So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

If these turd brains had any really convictions on violence they would be marching in the ghetto areas of the big city shitholes demanding that the leadership do something about the tremendous community violence among the druggies, illegals, gang members and welfare queens. That is where most of the gun violence in the US takes place on a daily basis. In those "sanctuary" cities controlled by corrupt and idiotic Democrats.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.
You must have read that wrong ...that's not really what they want they only want evil assault weapons banned

He's not wrong, he actually believes what he writes.

Yes, and not what you write.

Your perception of reality is self serving. You and others who support governmental laissez faire, i.e. the callous conservative set, only care about your own rights and not the basic human rights of life, liberty and happiness of others.

Your understanding of the Golden Rule is this you want the gold, and want to make the rules. This is why today's March in The District and in cities around our nationso upset you and others and mock these future leaders bringing reality to pols and challenging authority. Democracy in Action.

Imagine what a Putin would do if this occurred in Russian, and remember what China did at Tienanmen square; that is what will be the next new reality will be if we continue to allow sociopaths to make our laws and enforce them.

There are as many gun owners as there are the Let's Disarm Everyone Crowd, so where is the Counter Movement, where is the organised guns owners and Pro-Second Amendment March? There isn't one, they are just sitting in their houses thinking that their Constitution is going to save them when it ISN'T, resting on laurels and taking things for granted is not a sensible option.

The groups who are funding the Let's Disarm Everyone Crowd and using and prepping CHILDREN to put out in front, they do not give a crap about your Second Amendment OR your Constitution and you should be aware that they are planning someway to CHANGE that Second Amendment as the means to remove ALL guns including handguns from your civilian population and UNLESS people organise a Counter Movement they are going to win.

You cannot rely on your politicians, they do not give a shit about you they only are beholden to their corporate paymasters, you cannot rely on Donald Trump because he does not give a shit about you either.

The only ones you can rely on is yourself and each other.

Good post.

We need a million armed man march on DC.
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.

They could not parrot better were they in a cage.
When you repeat the same old tired bullshit taught to you by the NRA and your gun toting militia contacts, it's not parroting, though, is it?

It is parroting. It is parroting the Constitution. Yes it is. Not leftist claptrap.

What these children do not comprehend is that the NRA is composed of voters. That's what the left really objects to. The NRA cannot do anything. It's like the PTA. The voters that support the NRA vote their interests and their interests are defending themselves, their homes and their families. The left wants people to stop self defense.
Well, if the voters don't want their guns controlled, they had better start listening very carefully and speaking very persuasively to these kids, because the majority will be at the polls in 2020.
Calling them parrots, skinhead lesbians, Marxist puppets, overall dismissing them as too young to have any ideas of their not going to work.
clearly, you've got a problem with the first

Not at all. I one-hundred percent support their right to make asses of themselves. The intentions of their masters have been clear for decades.

It is of no consequence, however. The country will not be going that way.

I'm watching on and off but they seem to outnumber you across the U.S. It's not just the major cities they have 3 going on around my area of three cities. So million's of future voters and some that can vote now are going to get you.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.





Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition movement

The left lies constantly, and one of their lies is that “no one is coming for your guns”.

Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:

- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.





Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

[URL='']Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition movement
I wonder if she is from Maine? We get a lot of out of staters up here (we need a wall).
Maine has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country, and one of the lowest gun homicide rates. Last year we passed free concealed carry--no license necessary. Kids can hunt (with their parents) as soon as they can walk.
So don't lose a lot of sleep over this op ed, Lucy. I know it's not a mainstream opinion in Maine and I highly doubt it is anywhere else in the country.
We do, obviously, believe in the 1st Amendment though.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.





Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition movement
I wonder if she is from Maine? We get a lot of out of staters up here (we need a wall).
Maine has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country, and one of the lowest gun homicide rates. Last year we passed free concealed carry--no license necessary. Kids can hunt (with their parents) as soon as they can walk.
So don't lose a lot of sleep over this op ed, Lucy. I know it's not a mainstream opinion in Maine and I highly doubt it is anywhere else in the country.
We do, obviously, believe in the 1st Amendment though.

The person who wrote that article is called Greg Bates, this is all they have about him:

Greg Bates is a resident of Monroe and a freelance editor and publisher at Common Courage Press.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

One thing about the group of idiot kids.

They didn't learn a damn thing in school about the Bill of Rights.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.
No, no Counter Movement. The gun nutters already have the upper hand. Threatening people in the streets for wanting PEACE is not a good look. You folks in Europe sure do things peculiar. Why advocate for Antifa tactics, Lucy?
This new virtue signaling nonsense will be as effective as this old one:

- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.
No, no Counter Movement. The gun nutters already have the upper hand. Threatening people in the streets for wanting PEACE is not a good look. You folks in Europe sure do things peculiar. Why advocate for Antifa tactics, Lucy?

"No, no Counter Movement."

Of course being a Leftist you are frightened of a Counter Movement from the Right because Leftists are ALL Beta Cuck Faggots and they know a Counter Movement from the Right would wipe the floor with them, which is WHY there needs to be a Counter Movement.

"Why advocate for Antifa tactics, Lucy?"

Antifa are yours, they belong to you.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.

If you look at the design of the t shirts they have March For Our Lives the design is almost identical to Black Lives Matter.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.

If you look at the design of the t shirts they have March For Our Lives the design is almost identical to Black Lives Matter.


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