So Joe... what is the "fair share"???

What a stupid, stupid demand. No leftist is promoting a "Leninist/Stalinist utopia", so your question is disingenuous at best.

As for "Stalinism", it's Donald Trump who is parrotiong Staling in calling the free press the "enemy of the people" and those who protect the nation from despots the "Deep State". Trump talks about about jailing his enemies, and asking for "Absolute Immunity" to assassinate his opponents, and jail his critics.

Meanwhile, the billionaire owned and controlled media are all promoting his lies, because they're getting richer and more control of the nation under Trump.

Trump says he's going to be a dictator "for just one day". Never, in the history of the world, has anyone been a dictator and then given it up voluntarily. Power corrupts. Absolutely power corrupts absolutely.
/——/ Tissue, Snowflake?
They think that their Dear Leader will let them take their anger and vengeance out on immigrants and minorities. He's going to lock up Democrats, and put white people in charge.

The problem for Trump is that anger and grievance are exhausting and the electorate at large, is tired of the chaos. The ONLY way Trump can win is to get enough people angry enough for long enough to overlook his shortcomings and failures long enough to vote for him.

Here is where and how Trump is going to lose: He's cracking under the stress, and he's not well. He's running on "Joe Biden's dementia" because mentally, Trump has lost several steps since 2020, which anyone can clearly see in his recent speeches.

He's calling Joe a "pedophile" because he was Jeffrey Epstein's best friend and has been found guilty of sexual assault and rape. There are genuinely "creepy" pictures of Trump and Ivanka when she was a young teen aand his admissions that he walked into the Miss Teen USA pageant to oogle naked teenagers.

Trump is saying Biden is "corrupt" and "on the take", because it's been proven that Trump is corrupt and on the take. Just like calling Clinton, "Crooked Hillary", when Trump has now has multiple convictions and settlements involving "fraud".

The American people really aren't paying attention to election stuff at the moment. They won't start paying attention until the Fall, and when they do they will be shocked at the slurred speech, the rambling incoherence, and the apocalyptic vision for America's future.

But for now, they're not donating, they NOT showing up for his rallies and 20% of Republicans continue to vote for Nicki Haley, despite her having dropped out months ago. Even worse for Trump, a large swath of Republicans will NOT vote for Trump if he is convicted next week.
Cry more.

Tater is a vegetable, like you.
Sure they have. The clueless, which is most of the left when it comes to economics, think by making rich people pay more and become poorer, the lower income people will somehow be helped and become richer. It just doesn't work that way.
I use to do computer work for a yacht manufacturer and all of the yacht workers were very happy there were people becoming richer to buy their yachts that the workers built.
Plus these "clueless" people probably think the wealthy hide their wealth under the mattress or buried in backyard. These "clueless" are truly economics ignorant!
I use to do computer work for a yacht manufacturer and all of the yacht workers were very happy there were people becoming richer to buy their yachts that the workers built.
Plus these "clueless" people probably think the wealthy hide their wealth under the mattress or buried in backyard. These "clueless" are truly economics ignorant!
They have no idea how much poorer the poor will be if Biden is successful in going after yet more of the rich's wealth. Wealthy people will simply pull their money out of the banks and shelter their cash and do their business in less unfriendly economic environments off shore. Less money in the banks for the less rich to borrow, few jobs for the less rich, lower pay and fewer benefits for the less rich, less opportunity for everybody in the USA.

Trump leveled the laying field for the rich somewhat and they stepped up to the plate, began bringing their cash, businesses and investments home to take advantage of more beneficial policies, hired millions more people, increased salaries and benefits for everybody.

More than 90% of jobs created under Obama had been part time or temporary jobs with few or no benefits. Trump's policies made it practical to start hiring full time people with benefits again.
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The US offers fewer social benefits, less modern transportation and worker protections than other industrialized countries
Yea isn't that too bad!
USA has highest disposable income and 2nd highest per person GDP.
All the while the USA has almost 500% larger GDP then the 2nd largest country, Germany.
Plus 283 million vehicles that consumers of frozen food doesn't have to worry about melting as
those "countries" with "modern transportation"!
I've never figured out how a European with more modern transportation can go to supermarket, go into another store without the bag(s) getting inspected, keep the ice cream cold and then go into a department store with grocery bag, department store bags and then wait for the next train....all the while the ice cream is melting! Very simple issue but certainly not a problem with an American and their 283 million cars.
They have no idea how much poorer the poor will be if Biden is successful in going after yet more of the rich's wealth. Wealthy people will simply pull their money out of the banks and shelter their cash and do their business in less unfriendly economic environments off shore. Less money in the banks for the less rich to borrow, few jobs for the less rich, lower pay and fewer benefits for the less rich, less opportunity for everybody in the USA.

Trump leveled the laying field for the rich somewhat and they stepped up to the plate, began bringing their cash, businesses and investments home to take advantage of more beneficial policies, hired millions of more people, increased salaries and benefits for everybody.

More than 90% of jobs created under Obama had been part time or temporary jobs with few or no benefits. Trump's policies made it practical to start hiring full time people with benefits again.
/——/ democRAT motto: Screw the poor.
They have no idea how much poorer the poor will be if Biden is successful in going after yet more of the rich's wealth. Wealthy people will simply pull their money out of the banks and shelter their cash and do their business in less unfriendly economic environments off shore. Less money in the banks for the less rich to borrow, few jobs for the less rich, lower pay and fewer benefits for the less rich, less opportunity for everybody in the USA.

Trump leveled the laying field for the rich somewhat and they stepped up to the plate, began bringing their cash, businesses and investments home to take advantage of more beneficial policies, hired millions of more people, increased salaries and benefits for everybody.

More than 90% of jobs created under Obama had been part time or temporary jobs with few or no benefits. Trump's policies made it practical to start hiring full time people with benefits again.
Plus Trump's repatriation process brought back nearly $1 trillion repatriated from offshore while paying $340 Billion in taxes.
What is the TCJA repatriation tax and how does it work?.
As I've said so many times, I personally don't like Trump's narcissism, braggart, loudmouth personality which also combined with his EXECUTIVE DEMEANOR though got things done for me and all Americans!
He was an American first who loves America, the military and respects religions.
Plus Trump's repatriation process brought back nearly $1 trillion repatriated from offshore while paying $340 Billion in taxes.
What is the TCJA repatriation tax and how does it work?.
As I've said so many times, I personally don't like Trump's narcissism, braggart, loudmouth personality which also combined with his EXECUTIVE DEMEANOR though got things done for me and all Americans!
He was an American first who loves America, the military and respects religions.
/—/ Trump is your typical in your face New Yorker.
The US offers fewer social benefits, less modern transportation and worker protections than other industrialized countries
That's most because other countries governments' dictate to the people what social benefits they will have and allow them few if any other options. And they tax them brutally to pay for those social services. America was set up where the people are intended to decide what kind of services they want, not the government.
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Plus Trump's repatriation process brought back nearly $1 trillion repatriated from offshore while paying $340 Billion in taxes.
What is the TCJA repatriation tax and how does it work?.
As I've said so many times, I personally don't like Trump's narcissism, braggart, loudmouth personality which also combined with his EXECUTIVE DEMEANOR though got things done for me and all Americans!
He was an American first who loves America, the military and respects religions.
Yes. I mentioned they brought their cash and investments back home because the tax system was no longer so unfair and punitive for them.

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