So Biden steals the election, then says Trump's trying to steal the election.

Yes, you missed the parts where you lost the election and will believe anything you read on the internet that confirms your biases.
Did I miss anything ?

Both Dems. and Rhinos have stated there wasn't enough voter fraud to give President Trump the lead. Is that not acknowledging fraud? All of the people who voted for Biden should be happy, yet they continue to stalk and harass Trump supporters.
Did I miss anything ?

Both Dems. and Rhinos have stated there wasn't enough voter fraud to give President Trump the lead. Is that not acknowledging fraud? All of the people who voted for Biden should be happy, yet they continue to stalk and harass Trump supporters.

Thats actually the opposite of acknowledging massive fraud which is what was claimed by Dump. The only cases of fraud I have heard of were two republicans trying to vote twice. If there was this massive fraud then how come no evidence? Remember the commission Dump formed to investigate voter fraud? He found nothing then and has found nothing now to support his lies.

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