So forcing 150 million vax Americans to mask up.

Even if vaccinated you can contract the Delta variant of the virus and spread it while also dying from it.

I linked an article from Illinois showing two percent death rate from break through cases in Illinois, so the vaccine does help but does not stop the virus nor death from the virus in rare cases.

Now before you go all mental on me I am stating facts and in my opinion demanding the country to mask up will backfire but also I do know when school starts if this variant is as deadly as it can be and spreads as quickly as it seem, well then disaster is about to happen!
Yes, but the Brits and Israelis are saying something different than what we getting..................

To many lies out there to know what the truth is at this point.

I am still happy to have had the original virus--------------and survived. I've got better immunity than the vaxed group still.
Mad ?? Then go wear your mask until you drop dead like a good little red guard solider
Nobody is dying who is vax
It’s 1 out of like 100,000
You just wrote nobody is dying and then wrote it is 1out of 100k, so which is it?

People are dying and the mutations of the virus has shown a weakness to the Vaccine, so you can deny reality and live with your head in the sand but when someone write that no one dying who has been vaccinated and then write well one in a 100k tell me you are trying to spin shit!
Mad ?? Then go wear your mask until you drop dead like a good little red guard solider
Why can’t you hold a civil conversation?

Is it because you do not like the reality?

If so why don’t you do the entire world a favor and go hiking into those mountains you see now and never return…

I mean a loser like you can’t even change his own blinds for five years has no business mocking me…
You can mock my 2 yr old fixing skills is fine but I know more about most things than you will ever

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