So, I am watching ESPN2 . Grantland Oscar Preview. ABC mind you. Guess what they talking about.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Yes, they are talking about how shocked they are that there is no black person nominated. How there is a real problem in Hollywood. That it consists mainly of old white people. That the fact that Selma was not in any way nominated is real mystery. Also, there are not enough dramatic roles for black people.

They will not stop. They, just, will, not, stop.

Here is a clue. The movie Selma? It sucked.
Now the two white guys on there (you know the types) are now saying Robin Givens should have been in Basic Instinct 22 years ago instead of Sharon Stone.

They believe that was a race issue.

They, just, will, not, stop.
Until everything is black and Muslim nothing will make them happy.

Of course they look the other way when discussing the NBA and NFL, there should be quotas in both. Would make it much more interesting.
Perhaps this is a state of emergency. Really. Al Sharpton called this a state of emergency.

Not, ISIS planning on a spring or summer offensive in a massive terror attack along with the mass murders or Iraqi people burned alive or children being buried alive or Christians being beheaded for their faith, or women being stoned to death for being...a woman.

No no no.

Black films not being nominated and the horrible racist state in America, where THOSE PEOPLE have it better here, than any other place on earth.

That, is the state of emergency.

Yeah, just when you thought you could not possibly hate liberals more.
Coming soon...Oscars affirmative action.

They already have that.

I seem to remember black year when they honored Sidney Potiererere (however you spell that fucking name) two black actors (shockingly) won it. Just shocked I tell you. Shocked.

Halle Berry and Denzel Washington that year.

To a race profiteer like Sharpton, if they are not patronized, that is the same thing as slavery.
Coming soon...Oscars affirmative action.

I suppose it would be better if there were a lot of nominations then they would have lost. They could not understand how the richest woman in Hollywood could lose, it would have to be racism. No way a poor black woman could become a millionaire amid such blatant racism. And no way a film that is predominately black sucks.
I have it!!!! Give everyone an Oscar, you know like they do in sports with the little ones. Everybody wins and nobody gets butt hurt
The problem for the move Selma, is that America is becoming race fatigued.

Let's get rid of all award shows and replace them with Identity Politics awards shows.

Ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, net worth, divide us all up just like they want.

A thousand award shows, everyone's a winner, no one is offended.

Awards just hurt people's feelings, we can't have that.


they are way ahead of you

American Black Music Awards

Miss Black America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, that's acceptable, and there are plenty more examples.

Selective outrage, you know.

The problem for the move Selma, is that America is becoming race fatigued.

I will make sure it is front and center, and I know there are enough stupid white liberals that will back me.

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