So if Trump gets the most votes.......


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
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can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?

Whether or not they can is not the same as whether or not they will. I believe the delegates are not technically required to vote for any particular candidate, and the GOP does have unpledged delegates in addition to those assigned to the states, but typically, the GOP sticks to the primary results.
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?

Yes. Mitt Romney will speak Thursday. Mitt has stated that he would rather see Hillary win the election for the Democrats than see Trump win. That is what we are faced with. There is no difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties. They all work for George Soros, Wall Street, and big money.
the way I understand is that Trump needs to get a certain number , somewhere about 1230 . Failure to get that number open things up so that that Delegates vote for who they want the nominee to be Gracie . Just trying to be helpful , don't knpw if I am correct or even answering your question Gracie !!
This is just....wrong. If the PEOPLE are to "vote" in who they want as is it a group of other people can say "no, not him/her"? What happened to We The People?

If that happens..whether it is GOP or DEM or whomever....I think there will be another civil war. WE choose. Or we are supposed to, aren't we?
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.
the way I understand is that Trump needs to get a certain number , somewhere about 1230 . Failure to get that number open things up so that that Delegates vote for who they want the nominee to be Gracie . Just trying to be helpful , don't knpw if I am correct or even answering your question Gracie !!

There is also that. If no one gets the required number of delegates, then the convention becomes something of a free-for-all. Also, all the delegates who were awarded to candidates who subsequently dropped out are generally released to vote however they would like.
This is just....wrong. If the PEOPLE are to "vote" in who they want as is it a group of other people can say "no, not him/her"? What happened to We The People?

If that happens..whether it is GOP or DEM or whomever....I think there will be another civil war. WE choose. Or we are supposed to, aren't we?

We vote for the President, but political parties are not technically part of the government. They're private groups, and they can therefore choose their representatives however they wish.

Now, again, what they CAN do and what they WILL do are two very different things. The GOP wants voters to support them in the general election, and they know Republicans/conservatives are the sort who won't accept being overruled lightly. Cantankerous little cusses, we are.
If Trump gets 1237 delegates- he wins. Period. They will not be able to stop him.

If he gets less than that, it gets very complicated.

He has 319 now and there are 1,777 still up for grabs.
So if he gets the 1237 delegate...can they still say no to him and put in someone else, like cruz or romney?
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.
Trump has to get the minimum votes or it goes to a Brokered Convention, where they can change their votes and screw the voters. If they do this the GOP is done.

Those that say they will take Hillary over Trump............are why the Tea Party is been trying to mount their dang heads on walls.

This is just....wrong. If the PEOPLE are to "vote" in who they want as is it a group of other people can say "no, not him/her"? What happened to We The People?

If that happens..whether it is GOP or DEM or whomever....I think there will be another civil war. WE choose. Or we are supposed to, aren't we?

A primary is when a political party chooses its delegate- however that political party wants to.
If Trump gets 1237 delegates- he wins. Period. They will not be able to stop him.

If he gets less than that, it gets very complicated.

He has 319 now and there are 1,777 still up for grabs.
So if he gets the 1237 delegate...can they still say no to him and put in someone else, like cruz or romney?

No, they can't.
If Trump gets 1237 delegates- he wins. Period. They will not be able to stop him.

If he gets less than that, it gets very complicated.

He has 319 now and there are 1,777 still up for grabs.
So if he gets the 1237 delegate...can they still say no to him and put in someone else, like cruz or romney?
No...........he gets the minimum they can't do it...............the others stay in the race and bleed off delegates trying to prevent him from getting the magic number............This is a 2 person race.......the others should drop out.
I wish I could remember what news website talked about the secret plans and meetings and Romney secretly waiting. But from what is happening looks like it was a legit leak to them cuz now Romney is doing his speech, so it is all adding up. And since when is Romney something special??
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".
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I wish I could remember what news website talked about the secret plans and meetings and Romney secretly waiting. But from what is happening looks like it was a legit leak to them cuz now Romney is doing his speech, so it is all adding up. And since when is Romney something special??
They could try it but it would be political suicide. Every state and local republican would pay for that choice.
Currently, the GOP has only 2 weeks to stop Trump, and the way they are going about it is to get Rubio to win FL and Kasich to win OH (both are winner take all states for delegates), thereby reducing the number of votes available for Trump, which in turn would lead to a brokered convention.

However.....................if after OH and FL, Trump has the required amount of votes to make 50 percent plus one, the GOP is done and Trump is their candate.
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