So many politicians do this (which should be illegal) but the Democrats.. way more than Republicans

yep... more delusional than even most libs

keep thinking such bs.. That's another thing most if not all libs do: lie to themselves.. day after day, year after year.. They never change. I have a relative who also never seems to grow or evolve.. (though I have seen small changes..)

it's creepy

something isn't right there. At a certain age, people should have acquired a little wisdom.. esp RE themselves
So you think you are a god in waiting? When your humanly body expires, you really think there is a heaven awaiting where you live for eternity as a god?

See why you can't talk to conservatives about politics? They aren't rational. They're delusional.
yep... more delusional than even most libs

keep thinking such bs.. That's another thing most if not all libs do: lie to themselves.. day after day, year after year.. They never change. I have a relative who also never seems to grow or evolve.. (though I have seen small changes..)

it's creepy

something isn't right there. At a certain age, people should have acquired a little wisdom.. esp RE themselves
And I bet you don't believe it's global warming that is making this planet uninhabitable for humans. Let me guess. Butt sex is why god is mad at us right? LOL
Dimrats, as we all know, when they are campaigning for election or re-election, promise the voters so many things and act like they will sometimes work with the Rs (sometimes even SAY they are "moderate." Please). But once they are elected.. it's C ya, Suckers! Wouldn't want to B ya!

Yes, sometimes Rs.. no, wait.. RINOs do that also but the dimrats are in lockstep with ea other on this one.

Bernie Sanders was a socialist and likely still calls himself that. But he rewarded his big donors and they rewarded him in return by getting him re-elected, and now this bastard is filthy rich, but still likes to ACT like he gives a flying rat's ass about the little people..

And people buy the bs because they never read books exposing this kind of thing.. just always suck up what CNN and other lying media pigs say and reguritate to whomever in their own sphere will listen..

And Bernie is just an example. I'd be here, not all day but all day/all week long if I gave all the examples I know about..

Virtually ALL elite dimrats do this -- say any old damn thing 2 get elected, thenonce elected, steer taxpayer money (which.. Hello! Is not supposed to belong to them but they act like it does) toward..


Their biggest donors. So the rich get rich and the poor get poorer.. The homeless are still unprotected.. walking the streets.. sleeping on sidewalks.. while these pigs waste taxpayer money on other rich people..
Every election cycle I hear the promises and then once elected, they spend and don’t fulfill their promises. Bush, Obama Trump and Biben, they are just four examples of promisers and liar and spenders.
See why you can't talk to conservatives about politics? They aren't rational. They're delusional.
yeh, just like the 1 or more billion of other Catholics are irrational, etc.

no religion as irrational as you claim it is could survive 20 centuries as Christianity has. You are the one who is delusional
Every election cycle I hear the promises and then once elected, they spend and don’t fulfill their promises. Bush, Obama Trump and Biben, they are just four examples of promisers and liar and spenders.
Trump should not be on the list.. although he could have spent less
yeh, just like the 1 or more billion of other Catholics are irrational, etc.

no religion as irrational as you claim it is could survive 20 centuries as Christianity has. You are the one who is delusional
So if there was no Christianity, would you say the same thing about Islam? And between you and the jews, who's right? They agree with me. Your messiah story is bullshit.

And if there were no jews, muslims or classic Christians, would you say the same thing about the irrational Mormon story?

Of course you would. You agree with me that all other religions are bullshit. You just disagree with me about yours.

Anyone who believes the Jesus story as fact is not to be taken too seriously. I know a lot of smart people believe too but that's just wishful thinking. They don't really believe he walked on water or Mary was a virgin or God sent Jesus.

I've seen too much suffering to be sucked in just because one guy 2022 years ago go crucified. People get crucified every day.
He promised a lot and didn’t deliver, his tax cuts added over a trillion to the deficit.
that doesn't make a lick of sense. When taxes are cut, the people have more money and then spend it more and the economy does well.. which creates more jobs which creates more revenue.

Which R policies explain why the Dim policies we have now have caused SKY HIGH prices on everything

and Trump was in the process of cutting different agency spending

If re-elected he says he will fire a lot of fed workers aka deep state. That ought to cut govt spending quite a bit but more importantly, make America.. America again
What things are you trying to get passed that we won't go along with?

Ban Abortion?
More tax breaks for the rich?
More cuts to social programs and safety nets?
No one should pay a higher tax rate than any other person

And everyone should pay tax on the first to the last dollar they earn
So if there was no Christianity, would you say the same thing about Islam? And between you and the jews, who's right? They agree with me. Your messiah story is bullshit.
I have spent time in HIs Presence, which is like NO other presence or experience in the world. You have not. So you do not know what you are talking about. You assess reality through your own experience-tainted lens like everyone else.. but you cannot ever assess MY reality because you have never been there.
that doesn't make a lick of sense. When taxes are cut, the people have more money and then spend it more and the economy does well.

Which R policies explain why the Dim policies we have now have caused SKY HIGH prices on everything
When taxes are cut, less revenue Goes to the government and because government doesn’t cut spending, less revenue means debt increases. That hurts Americans and our stability and ability to pay down debt.

In 20-22 the government pumped over $5 trillion into the economy, with supply chain shortages, massive amounts of consumer spending and low unemployment it has created the inflation we currently have. No one party is to blame, they both voted for this and we got what we voted for.
I have spent time in HIs Presence, which is like NO other presence or experience in the world. You have not. So you do not know what you are talking about. You assess reality through your own experience-tainted lens like everyone else.. but you cannot ever assess MY reality because you have never been there.
I considered myself a Christian for over 30 years and you are right. I never met the man. You have? LOL

I'm thinking about my dearly departed mother right now. I'm spending time in her presence the same way you spent time in his. Stop being stupid. Are you trying to convince me or yourself? LOL.

No I can't tell you what your reality is. My neighbor also thinks as a small child in 1977 she was visited by a Jesus who looked like this


Dumb bitch doesn't realize her mother was watching this mini series.

There's a reason we don't impose a flat tax. It doesn't work and it's a gift to the rich. It's what they want. Are you rich?
No, just average

If we must have a progressive tax why not a progressive voting rights act?

Meaning those who pay more get more rights too
No, just average

If we must have a progressive tax why not a progressive voting rights act?

Meaning those who pay more get more rights too
Once again proving Republicans don't want all citizens to vote.

The American dream is to make it out of poverty and start paying taxes.
Once again proving Republicans don't want all citizens to vote.

The American dream is to make it out of poverty and start paying taxes.
I also want a balanced budget requirement at the federal level that most states have to live by

Then the welfare bums could not vote for higher taxes on the other guy without paying the higher tax themselves
When taxes are cut, less revenue Goes to the government and because government doesn’t cut spending, less revenue means debt increases. That hurts Americans and our stability and ability to pay down debt.

In 20-22 the government pumped over $5 trillion into the economy, with supply chain shortages, massive amounts of consumer spending and low unemployment it has created the inflation we currently have. No one party is to blame, they both voted for this and we got what we voted for.
you responded to my post b4 reading the edited version of it. When more jobs are created, obviously there is more tax money going to the gummit
I also want a balanced budget requirement at the federal level that most states have to live by

Then the welfare bums could not vote for higher taxes on the other guy without paying the higher tax themselves
welfare bums?

the most egregious example of welfare is politicians.. sucking up the taxpayers' money, then spending it on the most godawful things, and rarely do Americans in need benefit. You think some $800 check is going to make an everyday American rich? What planet do you live on? And yet the welfare recipients in DC, the elites make $177,000 per year AND are capable.. easily capable of making MILLIONS and billions just off their DC access to big corporate donors and foreign swindlers.. not to mention insider trading

When that welfare program is ended, then we can turn our attention to the poor peple, some with serious disabilities who cannot work who --God knows how they even do it.. live on $800 a month.. This kind of thing that you say here is what makes people turn away from the R party..
No, just average

If we must have a progressive tax why not a progressive voting rights act?

Meaning those who pay more get more rights too
I say you are being sardonic here

I tend to think we should only tax luxury items, cars over $20,000 or what have u
welfare bums?

the most egregious example of welfare is politicians.. sucking up the taxpayers' money, then spending it on the most godawful things, and rarely do Americans in need benefit. You think some $800 check is going to make an everyday American rich? What planet do you live on? And yet the welfare recipients in DC, the elites make $177,000 per year AND are capable.. easily capable of making MILLIONS and billions just off their DC access to big corporate donors and foreign swindlers.. not to mention insider trading

When that welfare program is ended, then we can turn our attention to the poor peple, some with serious disabilities who cannot work who --God knows how they even do it.. live on $800 a month.. This kind of thing that you say here is what makes people turn away from the R party..
I think you have a more socialist agenda of from each according to ability, to each according to need than I do

Giving government handouts only encourages more people to expect a handout
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