So has ONE SINGLE Democrat Been Sent to Jail for their Well Documented Misbehavior?

No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?

That's because no Democrat has broken the law, no matter how much poo the monkeys on the right fling at the wall.
Sorry that nothings sticking. Abuse of power is something that no DOJ employee wants branded on their resume.
The certainly have broken the law, shit for brains. They leaked classified information, perjured themselves to a FISA judge, destroyed evidence and on and on and on.

But first, they'd have to have a real case for lawbreaking. Not just the word of partisan hacks and the hysterical rantings of right wing media. So far, Barr and his minions haven't been able to manufacture one ounce of evidence to produce a grand jury or a conviction. And they won't. Any attempt to do so would constitute an immediate abuse of power. Something that no employee of a law enforcement agency will stick their neck out to do. All you have so far is an IG report that's critical of the FISA process. And that was just partisan nitpicking. If that's the best they can do, they got nothing. Just a crapload of alt-right poo slinging.

If only Hannity's show were accepted as evidence in court!
If only Hannity's show were accepted as evidence in court!
Laugh it up, douche bag.

Time is on the side of the American people and FDRs little machine is coming down, and coming down very hard.

Hope that amuses you too, cuz then I'll KNOW I am right.
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Democrats are the crooks, dumbass.
Elijah Cummings was the tip of the ice burg, devouring $15.7 billion in two years.

That Trump understands this clarifies Hillary's fear of them all going to jail.
Wrong. The guy works for the CIA, and the issue at hand had nothing to do with intelligence. Furthermore, the IG changed the standard to allow hearsay, and that is clearly horseshit. are wrong. No rules were changed. As usual, Trumpists invent conspiracy theories to support their empty claims. Link after link has been posted to show no rules were changed. The only change made was to the format of the form itself, adding check so it be easy to see whether there was 2nd hand information, which would require additional verification.
Lol, what complete and utter BS, Coyote.
What the forms STATED was:
"At the time the Complainant filed the Disclosure of Urgent Concern form with the ICIG on August 12, 2019, the ICIG followed its routine practice and provided the Complainant information, including “Background Information on ICWPA Process,” which included the following language:​
In order to find an urgent concern “credible,” the IC IG must be in possession of reliable, first-hand information. The IC IG cannot transmit information via the ICWPA based on an employee’s second-hand knowledge of wrongdoing. This includes information received from another person, such as when a fellow employee informs you that he/she witnessed some type of wrongdoing.​
The law does not require first hand information in an initial complaint, but before acting on it and finding it credible, the IG is supposed to verify the information via investigating thesituation deliberately and carefully, which this IG did not do. The DOJ Horrowitz IG report on the abuse of FISA was done slowly and deliberately the way it is supposed to be done, in contrast to the Never Trumper TDSing Atkinison who did not verify any of the allegations and when the truth emerged he looked like the complete fool he was for trusting a Democrat to tell the Truth.

That's because the allegation of wrong doing was against the President of the United States, and the IG cannot investigate the President.
If only Hannity's show were accepted as evidence in court!
Laugh it up, douche bag.

Time is on the side of the American people and FDRs little machine is coming down, and coming down very hard.

Hope that amuses you too, cuz then I'll KNOW I am right.

It's not FDR's machine that's coming down, it's President Reagan's low wage, no unions, no benefits economy that is coming down here. And it will stay down until "essential workers" start getting better wages and cheap health care for all, because it won't be able to get back up without them.

Just like the United States couldn't get back up in 1929 without the New Deal that St. Ronnie dismantled in 1980.
If only Hannity's show were accepted as evidence in court!
Laugh it up, douche bag.

Time is on the side of the American people and FDRs little machine is coming down, and coming down very hard.

Hope that amuses you too, cuz then I'll KNOW I am right.

It's a ridiculous thread. The idiot Kevin McCarthy said on FOX that the Select Committee had been able to knock some points off Clinton's ratings. That was the whole point. If it hadn't been election season, the whole email fiasco would have been treated as the minor no harm/no foul indiscretion it was.

You Trumpkins are the most gullible bunch of gonads to ever be indoctrinated by reality TV. What the fuck were you thinking? There was never a day in Trump's life when he was fit for the office he holds. H.L. Mencken predicted him, and you idiots delivered.
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Democrats are all crooks. That has been proven beyond all doubt.

Yet in the majority, it seems that only Republicans are going to jail over the last three decades. Why is that? :)
Clinton?..only 1 or 2 people going to jail. Obama?..0 people going to jail.
Reagan, both of the Bush(s), Trump?..what are we on, over 120+ now?

Yeah, Republicans are the just..and the righteous.
No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?

That's because no Democrat has broken the law, no matter how much poo the monkeys on the right fling at the wall.
Sorry that nothings sticking. Abuse of power is something that no DOJ employee wants branded on their resume.
The certainly have broken the law, shit for brains. They leaked classified information, perjured themselves to a FISA judge, destroyed evidence and on and on and on.

But first, they'd have to have a real case for lawbreaking. Not just the word of partisan hacks and the hysterical rantings of right wing media. So far, Barr and his minions haven't been able to manufacture one ounce of evidence to produce a grand jury or a conviction. And they won't. Any attempt to do so would constitute an immediate abuse of power. Something that no employee of a law enforcement agency will stick their neck out to do. All you have so far is an IG report that's critical of the FISA process. And that was just partisan nitpicking. If that's the best they can do, they got nothing. Just a crapload of alt-right poo slinging.

If only Hannity's show were accepted as evidence in court!
The problem is, all of the Prog backed shows are evidence against the Repubs or Non Progs. And it is all on the TV 24 hours a day. People never get away from it. Morning, Noon and Night. Just the same propaganda over and over and over.
No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?

That's because no Democrat has broken the law, no matter how much poo the monkeys on the right fling at the wall.
Sorry that nothings sticking. Abuse of power is something that no DOJ employee wants branded on their resume.
The certainly have broken the law, shit for brains. They leaked classified information, perjured themselves to a FISA judge, destroyed evidence and on and on and on.

But first, they'd have to have a real case for lawbreaking. Not just the word of partisan hacks and the hysterical rantings of right wing media. So far, Barr and his minions haven't been able to manufacture one ounce of evidence to produce a grand jury or a conviction. And they won't. Any attempt to do so would constitute an immediate abuse of power. Something that no employee of a law enforcement agency will stick their neck out to do. All you have so far is an IG report that's critical of the FISA process. And that was just partisan nitpicking. If that's the best they can do, they got nothing. Just a crapload of alt-right poo slinging.

If only Hannity's show were accepted as evidence in court!
The problem is, all of the Prog backed shows are evidence against the Repubs or Non Progs. And it is all on the TV 24 hours a day. People never get away from it. Morning, Noon and Night. Just the same propaganda over and over and over.

If Trump's own words coming out of Trump's own mouth don't show you he's unfit, no amount of "Prog backed shows" will.
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Democrats are all crooks. That has been proven beyond all doubt.
Give us some links about what crooks democrats are. In the meantime here's a link from a few years ago about more crooked republicans. Doesn't include the latest linup of crooks like roger stone, or manafort or cohen etc, Then there's duncan hunter who had the seat in san diego and is heading for prison. His seat is the one once held by another republican who went to prison...duke cunningham. No, it's something about being a republican that brings out the worst in people. Now they're making a big deal out of going to church. Even this bucket of piss in the oval office will probably go to some type of service easter sunday. Such hypocrites.
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Democrats are all crooks. That has been proven beyond all doubt.
Give us some links about what crooks democrats are. In the meantime here's a link from a few years ago about more crooked republicans. Doesn't include the latest linup of crooks like roger stone, or manafort or cohen etc, Then there's duncan hunter who had the seat in san diego and is heading for prison. His seat is the one once held by another republican who went to prison...duke cunningham. No, it's something about being a republican that brings out the worst in people. Now they're making a big deal out of going to church. Even this bucket of piss in the oval office will probably go to some type of service easter sunday. Such hypocrites.
Ray Nagin​
Alan Cranston​
Dennis DeConcini​
Donald Riegle​
John Glenn​
Edwin W. Edwards​
Kwame M. Kilpatrick​
Marion Barry​
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Democrats are all crooks. That has been proven beyond all doubt.
Give us some links about what crooks democrats are. In the meantime here's a link from a few years ago about more crooked republicans. Doesn't include the latest linup of crooks like roger stone, or manafort or cohen etc, Then there's duncan hunter who had the seat in san diego and is heading for prison. His seat is the one once held by another republican who went to prison...duke cunningham. No, it's something about being a republican that brings out the worst in people. Now they're making a big deal out of going to church. Even this bucket of piss in the oval office will probably go to some type of service easter sunday. Such hypocrites.
Someone already posted your list in a different form. It's clearly bullshit. Only one from the Clinton adminstration? I myself have posted a list for Clinton that contains more than 40 names.
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Democrats are all crooks. That has been proven beyond all doubt.
Give us some links about what crooks democrats are. In the meantime here's a link from a few years ago about more crooked republicans. Doesn't include the latest linup of crooks like roger stone, or manafort or cohen etc, Then there's duncan hunter who had the seat in san diego and is heading for prison. His seat is the one once held by another republican who went to prison...duke cunningham. No, it's something about being a republican that brings out the worst in people. Now they're making a big deal out of going to church. Even this bucket of piss in the oval office will probably go to some type of service easter sunday. Such hypocrites.
Someone already posted your list in a different form. It's clearly bullshit. Only one from the Clinton adminstration? I myself have posted a list for Clinton that contains more than 40 names.

So you posted about clinton. So what? Does that mean he did something wrong? Other than lying about a b.j., republicans spent millions and years and years wasting their time on him.
It's a ridiculous thread. The idiot Kevin McCarthy said on FOX that the Select Committee had been able to knock some points off Clinton's ratings. That was the whole point. If it hadn't been election season, the whole email fiasco would have been treated as the minor no harm/no foul indiscretion it was.
So you are saying it is legal to destroy subpoenaed government documents?

That is so blatheringly stupid, I just want to make sure I am reading your text right, bec ause I find it hard to believe that even a Dimocrat can seriously believe that.
So you posted about clinton. So what? Does that mean he did something wrong? Other than lying about a b.j., republicans spent millions and years and years wasting their time on him.
Yeah, for Dimocrats perjury is just a tricky thing to maneuver, not a violation of the law or anything serious like that.

It's not like a REpublican did it or sumpin.

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