

And lose by a landslide of epic proportions? It was because he was such a sorry candidate and a worse president. Any president who does not take Americans dying of a pandemic seriously is going to lose. Period! End of story.

Of course Trump and his cult blame the defeat on voter fraud, but even the Supreme Court of the United States, full of Trump appointees, will not give that argument any air. Bigly!!!

So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?​

There's an audit in AZ to find out.
Audits are conducted by trained accountants using statistical analysis and a thorough knowledge of voting systems. What is going on AZ is a fishing expedition by conspiracy theorists for anything that may further discredit the election. They are operating under the forgone conclusion that the election was rigged. Call it an audit if you must but everyone knows what it really is, even you.

So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?​

There's an audit in AZ to find out.
Audits are conducted by trained accountants using statistical analysis and a thorough knowledge of voting systems. What is going on AZ is a fishing expedition by conspiracy theorists for anything that may further discredit the election. They are operating under the forgone conclusion that the election was rigged. Call it an audit if you must but everyone knows what it really is, even you.
Everyone knows why the Democrats are trying to block every audit or investigation. What you are saying works both ways. If there was no fraud, why all the fuss?

So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?​

There's an audit in AZ to find out.
Audits are conducted by trained accountants using statistical analysis and a thorough knowledge of voting systems. What is going on AZ is a fishing expedition by conspiracy theorists for anything that may further discredit the election. They are operating under the forgone conclusion that the election was rigged. Call it an audit if you must but everyone knows what it really is, even you.
Everyone knows why the Democrats are trying to block every audit or investigation. What you are saying works both ways. If there was no fraud, why all the fuss?
The only thing that is being blocked is the ability by the auditors to manufacture evidence. Given the opportunity they would be doing this stupid shit in locked rooms with all the keys that only election officials are authorized to possess, with no election officials present.

So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?​

There's an audit in AZ to find out.
Audits are conducted by trained accountants using statistical analysis and a thorough knowledge of voting systems. What is going on AZ is a fishing expedition by conspiracy theorists for anything that may further discredit the election. They are operating under the forgone conclusion that the election was rigged. Call it an audit if you must but everyone knows what it really is, even you.
Everyone knows why the Democrats are trying to block every audit or investigation. What you are saying works both ways. If there was no fraud, why all the fuss?
The only thing that is being blocked is the ability by the auditors to manufacture evidence. Given the opportunity they would be doing this stupid shit in locked rooms with all the keys that only election officials are authorized to possess, with no election officials present.
Those officials did not run their own elections. What part of that don't you understand? That is illegal.

So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?​

There's an audit in AZ to find out.
Audits are conducted by trained accountants using statistical analysis and a thorough knowledge of voting systems. What is going on AZ is a fishing expedition by conspiracy theorists for anything that may further discredit the election. They are operating under the forgone conclusion that the election was rigged. Call it an audit if you must but everyone knows what it really is, even you.
Everyone knows why the Democrats are trying to block every audit or investigation. What you are saying works both ways. If there was no fraud, why all the fuss?
The only thing that is being blocked is the ability by the auditors to manufacture evidence. Given the opportunity they would be doing this stupid shit in locked rooms with all the keys that only election officials are authorized to possess, with no election officials present.
The shit that they're finding in AZ (i.e. ballots missing in boxes that were supposed to be sealed, refusal to turn over passwords, hiding routers, etc.) show you to be a stone fucking liar.

So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?​

There's an audit in AZ to find out.
Audits are conducted by trained accountants using statistical analysis and a thorough knowledge of voting systems. What is going on AZ is a fishing expedition by conspiracy theorists for anything that may further discredit the election. They are operating under the forgone conclusion that the election was rigged. Call it an audit if you must but everyone knows what it really is, even you.
But look at all the effort and publicity the Cult is putting into this "audit." They will have to come up with something dramatic and call the audit a resounding success, or be viewed as total failures by the other Cult members. Can't wait to see their "results," which Faux News, oan and newsmax will trumpet from the hilltops.
He lost because of covid and it was not because he didn't take it seriously he did pretty much everything the so called experts said to do. But massive lockdowns and shutting down the economy had a terrible impact on people and that in large part is why people went to Biden. If it had not been for covid I sincerely believe Trump would have won reelection easily but unfortunately for him that was not the case.
He lost because of covid and it was not because he didn't take it seriously he did pretty much everything the so called experts said to do. But massive lockdowns and shutting down the economy had a terrible impact on people and that in large part is why people went to Biden. If it had not been for covid I sincerely believe Trump would have won reelection easily but unfortunately for him that was not the case.
Sorry Pennsylvanians did not vote themselves out of work. That state was stolen. GA was obvious theft.

And lose by a landslide of epic proportions? It was because he was such a sorry candidate and a worse president. Any president who does not take Americans dying of a pandemic seriously is going to lose. Period! End of story.

Of course Trump and his cult blame the defeat on voter fraud, but even the Supreme Court of the United States, full of Trump appointees, will not give that argument any air. Bigly!!!

Trump won in a landslide had to steal it to win it....
If Joe really did win the dems wouldn't be hysterically trying to change voting rules with HR1....
If Joe really did win the dem owned DOJ wouldn't be trying to stop the AZ recount.....

So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?​

There's an audit in AZ to find out.
Audits are conducted by trained accountants using statistical analysis and a thorough knowledge of voting systems. What is going on AZ is a fishing expedition by conspiracy theorists for anything that may further discredit the election. They are operating under the forgone conclusion that the election was rigged. Call it an audit if you must but everyone knows what it really is, even you.
Everyone knows why the Democrats are trying to block every audit or investigation. What you are saying works both ways. If there was no fraud, why all the fuss?
The only thing that is being blocked is the ability by the auditors to manufacture evidence. Given the opportunity they would be doing this stupid shit in locked rooms with all the keys that only election officials are authorized to possess, with no election officials present.
Those officials did not run their own elections. What part of that don't you understand? That is illegal.
You should probably have a dose of skepticism about everything you think you know. Trump demands you be lied to and so they are going to lie to you.

So McCarthy, why did Trump lose?​

There's an audit in AZ to find out.
Audits are conducted by trained accountants using statistical analysis and a thorough knowledge of voting systems. What is going on AZ is a fishing expedition by conspiracy theorists for anything that may further discredit the election. They are operating under the forgone conclusion that the election was rigged. Call it an audit if you must but everyone knows what it really is, even you.
Everyone knows why the Democrats are trying to block every audit or investigation. What you are saying works both ways. If there was no fraud, why all the fuss?
There is no fraud at the border until they see a federal judge regarding their refugee status. why all the fuss?

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