So let’s get this straight…

If anything, the Black racist that mowed down dozens people, which is a technique that ISIS uses, should be charged with terrorism.

I agree 100% ^^

But don't forget, this is the United States of Bananas, under this criminal stolen

1- The high school shooter moron in Michigan that is a minor and a “White” person, being charged as an adult for terrorism (which I agree with).

2- The Black man with a clear history of racism and hatred against White people that ran over kids and families in a holiday Christmas parade in Waukesha Minnesota, not charged with terrorism or a hate crime. After all, he only killed 6 people including three little kids, but they were all White, and he was Black, and it was the car that did it.

Welcome to the new systemic racism in our justice system, sponsored by the Left.
Difference in state courts of the two states?
Difference in state courts of the two states?
Nope, terrorism is a federal crime. Looks like it fits the BLM terrorist to the T.

Federal statute defines domestic terrorism to include dangerous criminal acts intended to
intimidate or coerce a civilian population or to influence or affect government policy or conduct
within the jurisdiction of the United States
Nope, terrorism is a federal crime. Looks like it fits the BLM terrorist to the T.

Federal statute defines domestic terrorism to include dangerous criminal acts intended to
intimidate or coerce a civilian population or to influence or affect government policy or conduct
within the jurisdiction of the United States

The idiot shooter is charged in State Court. Not under Federal Statutes.
I agree 100% ^^

But don't forget, this is the United States of Bananas, under this criminal stolen

View attachment 570661
So quit denigrating this country because your political ideology isn't popular right now. Don't like this country? Move. But you won't. Because you'll never find better. Be better, magaturd.
The idiot shooter is charged in State Court. Not under Federal Statutes.
He could have been charged with terrorism at a state level, or the Marxist hack Garland could have stepped in and added federal charges. But no, let's go after parents in school board meetings complaining about their kids being brainwashed with Leftist communistic ideology.
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1- The high school shooter moron in Michigan that is a minor and a “White” person, being charged as an adult for terrorism (which I agree with).

2- The Black man with a clear history of racism and hatred against White people that ran over kids and families in a holiday Christmas parade in Waukesha Minnesota, not charged with terrorism or a hate crime. After all, he only killed 6 people including three little kids, but they were all White, and he was Black, and it was the car that did it.

Welcome to the new systemic racism in our justice system, sponsored by the Left.
Is the guy responsible for what happened at the parade getting busted at all? If so, to me, that right there should be enough. Who cares what name is placed on his charge(s). As long as he is put away for what he did. That should be the only thing that matters. At the end of the day, unless it is done in self defense, murder is murder no matter how it is carried out.

God bless you and the families of his victims always!!!

Let's end racism by getting rid of all the blacks. Or the Democrats. Whichever one. They are both the reason racism exists.
You need to be ignored but I won't ignore you for the filth you deliver on a daily basis.
1- The high school shooter moron in Michigan that is a minor and a “White” person, being charged as an adult for terrorism (which I agree with).

2- The Black man with a clear history of racism and hatred against White people that ran over kids and families in a holiday Christmas parade in Waukesha Minnesota, not charged with terrorism or a hate crime. After all, he only killed 6 people including three little kids, but they were all White, and he was Black, and it was the car that did it.

Welcome to the new systemic racism in our justice system, sponsored by the Left.
After spending 76 days in jail, a white man who intentionally drove his vehicle through a crowd of racial injustice protesters in Iowa City last summer will have his record cleared and avoid prison if he stays out of trouble during three years of probation.

You mean like this?
1- The high school shooter moron in Michigan that is a minor and a “White” person, being charged as an adult for terrorism (which I agree with).

2- The Black man with a clear history of racism and hatred against White people that ran over kids and families in a holiday Christmas parade in Waukesha Minnesota, not charged with terrorism or a hate crime. After all, he only killed 6 people including three little kids, but they were all White, and he was Black, and it was the car that did it.

Welcome to the new systemic racism in our justice system, sponsored by the Left.
Here is a list of them all so I depend on who went to prison:
1- The high school shooter moron in Michigan that is a minor and a “White” person, being charged as an adult for terrorism (which I agree with).

2- The Black man with a clear history of racism and hatred against White people that ran over kids and families in a holiday Christmas parade in Waukesha Minnesota, not charged with terrorism or a hate crime. After all, he only killed 6 people including three little kids, but they were all White, and he was Black, and it was the car that did it.

Welcome to the new systemic racism in our justice system, sponsored by the Left.
The car hit those people. The black guy is a victim of white supremacy and systemic racism that permeates every walk of life in America.

Seriously, the terrorism and hate crime tags are ridiculous. Both of those guys should be never be set free again, ever.
Here is a list of them all so I depend on who went to prison:
Wrong again. Actually it looks like the BLM racist moron was reading from a terrorist handbook on how to commit mass murder of White Christians.


Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch encouraged its Western recruits to use trucks as weapons.A 2010 webzine article, “The Ultimate Mowing Machine,” called for deploying a pickup truck as a “mowing machine, not to mow grass but mow down the enemies of Allah.”

In September 2014, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called for lone wolf attacks using improvised weaponry, “If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock or slaughter him with a knife or run him over with your car or throw him down from a high place or choke him or poison him.”

A vehicle-ramming attack is an assault in which a perpetrator deliberately rams a vehicle into a building, crowd of people,[1][2] or another vehicle. According to Stratfor Global Intelligence analysts, this attack represents a relatively new militant tactic which could prove more difficult to prevent than suicide bombings.[3]

Deliberate vehicle-ramming into a crowd of people is a tactic used by terrorists,[4] becoming a major terrorist tactic in the 2010s because it requires little skill to perpetrate, cars and trucks are widely available, and it has the potential to cause significant casualties
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Unless some reason is demonstrated otherwise, BOTH should be charged with terrorism.
Wrong again. Actually it looks like the BLM racist moron was reading from a terrorist handbook on how to commit mass murder of White Christians.


Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch encouraged its Western recruits to use trucks as weapons.A 2010 webzine article, “The Ultimate Mowing Machine,” called for deploying a pickup truck as a “mowing machine, not to mow grass but mow down the enemies of Allah.”

In September 2014, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called for lone wolf attacks using improvised weaponry, “If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock or slaughter him with a knife or run him over with your car or throw him down from a high place or choke him or poison him.”

A vehicle-ramming attack is an assault in which a perpetrator deliberately rams a vehicle into a building, crowd of people,[1][2] or another vehicle. According to Stratfor Global Intelligence analysts, this attack represents a relatively new militant tactic which could prove more difficult to prevent than suicide bombings.[3]

Deliberate vehicle-ramming into a crowd of people is a tactic used by terrorists,[4] becoming a major terrorist tactic in the 2010s because it requires little skill to perpetrate, cars and trucks are widely available, and it has the potential to cause significant casualties
They were all maga people.
I haven't seen so I will have to take your word for it but neither should be charged with "terrorism". That is something done to excuse the continued violations of people's civil rights.
The white supremacist in Charlottesville was labled a terrorist. Why not the black supremacist who killed 6 times as many people?
The white supremacist in Charlottesville was labled a terrorist. Why not the black supremacist who killed 6 times as many people?

I stated my position. I do not speak for others.
1- The high school shooter moron in Michigan that is a minor and a “White” person, being charged as an adult for terrorism (which I agree with).

2- The Black man with a clear history of racism and hatred against White people that ran over kids and families in a holiday Christmas parade in Waukesha Minnesota, not charged with terrorism or a hate crime. After all, he only killed 6 people including three little kids, but they were all White, and he was Black, and it was the car that did it.

Welcome to the new systemic racism in our justice system, sponsored by the Left.

The difference is in the premeditation by the shooter in Michigan vice the spontaneous actions by the killer in Minnesota.

Not everything is about race no matter how much you want it to be

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