So is France "Islamophobic"? Practical? Showing common sense???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
France closes 4 mosques for promoting 'radical ideology'
PARIS – France's interior minister has ordered the closure of four mosques that allegedly espoused a 'radical ideology,' the latest such shutdowns among dozens since the Nov. 13 Paris attacks nearly a year ago.
A state of emergency in France allows for the closing of places of worship where the preaching risks provoking hate, violence or acts of terrorism.
France closes 4 mosques for promoting 'radical ideology'
France closes 4 mosques for promoting 'radical ideology'
PARIS – France's interior minister has ordered the closure of four mosques that allegedly espoused a 'radical ideology,' the latest such shutdowns among dozens since the Nov. 13 Paris attacks nearly a year ago.
A state of emergency in France allows for the closing of places of worship where the preaching risks provoking hate, violence or acts of terrorism.
France closes 4 mosques for promoting 'radical ideology'

The last one. good for them. looks like they are snapping out of it now.
Good on `em...

If ya don't stand up to the Mooslamics...

... den dey'll walk all over ya...

... just like the Hispexicans...

... anna gays anna Dindu Nuffins.
France suffered the largest attack on their country since WWII at the hands of Muslims inside their country....and you ask if they are over-reacting?

If you find out you have a cancerous tumor inside your body, do you cut it out or allow it to remain, to grow, become a bigger threat, and finally kill you?

Just saying.....
Good on `em...

If ya don't stand up to the Mooslamics...

... den dey'll walk all over ya...

... just like the Hispexicans...

... anna gays anna Dindu Nuffins.

My goodness. Are you representative of the 17,807 residents of Okolona? Do you talk this way while shopping in the Jefferson Mall?
Maybe you've been so waterlogged being in the flood zone of the Ohio river. Oh...maybe it's because you are a....
"35 years old, eating a steady diet of government cheese, thrice divorced, and living in a van down by the river! "

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