So Kyle Larson has been fired for using the N word

Because it is morally wrong to hurt an innocent person just to pander to a bunch of vicious assholes.

When you respond to this with "they have the right to do that", you are purposefully and cowardly dodging my point.

So now CGR is "a bunch of vicious assholes" because they made a decision in the best interests of their business?

You're done. You've got nothing of value to add here...
Just because a sponsor is big, doesn't mean they can be racist. They matched up Kyle's skin color and race to what he said, and then gave him a racially motivated lynching. Do you really think racially motivated lynchings are good?

Your dramatics betray you. By referring to it as something it definitely isn't, it's impossible to take you seriously and impossible to have a reasonable conversation with you.

THIS is a lynching, and something tells me you probably don't have much of a problem with what's depicted here:


Well, that got dark fast. You went from "want to see an corporation sued" to "supports murder", pretty fast.

And in the same post as you attack HIM, for being "dramatic"? LOL!!!
Canon Shooter is a racist for thinking it is ok to lynch one race for behavior that all other races are free to engage in without fear of repercussion. I bet he thinks it is ok for record companies to pay other races millions of reward dollars to other races for using the same word while another race is lynched for using it.
Because it is morally wrong to hurt an innocent person just to pander to a bunch of vicious assholes.

When you respond to this with "they have the right to do that", you are purposefully and cowardly dodging my point.

So now CGR is "a bunch of vicious assholes" because they made a decision in the best interests of their business?

You're done. You've got nothing of value to add here...
They are just racist for their racially motivated lynching
Because it is morally wrong to hurt an innocent person just to pander to a bunch of vicious assholes.

When you respond to this with "they have the right to do that", you are purposefully and cowardly dodging my point.

So now CGR is "a bunch of vicious assholes" because they made a decision in the best interests of their business?

You're done. You've got nothing of value to add here...

Obviously the employer was the one doing the pandering. The pc lib mob is the mob of vicious assholes,
And my point stands.

It is morally wrong to hurt an innocent person just to pander to a bunch of vicious assholes.
Plenty of people have been talking about such laws. We see them being used in the UK to arrest people who say the wrong things.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what we're discussing...

And this is all coming from your side of the political divide.

"My side"?

Enlighten me, genius, what side do you believe that is?

YOur pretense of ignorance on this is not credible. IF it is true, you need to educate yourself fast.

This is a nonsensical statement which is utterly meaningless...

Within a decade or two, as we approach minority majority, have no doubt that hate speech crimes will be a thing in this country, barring radical changes in current trends.

Oh, settle down, Kitten. The sky's not falling here...

You have people, real people in this country being hurt by this politically correct witch hunt mentality.

Calling me "Kitten", is you using the Logical Fallacy of Ridicule to avoid defending the implications of your position.

Cowardly and dishonestly.

No, it's just an acknowledgment that I think you're acting like a whiny little girl...

I've asked you to tell us the real reason you support this action. YOu keep talking obvious smack.

What is your real reason?

You seriously need to pull your head out of your ass. I've given you the real reason, and I've done it several times. You just don't like the fact that it's not what you want to hear. Now, if you're too fucking stupid to comprehend my reason, that's not my problem, but you've been given my reason.

But you want me to say that I think it's okay for everyone else to say it, but not whites. Well, that's not my position at all. Frankly, if a record company or a basketball team shit-canned a black guy for saying it, that'd be just fine with me, as well...
NASCAR lives and dies on Sponsorships
Larson was a liability

  • CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Kyle Larson was fired Tuesday by Chip Ganassi Racing, completing a stunning downfall for the budding NASCAR star who uttered a racial slur during a live-streamed virtual race and then watched as nearly every one of his sponsors dropped him.
The 27-year-old Larson, in his seventh Cup season with Ganassi and considered the top free agent in NASCAR just three days ago, is now out of a job in what could ultimately be an eight-figure blunder.
I am sure a Black race car driver would have immediately been fired for randomly uttering "Cracker".
/----/ As it should be. We prefer to be called Honkie.
Just because a sponsor is big, doesn't mean they can be racist. They matched up Kyle's skin color and race to what he said, and then gave him a racially motivated lynching. Do you really think racially motivated lynchings are good?

Your dramatics betray you. By referring to it as something it definitely isn't, it's impossible to take you seriously and impossible to have a reasonable conversation with you.

THIS is a lynching, and something tells me you probably don't have much of a problem with what's depicted here:

There it is, democrats in action! Fucking democrats LOVE to lynch people. They may have altered the way they give lynchings a little, but they still LOVE to lynch people.
no law doesn't mean no consequences.
Inventors and men with vision like the guys who started a Pizza empire and was thrown out for something stupid and then a former basketball player parasite moves in to be the voice of it? How many people need to be destroyed before the nation tanks? You do know it is in decline right? Look how fast the financials went down in this current problem. Somewhere down the line someone, some people maybe even some nation is going to pay for this.

This mans career was derailed by barbarian liberals after he landed a space probe on a comet successfully....but wore a shirt feminist journalists didn’t like.

Then there is this brilliant man who invented and sold plants that glow in the dark as proof of concept for his dream...editing dna to eliminate aging in humans. Sergei Brin was funding his efforts. He was harassed to suicide by the media for comments that didn’t meet the approval of the political czars of the press.

We live in a dystopia. A man's life ruined for uttering a word. LOL!

A stupid fucking ruined.

Think about that? Think about the mentality that sits back and says

"ok...that's fair...that's just...that's deserved"

"Yeap...he said the word which shall never be said...he said...the N WOOOORD"

A nation full of fucking illogical, brain dead, unthinking, fucking sheep.

You know I seen you act dumb before but now Im convinced, you wasnt acting

Wait a second, fbj. YOU post "I "seen" you act dumb....." and "you "wasnt" acting". And HE'S the dumb one? You obviously slept through grammar lessons in school.

Only faggots care about grammar. Good night

So your high school English teacher liked to do you up the ass?
McDonalds should be held accountable then, for this racial lynching. They lynched Kyle for saying a word that any other skin color or race can use freely, so they should be held accountable for their racially motivated lynching.

Relying on dramatics like "They lynched Kyle" or "His career is destroyed" completely misrepresent reality.

It, too, was a business decision for McDonalds'. If every black person in America decided to stop eating at McDonald's because of what Larson said, it would represent a massive hit to McDonald's bottom line. That's not something McDonald's is going to even entertain. By not pulling their sponsorship, the message they send is that they share the values of CGR and Kyle Larson, and those just aren't values which are conducive to running a successful business.

To your other point, Kyle Larson can still use this word freely, just like anyone else of any other skin color...
It is illegal to make business decisions that benefit their business if those decisions are racist. The reality here is that they lynched kyle for saying a word that every other race and skin color is free to use without fear of repercussion. They matched up what kyle said to his race. Then lynched him according, based on his race.

Please stop using the word "lynched" because like "racist" is is starting to lose whatever meaning it had.
I support a business having the right to make what they believe is the best decision for their business. Period.
I agree- couple of things however.

1) it isn't prudent to throw rocks when you live in a glass house- which is what his sponsors and CGR are doing.
2) he has a large fan base and quite a few of them watch NASCAR only because he's racing in it.
3) NASCAR's fan base is eroding which is affecting their bottom line.
4) the highly subjective application of "legal" is "highly" suspicious- the "highly suspicious" and "highly subjective" have an agenda beyond being publicly polite. If people don't start pushing back, they will be in your living room, bed room, kitchen and schools- oh wait-

Anecdote: I LOVE making cars go fast and turning left (sometimes right) with a lot of internal combustion engine noise. I've watched NASCAR longer than most of the drivers today have been alive. I don't now because I don't subscribe to "best decisions" made by empty suits that charge way more than the product they deliver, i.e., Comcast cable TV. That decision, made by me, was in my best interest, which is not in NASCAR's best interest since most of it's revenue is from TV.
NASCAR has only in the last few years gotten more than one or two drivers who actually "race" every lap. Kyle is one of them. Now they have one less who is very popular.

BTW, The World of Outlaws, NOS Energy Drink series officials said Kyle has to attend sensitivity training and he will be welcomed to compete in their series- which is where a majority of his fan base resides.
And don’t forget the co-discoverer of the Double Helix James Watson. He was forced to retire, defunded and the textbook he wrote, Molecular Biology of the Gene...considered the defining work, has been removed from university courses all because of his comments on IQ and race.
These liberal barbarians will destroy society if we dint stop them.
Plenty of people have been talking about such laws. We see them being used in the UK to arrest people who say the wrong things.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what we're discussing...

And this is all coming from your side of the political divide.

"My side"?

Enlighten me, genius, what side do you believe that is?

YOur pretense of ignorance on this is not credible. IF it is true, you need to educate yourself fast.

This is a nonsensical statement which is utterly meaningless...

Within a decade or two, as we approach minority majority, have no doubt that hate speech crimes will be a thing in this country, barring radical changes in current trends.

Oh, settle down, Kitten. The sky's not falling here...

You have people, real people in this country being hurt by this politically correct witch hunt mentality.

Calling me "Kitten", is you using the Logical Fallacy of Ridicule to avoid defending the implications of your position.

Cowardly and dishonestly.

No, it's just an acknowledgment that I think you're acting like a whiny little girl...

I've asked you to tell us the real reason you support this action. YOu keep talking obvious smack.

What is your real reason?

You seriously need to pull your head out of your ass. I've given you the real reason, and I've done it several times. You just don't like the fact that it's not what you want to hear. Now, if you're too fucking stupid to comprehend my reason, that's not my problem, but you've been given my reason.

But you want me to say that I think it's okay for everyone else to say it, but not whites. Well, that's not my position at all. Frankly, if a record company or a basketball team shit-canned a black guy for saying it, that'd be just fine with me, as well...

1. Speaking out against a real injustice, is not being "Whiny". Trying to dismiss and ridicule people speaking out against an injustice, is a defense of that injustice.

2. I've asked about the morality of their decision and you keep wanting to talk about their right to do it. That is a painfully obvious dodge, that is not fooling anyone.

3. You support black people being fired for saying the same word? How brave of you. Meanwhile in the real word, we have different standards for different people based on their race, with white people losing their jobs for actions that blacks get a pass on.

4. This is anti-white racism and you support it. That is what this is about.
I support a business having the right to make what they believe is the best decision for their business. Period.
I agree- couple of things however.

1) it isn't prudent to throw rocks when you live in a glass house- which is what his sponsors and CGR are doing.
2) he has a large fan base and quite a few of them watch NASCAR only because he's racing in it.
3) NASCAR's fan base is eroding which is affecting their bottom line.
4) the highly subjective application of "legal" is "highly" suspicious- the "highly suspicious" and "highly subjective" have an agenda beyond being publicly polite. If people don't start pushing back, they will be in your living room, bed room, kitchen and schools- oh wait-

Do you think, even for a second, that NASCAR and CGR didn't consider all of the possible ramifications and fallout?

I don't believe NASCAR's fan base is eroding at all. All indications are that NASCAR is more popular now than it's ever been. I see that every time I drive by Daytona Int'l Speedway (I live about 45 minutes north and spend a great deal of time in Daytona). Forget about driving anywhere near the place on race weekend if you're not attending the race. Want to attend the race? Better get your tickets before the scalpers get them, because they'll sell every single one they have. Even when there's not a race going on, it's not unusual to see a couple hundred cars in the parking lot every day belonging to people who are taking the tours they offer there.

For the Daytona 500 this past February, every single seat was sold. There are tickets online for the Coke Zero Sugar 400 priced at $175, and every single one of those seats will sell. Those same seats are available for the 2021 Daytona 500 for $230, and every single seat will sell.

NASCAR has only in the last few years gotten more than one or two drivers who actually "race" every lap. Kyle is one of them. Now they have one less who is very popular.

Perhaps, but the next Jeff Gordon or Jimmy Johnson or, yeah, Kyle Larson isn't too far out...

BTW, The World of Outlaws, NOS Energy Drink series officials said Kyle has to attend sensitivity training and he will be welcomed to compete in their series- which is where a majority of his fan base resides.

NASCAR has told him the same thing. All else being equal, he'll go back to NASCAR if he can, simply because that's where the big money is...
Plenty of people have been talking about such laws. We see them being used in the UK to arrest people who say the wrong things.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what we're discussing...

And this is all coming from your side of the political divide.

"My side"?

Enlighten me, genius, what side do you believe that is?

YOur pretense of ignorance on this is not credible. IF it is true, you need to educate yourself fast.

This is a nonsensical statement which is utterly meaningless...

Within a decade or two, as we approach minority majority, have no doubt that hate speech crimes will be a thing in this country, barring radical changes in current trends.

Oh, settle down, Kitten. The sky's not falling here...

You have people, real people in this country being hurt by this politically correct witch hunt mentality.

Calling me "Kitten", is you using the Logical Fallacy of Ridicule to avoid defending the implications of your position.

Cowardly and dishonestly.

No, it's just an acknowledgment that I think you're acting like a whiny little girl...

I've asked you to tell us the real reason you support this action. YOu keep talking obvious smack.

What is your real reason?

You seriously need to pull your head out of your ass. I've given you the real reason, and I've done it several times. You just don't like the fact that it's not what you want to hear. Now, if you're too fucking stupid to comprehend my reason, that's not my problem, but you've been given my reason.

But you want me to say that I think it's okay for everyone else to say it, but not whites. Well, that's not my position at all. Frankly, if a record company or a basketball team shit-canned a black guy for saying it, that'd be just fine with me, as well...

1. Speaking out against a real injustice, is not being "Whiny". Trying to dismiss and ridicule people speaking out against an injustice, is a defense of that injustice.

2. I've asked about the morality of their decision and you keep wanting to talk about their right to do it. That is a painfully obvious dodge, that is not fooling anyone.

3. You support black people being fired for saying the same word? How brave of you. Meanwhile in the real word, we have different standards for different people based on their race, with white people losing their jobs for actions that blacks get a pass on.

4. This is anti-white racism and you support it. That is what this is about.

It's becoming painfully clear to me that you just might be too fucking stupid to have this discussion with me.

The "morality" exists with regards to the health of their business. It would be immoral of them to not protect the health of their business. Period. CGR didn't fire him because they want to pander to blacks. They fired him because it was going to severely impact the financial health of their business.

Yes, I would support a business firing a black guy for the same thing. The fact that you're so dismissive of that demonstrates that you don't actually know how to disagree with someone. You want to brow beat me into saying what you want and agreeing with you, and it's not going to happen...
And don’t forget the co-discoverer of the Double Helix James Watson. He was forced to retire, defunded and the textbook he wrote, Molecular Biology of the Gene...considered the defining work, has been removed from university courses all because of his comments on IQ and race.
These liberal barbarians will destroy society if we dint stop them.
Good point. Kyle Larson is just the latest victim of this PC police state that destroys people's lives over words. In the case of Dr. Watson it wasn't even a random slur everything he wrote and said was accurate.
Plenty of people have been talking about such laws. We see them being used in the UK to arrest people who say the wrong things.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what we're discussing...

And this is all coming from your side of the political divide.

"My side"?

Enlighten me, genius, what side do you believe that is?

YOur pretense of ignorance on this is not credible. IF it is true, you need to educate yourself fast.

This is a nonsensical statement which is utterly meaningless...

Within a decade or two, as we approach minority majority, have no doubt that hate speech crimes will be a thing in this country, barring radical changes in current trends.

Oh, settle down, Kitten. The sky's not falling here...

You have people, real people in this country being hurt by this politically correct witch hunt mentality.

Calling me "Kitten", is you using the Logical Fallacy of Ridicule to avoid defending the implications of your position.

Cowardly and dishonestly.

No, it's just an acknowledgment that I think you're acting like a whiny little girl...

I've asked you to tell us the real reason you support this action. YOu keep talking obvious smack.

What is your real reason?

You seriously need to pull your head out of your ass. I've given you the real reason, and I've done it several times. You just don't like the fact that it's not what you want to hear. Now, if you're too fucking stupid to comprehend my reason, that's not my problem, but you've been given my reason.

But you want me to say that I think it's okay for everyone else to say it, but not whites. Well, that's not my position at all. Frankly, if a record company or a basketball team shit-canned a black guy for saying it, that'd be just fine with me, as well...

1. Speaking out against a real injustice, is not being "Whiny". Trying to dismiss and ridicule people speaking out against an injustice, is a defense of that injustice.

2. I've asked about the morality of their decision and you keep wanting to talk about their right to do it. That is a painfully obvious dodge, that is not fooling anyone.

3. You support black people being fired for saying the same word? How brave of you. Meanwhile in the real word, we have different standards for different people based on their race, with white people losing their jobs for actions that blacks get a pass on.

4. This is anti-white racism and you support it. That is what this is about.

It's becoming painfully clear to me that you just might be too fucking stupid to have this discussion with me.

The "morality" exists with regards to the health of their business. It would be immoral of them to not protect the health of their business. Period. CGR didn't fire him because they want to pander to blacks. They fired him because it was going to severely impact the financial health of their business.

Yes, I would support a business firing a black guy for the same thing. The fact that you're so dismissive of that demonstrates that you don't actually know how to disagree with someone. You want to brow beat me into saying what you want and agreeing with you, and it's not going to happen...

1. Morality is not defined by the health of the business. That is a silly thing to claim, the type of logic pretzel you get, when someone pushes against a weak made up excuse. By that logic, the Triangle Slave Trade was moral cause it made lots of money. LOL!!!

2. Calling me names, is your attempt to distract from my argument(s) that you cannot refute.

3. You support black people being fired for saying the same word? How brave of you. Meanwhile in the real word, we have different standards for different people based on their race, with white people losing their jobs for actions that blacks get a pass on.

4. This is anti-white racism and you support it. That is what this is about.

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